McHenry County Sheriff’s Recruit Explains Why Greg Pyle Quit

Greg Pyle

The following comment has just appeared under the article about McHenry County Sheriff’s Department Sgt. Greg Pyle’s having being denied bail in the Federal charges he is facing:

“This guy was my FTO (Field Training Officer) when I was hired as a deputy with McHenry County.

“And he was exactly why I left the FTO program…when I was less than a week from completing the program.

“No, not a ‘wash-out’, just resigned after seeing the quality and ethics of many of the deputies.

“This guy, Pyle, and my next FTO were just plain strange.

“Pyle would actually drive around with the patrol windows down and his radio cranking rap music so loud that I had to ask him if I could turn down the radio to hear our calls (not to mention I was just plain embarassed!).

“He got mad and wrote me up that day for being ‘mouthy’.

“One deputy, whom I won’t name in this post, actually told me ‘You drive around while I sleep’; and he did just that.

“He also showed me the ‘napping spots’.

“He’s been promoted to Sergeant.

“I was disgusted…and this changed my view of law enforcement forever.”

Incidentally, McHenry County State’s Attorney Lou Bianchi’s fund raiser is Thursday night at Boulder Hill Country Club.

With all the people interested in law enforcement that attend, there should be some interesting conversations.

If previous fund raisers are any indications, those without reservations will be welcomed.


McHenry County Sheriff’s Recruit Explains Why Greg Pyle Quit — 6 Comments

  1. Cal, your readers need to read the following linked story. Pyle was in the Military, my tracking of Pyle, lead to some disturbing results indeed tied to US Military bases.

    Pyle had set up multiple email addresses and names to try to avoid being traced. Well, I traced them and the story below will give you some clues as to what I had discovered.

    Educate yourselves folks. Can anybody post as to how Pyle came to Sheriff Keith Nygren in the first place?

  2. As I have said before. extremely POOR lack of supervision from Nygren and Andy the clown.

    Andy is the undersheriff and has been around for sometime.

    He is supposed to know what is going on.

    That’s call accountability, once again this is so lacking in this department , and the clown what’s to be sheriff, wake up VOTERS.

  3. Law enforcement has some serious issues to fix in general.

    It’s a shame, because there are so many good officers in all the departments; the bad ones give the dedicated ones a bad name.

    The numbers of “bad ones”, unfortunately, is increasing.

    The Crystal Lake Police Department is the absolute worst.

    Now that that thug Eugene Lowery is gone, things should improve.

    Chief Linder is another bad apple who finally is leaving.

    These two were the cancer in the Department.

    Now, hopefully, the Crystal Lake PD will finally get cleaned out.

    Hopefully, merit will determine the leadership rather than just pleasing Nygren and City Hall.

    Nygren is the first bad guy who started the down spiral. What a shame.

    Keep the faith, good police officers. It’s really the politicians who let you down. They promote people who support them. Sad.

  4. That was a very nice piece of fiction written by an anonymous source.

    Hey, “Pyle-bad..I get it, but a story from some recruit running down a sargeant and tell me he had to quit because the department was so dirty … is just plain hilarious.

    Chances of that story being accurate … less than one percent.

  5. To “Watching”: Let’s raise the “chances of that story being accurate” by allowing me to provide an additional example of my FTO experience. I can’t use names…but the FTO that I’m writing about certainly knows this story.

    During the same FTO program (after “graduating” from Pyle’s training) I made an arrest of a verbally abusive suspect. My FTO insisted on driving as we transported the suspect back to post for processing. The suspect was handcuffed behind his back and placed in the back seat of the patrol car. During transport, my FTO randomly slammed on the brakes which threw the suspect against the metal divider between the front and back seats of the the patrol car. I had already called in that I was transporting an UNINJURED suspect; we arrived with an injured suspect that was bleeding from his nose, forehead, and lip. The receiving corrections officer recognized the inconsistency of the “uninjured” call and the obviously injured suspect. The FTO flat out lied and gave me the look of “go along with the story…or else”. Thankfully, I didn’t have to lie, they never asked me. But, for the next few weeks I felt sick to my stomach wondering when the day would come that the suspect would sue the county and I would have to choose sides.

    I’m not saying that all McHenry County Deputies are bad; in fact, many are outstanding law enforcement officers, but McHenry County lacks the proper resources for deputies to make complaints without the fear of retaliation. My fear of retaliation was justified as this FTO was also promoted to Sergeant.

    Believe if you want; enjoy the “fictional” entertainment if not.

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