McHenry County Government Has Third Highest Average Salary

The Illinois Campaign for Political Reform has calculated average salaries paid by Illinois county governments.

McHenry County came in third highest:

Ten Counties with the Highest “Average Salary” for Employees


McHenry County Government Has Third Highest Average Salary — 16 Comments

  1. If they would have included average years of service and average full time equivalents the data would be more meaningful.

  2. Total county payroll cost per resident. The order spend has changed some.Boone with lowest average wages is fourth highest in spending per resident. Kane residents are the big winners.

    Cook $330
    Lake $227
    Boone $220
    McHenry $213
    Randolph $190
    DuPage $181
    Madison $169
    Will $165
    Kendall $153
    Kane $124

    How about you show us costs for the major departments, like Trans and Sheriff depts wage costs per resident?

  3. Thanks undisputed tax fighter!

    Let’s begin by lowering our Mchenry County Sheriff’s office salaries.

    Did I hear a second?

  4. Apples and oranges.

    McHenry County average wages are greatly reduced due to pay levels a Valley Hi.

    True comparison would have to be at the detail level and include ALL benefits.

    Remember, the heaviest burden on taxpayers are the teachers, firemen and police with their guaranteed pensions!!

  5. Fat cat rats!

    Connect the dots is right on, the McHenry figures are skewed ….

    take out all the low payee employees.

    McHenry could well end up the highest average entity per capita.

  6. You realize that most of the Sheriff’s employees’ salaries are determined by union contract, right?

  7. Exactly right! Union contracts mean well paid public and private employees.

    Are we against that?

    Wait a minute, this is McHenry county, home of republican nonsense.

    Do you hear it coming?

    It is the 2018 wave…

  8. All or most of the counties on that list are union shops to some extent.

    A by dept comparison to other counties would shed more like on if we are above or below average.

    Cook Co has a hospital, that has to drive up costs per resident.

    Since Sheriff and Trans are the big two, why not run those fingers against other counties so we can compare Cal?

  9. I really don’t swallow that population figure.

    The illegals number about 40,000, but that’s down bc Illinois and the county’s economies are on slo-mo collapse.

    The real figure is about 280,000, incl. the illegals who aren’t really covered by the ten year and special censuses …… the school enrollment (and crime statistics) proves that.

  10. I’d like to point out “HIGHEST GOVERNMENT” salary, while the common man can barely stay alive due to TAXES! which have to pay these salaries…

  11. Median household income is $77k; and we know most households have at least 2 incomes.

    Glad to see that county government is at $58k average salary when everyone collectively is at $38.5k.

    They pull that average up by killing us in taxes.

    Average county salary should not surpass average collective salary by so much.

  12. Median household income in Woodstock is only $57,000.

    Per capita income has decreased in the past decade.

    Very smart catch about backing out the many extremely low Valley Hi CNA salaries, that would raise the average significantly.

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