Peter Janko Attacks Personal PAC’s Intervention in Democratic Primary with Brian Sager

From Mike Madigan opponent Peter Janko:

Personal PAC, if “Facts Matter”, Let’s Get It Right.

Personal PAC spent thousands of dollars on two mailers in the in Illinois House District 63 Democratic Primary that may derail a women’s rights activist’s run for State Representative.

I take no pleasure in calling out an organization that fights for women’s rights. Yet, Personal PAC spent thousands of dollars sending out not one, but two misleading mailers clearly intended to  scare voters into believing that a vote for anyone but my opponent in the Democratic Primary is a vote against women’s rights.

FACT:  Every dollar spent on misleading mailers in the March 17th Primary is a dollar that will not be there actually protecting women’s reproductive rights and healthcare against incumbent Republican Steve Reick in the November 3rd General Election, where it actually counts.

My Rebuttal: The True Facts

Everyone that knows me personally, knows what I have stood for my entire life

Anyone that visits my candidate page, that Googles me or my hashtag  #pete4illinois, or looks up Peter Janko and #pete4illinois on Facebook can clearly see what I have been fighting for.

I am a lifelong activist/organizer and lifelong progressive Democrat. I began working toward a better planet in my teens by getting involved in the Civil Rights Movement, the Women’s Equality Movement, the Vietnam War protests, and the Ecology Movement (predecessor to today’s environmentalism).

Peter Janko has been fighting for womens’ causes for over 50 years.

Peter Janko fights for Womens Rights 1

 More Photos: Second Annual Women’s March Chicago on Facebook

More Photos: Women’s March Fox Valley 2019 on Facebook

I believe that Medicare for All is the only way to assure that ALL women, and not just those that can afford it, receive the healthcare that women, children, and men need.

Peter Janko is leader and co-founder of Medicare for All Northern Illinois, an education and outreach chapter of Our Revolution.

Peter believes that no one should die or go bankrupt because they cannot afford proper healthcare.

More Photos: Sycamore Pumpkin Festival Parade on Facebook

More Photos: Chicago Rally: Our Lives on the Line! on Facebook

I believe that women want and need good, well paying jobs and that they deserve to be compensated equally as a man performing the same job.

Peter Janko has been fighting for women’s equality for over five decades. Peter believes that labor unions have been on the forefront of pay equity for women. Fighting for worker’s rights is fighting for women.

More Photos U.S. Mail Is Not For Sale! on Facebook

More Photos Chicago Teachers Union Labor Rally on Facebook

Peter Janko fights for Workers Rights 3

AFSCME wins NIU Contract

I believe that the women with the greatest healthcare challenges tend to be minorities and immigrants.

I am a war refugee who was brought to the United States at the age of 4 on a converted troop ship. I have experienced first-hand anti-immigrant discrimination and harassment as a young child growing up in Chicago. Even so, I cannot begin to imagine what today’s immigrants and refugees go through, as when I arrived, they did not put kids in cages. Never forgetting that we are all immigrants, Peter fights for immigrant rights.

Peter Janko fights for Immigrant Rights 1

More Photos Families Belong Together – Chicago March on Facebook

Peter Janko fights for Immigrant Rights 2

      More Photos Families Belong Together DeKalb on Facebook

So my question to Personal PAC President and CEO Terry Cosgrove is,

“Do I, Peter Janko, look like someone that is a threat to women’s reproductive rights?”

Make no mistake, I firmly believe that Personal PAC is free to endorse any candidate it wishes.

On the other hand, I do not believe that Personal PAC has the right to mislead voters in the 63rd House District.

Personal PAC Falsehoods

The Real Facts

  1. The Illinois 63rd House District Democratic primary election WILL NOT “determine if abortion remains safe and legal in Illinois…”
  2. The Illinois 63rd House District Democratic primary election WILL NOT “determine if reproductive health care is protected in Illinois…”
  3. The Illinois 63rd House District Democratic primary election WILL NOT “determine if Planned Parenthood can continue to provide Illinois women with the health care they need and deserve…”
  4. Republican Steve Reick is the current State Representative. He is unopposed in the March 17th Primary. It is the November 3rd General Election that is critical to womens’ reproductive rights.
  5. If the two candidates in the Democratic Primary are Peter Janko, a women’s right activist for 5 decades, and Personal PAC’s favored candidate, it would appear that women’s rights are not in jeopardy in the March 17th primary as Personal PAC tries to mislead voters into believing.

FACT:  Every dollar spent on misleading mailers in the March 17th Primary is a dollar that will not be there actually protecting women’s reproductive rights and healthcare against incumbent Republican Steve Reick in the November 3rd General Election where it actually counts.


Peter Janko Attacks Personal PAC’s Intervention in Democratic Primary with Brian Sager — 7 Comments

  1. Welcome to the Democrat Party Mr. Janko.

    A few big bosses control everything.

    You don’t stand a chance.

  2. Brian Sager Is not even a Democrat.

    What the hell are people thinking?

    He is, however, a deceitful glad-handing opportunist who did a terrible job as the Republican mayor of Woodstock.

    Just look at the condition of the town.

    Sager is a wind bag.

    By contrast, Peter Janko is a decent, effective and honorable man who will help drain the McHenry County swamp.

  3. He seems taken aback that abortionists behaved in a dishonest, unethical way.

    Fool him once… you know the thing.

  4. Pasko is a pinko.

    Sager is Full Lavender! -A member in high standing of the Sodomite Mafia.

    Why he brought Woodstock its very own Gay “Pride” Parade.

    It was for the kids, Sager said. But was it to get kids?

  5. Another politician incorrectly referring to a woman’s right to an abortion as “Reproductive Rights.

    Women who choose an abortion, the killing of an infant in the womb, are using “Destructive Rights” granted by the US Courts to do so. Destruction of a human life.

    Women who are pregnant who then follow through with what nature and God intended and allow their infant babies to be born are truly REPRODUCING the human race. These are the ONLY women who use “Reproductive Rights” granted by God and nature.

  6. Panko got PersonalPAC pranko….. and then he got spanko.

    Sorry Panko, you got cranko Sager on your back.

    watch out, now go back to your libtard friends and cry about how you were knifed in the back after being a loyal cultural Marxist for many years.

    Yes, Pablo, Satan does devour his own children…. didn’t Goya paint it once?

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