Algonquin Township Abolition Petition Challenge Hearing Postponed

The Algonquin Electoral Board, consisting of Supervisor Chuck Lutzow, Senior Trustee Dan Shea and Clerk Karen Lukasik met Friday morning.

Michael Cortina, attorney petitioning for killing the petition calling for a referendum to consolidate Algonquin into McHenry County was not ready to argue the motion to dismiss from Melilssa Sanchez-Fisher’s defending attorney Robert Hanlon.

Cortina was given until Tuesday at noon to file a response to the motion to strike the objection. 

Hanlon’s motion to disqualify the three township officials on the Electoral Board was denied.

Hanlon argued that since he had been the attorney against all three and had been denied attorney’s fees by others and two had already expressed opposition to a consolidation referendum, they should recuse themselves,


Charles Lutzow was also named as a defendant in McHenry County
Circuit Court cases bringing about personal animus towards Respondent’s Counsel. See Algonquin Township Road District v Lutzow (McHenry County Court Case # 19 LA 6 – alleging fraud and misappropriation of Road District assets), Gasser v Lutzow et al (Case #18 CH 411 against Lutzow in his official capacity), Gasser v Lukasik et al. (17 CH 435 seeking accounting and other remedies).

Karen Lukasik was also named as a defendant in Gasser v Lukasik et al. (17 CH 435) during that case Karen Lukasik attempted to exchange an official act of voluntary dismissal of her official claims in exchange for monetary compensation, her claims were dismissed by the
court on motion of Mr. Gasser. The Road District’s claims against Ms. Lukasik were voluntarily dismissed.

Karen Lukasik, and Dan Shea have publicly articulated animus towards Respondent’s counsel on numerous occasions. Mr. Shea having also voted against the lawful bills of respondents counsel submitted by the Highway Commissioner for payment.

Hanlon argues with that with this “articulated bias,” his clients were not guaranteed “a fair and impartial tribunal.”

Hanlon also pointed out that both Shea and Lutzow had already voted against such a referendum when former Trustee Rachael Lawrence presented the idea of dissolution of Algonquin Township.

The Electoral Board ruled unfavorably on Hanlon’s motion.

The hearing was continued to Tuesday, December 29th at 10:00 AM.

The log on for the continued hearing is shown below.

Topic: Algonquin Twp Electoral Board

Time: Dec 29, 2020 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

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Algonquin Township Abolition Petition Challenge Hearing Postponed — 19 Comments

  1. So, basically, student Cortina’s homework was incomplete.

    Teacher is giving him until over the weekend to finish his project for the class.

    I’ve never witnessed any Electoral Board reconstitute itself on objection.

    There isn’t anyone down there that hasn’t tangled with Hanlon, nor most times with any official and those challenging for office.

    But proper form to get it on record.


  2. Hanlon is the Road Dist attorney, isn’t his representation in conflict 9n this issue?

  3. Nob, Hanlon would only have a conflict if he represented more than one party in a particular action, for the most part.

    The fact he may have outstanding personal issues with Board members isn’t pertinent to the particular issue, though it does inform him about who he’s dealing with.

    Electoral Boards are usually the most senior elected officials (incumbents) sitting in judgement of their own challengers’ petitions and candidacies. That would be the most conflicting interest, yet isn’t easily avoidable.

    Kind of Wild West.


  4. Mello Monk nailed it!

    Cortina Is allowed the weekend to get his homework done.

    Unfortunately the time to do the homework is before you file an objection.

    Having read the motion to strike, the issue is on the ballot!

  5. With a gas bag like Kelly pulling the strings, the sham board will probably rule that Atty Hanlon is the missing 9/11 terrorist responsible for the WTC/Pentagon plane hits in 2001 and responsible for Covid along with Trump.

    Didn’t Lutzow have brain damage?

    Didn’t Lukasik hide records?

    Didn’t Shea put in a Bob Miller shrine in his garage that township loafers can come over and light candles to a 16×24 photo of the Miller Crime Family?

  6. Roger: right you are.

    However you forgot that the three wisemen on the board probably feel Hanlon is responsible for Hitler’s rise to power, the atrocities of the Third Reich, Judas’ betrayal of Christ, the dispute between Cane and Able, and Egypt’s enslavement of the Hebrews.

    Listening to the mindless statements of Lukasik in the hearing demonstrate she doesn’t even understand the procedure she adopted at the beginning of the hearing.

    How stupid is she?

    And she got enough votes to hold office.

  7. Frank – that seems to fit what the Miller Machine says about Hanlon.

    They also blame Andrew Gasser for cancer, the aids epidemic, the covid-19 virus, higher township taxes, carpet bagging, traffic jams, and the downfall of the world wrestling federation.

    It is laughable here in our subdivision where under Gasser did things that Miller promised us for years was completed in one term.

    The fact that a current employee of Gasser who lives in our neighborhood is passing petitions for Lee is beyond me.

    I don’t care if Gasser spent fighting the Miller regime.

    He cut taxes and made many road improvements.

  8. Jim Kelly is the best lawyer in the county.

    He knows the law.

    Hanlon way overcharges and is another deranged township hater who needs a wood-based shampoo.

    That petition should be tossed ASAP, the signatures are made up.

  9. The only thing Karen Lukasik has ever accomplished is she singlehandedly put an end to “Dumb blonde jokes”

  10. It is my understanding that specific signatures have to be challenged.

    So far, none have been.

  11. Since it’s being continued, will Cortina be allowed to amend the complaint and name specific signatures?

  12. I agree with Townships 4ever as this matter will be tossed and won’t make it to the ballot.

    If Franks and Kenneally are involved, they’re in it for personal reasons and their platitude of the month.

    These jackalope’s like to hear themselves talk and feel that they’re witty, fresh and relevant politicians.

    They’re obviously not and both pathetic in my opinion.

  13. Hoss “Wisenbaker” aka Jim Kelly, Esq., aka “the evil township gnome”, aka the malignant troll living under Burton’s Bridge, aka “TOI’s Man of Sin” aka Bob Miller’s Puppet Master, aka the Woodstock Ground Hog and Tryon, Shipley and Sager Stooge:

    Please refrain from using this blog as your personal Vendetta Box and propaganda organ to perpetuate your township pipe dreams.

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