Highlights of Peter Roskam’s Remarks on Fox News’ Gretta Van Susteren Show

Congressman Peter Roskam’s press office sent this summary of what he said on Gretta Van Susteren’s show last night:

Roskam on the Oversold Benefits of the Health Care Law

WASHINGTON — Congressman Peter Roskam (IL-06) appeared on FOX News’ On the Record with Greta Van Susteren last night to discuss a new study that revealed a majority of Americans may not enroll for insurance under the health care law because of the increased costs.

Peter Roskam is interviewed on Gretta Van Susteren's show.

Peter Roskam is interviewed on Gretta Van Susteren’s show.

To watch the video, click here.

On What Happens If 64 Percent of Americans Don’t Sign Up for Health Care

“The whole premise of ObamaCare is that it’s going to be all these healthy people coming in and paying a higher premium and playing a more active role. If they don’t participate, then you run into the same old problem. And the problem actually gets exacerbated. So costs go up, few people have coverage and this is, I think, all of the false premise of ObamaCare. During the campaign to pass it, the president was basically pumping sunshine. He was over-characterizing the possibilities. He said that rates were gonna go down, they’re not going down, they’re going up.”

Americans Could Be Forced Into ObamaCare Exchanges

“So this becomes a highly manipulated system then. The federal regulators have to come up and they’ve got to say, ‘well obviously we need to increase the penalty. We need to increase the adverse impact of not joining our pool.’ And so you get to this point where, all of the sudden, folks are beginning to say, ‘hey, I’m being forced into this system and my costs are going up. I thought this was going to be a benefit.’ And it begins to unravel.”

Scandal-Ridden IRS Will Be Enforcing Healthcare Law Penalties

“You can’t make this up. If a Hollywood script writer came up to you and said that the very institution that is poised to enforce an incredibly intrusive thing that is personal healthcare for each individual American. They are now under fire for manipulating and targeting people based on their political beliefs. That is so unseemly and so difficult that it’s hard to get your head around.”

Administration Running Out of Time to Implement State Exchanges

“The administration was clearly slow-walking these regulations because they didn’t want this out in the context of a political campaign. So, avoidance, avoidance, avoidance. Push it off until after the election. And now they’re trying to jam it through in a collapsing period of time and they’re not ready.”


Highlights of Peter Roskam’s Remarks on Fox News’ Gretta Van Susteren Show — 4 Comments

  1. Why don’t the republicans suggest universal healthcare and I am sure they would increase their popularity.

    If there are problems with Obamacare, fix them don’t try to repeal or criticize just.

    And where are all the jobs republicans bellowed about before the last congressional election?

  2. Like everything else in this administration – it’s just illegal!

  3. I agree.

    We should just throw our hands in the air and give up on doing anything about healthcare costs that have been rising for 30 plus years.

    Said, no one ever.

  4. There are excellent experiments in health care the world over.

    All of them have varying degrees of success and failure.

    The difficulty with ObamaCare is Obama is wholly unqualified to lead a parade let alone a complete overhaul of a health care system.

    Then, completely ignoring experts all over the world, our President forces a hodgepodge of horror through an ignorant and corporately bought off Congress(paid for with a wink and a nod from AARP and all the insurance providers who now have a mandate to pillage) at the expense of the producers in this nation.

    This comes at a time when our GDP is at a crawl, our debt is at an all time high(and climbing at an exponential rate) and citizen discontent is described by all time high mistrust of our government.

    While other nations have made wholesale health care changes due to excellent social and/or economic timing along with cultural will our President chooses to tell the American People they are just too stupid to understand what he is trying to do.

    To add insult to injury he adds multiple social engineering experiments and direct constitutional challenges to his unfocused leadership approach.

    While others throughout history have fought their entire lives for social justice particular to equal access to health care, or have spent years investing in research to find the best path for their nation as it regards to the same, Obama thinks so highly of himself he feels he can actually successfully tackle this subject competently while attacking foundational American values.

    I love him.

    He makes us all question whether we ever want to have this sort of person in the Presidential Office ever again and he motivates even the completely unmotivated and uninvolved citizen to try to be involved in their community.

    He also teaches each and every true citizen their only protection from an over reaching government is involvement backed with the steel in the words written in The Declaration of Independence.

    Ever the Community Organizer, all hail our Organizer in Chief!

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