Lakewood Village Board Approves Firing of Police Chief

In a meeting designed to limit in person attendance at RedTail Golf Club, four of six Trustees of the Lakewood Village Board approved Village President Phil Stephan’s firing of Police Chief Todd Richardson.

Richardson was not in the meeting room, but, with his wife, in the rest of the clubhouse.

Richardson said he had no immediate comment, but would have one after conferring with his attorney.

Stephan presented a two-page memo to Trustees before the vote, but after Attorney Michael Smoren read the report his law firm colleague Brad Stewart tried to read from a remote location.

Brad Stewart was inaudible.

Steward could not be heard by those in the back of the RedTail dining room, which led to at least a ten minute delay in the meeting as people tried to get Zoom working adequately.

The thirteen-page report entitled, “Initial Findings of Disciplinary Investigation of Police Chief Todd Richardson,” concluded that Richardson violated sections of the Lakewood Personnel Policy and one section of the Village Code, as stated below:

Michael Smoren
  • “[V]erbally abusing residents, citizens, municipal officials, fellow employees, or any member of the general public.”
  • “Intimidating or coercing residents, citizens, municipal officials, fellow employees, or any member of the public through physical or verbal threats. Using vile, intemperate, or abusive language, or acting in a disrespectful manner to any resident, municipal officials, fellow employee or any member of the general public.”
  • Insubordination or refusal of a direct work order or assignment.”
  • “Disruptive attitude or abusive language which is detrimental to the service, programs, and operation of the Village.”
  • “Misconduct or impropriety of similar serious to those to those items listed above.”
  • “It shall be the duty of every member of the Police Department to conduct himself in a proper and law abiding manner, at all times, and to avoid the use of unnecessary force. Each member of the department shall obey the orders and directions of his superior.”

Attorney Stewart concluded that Richardson “committed 33 violations of Village polices during April, May and July,” which Stewart concluded was “sufficient cause for termination.” [Emphasis in the original.]

He also laid out what should happen if Richardson were not fired.

The Village President two-page letter entitled, “Written Charges Against Todd Richardson/Removal from Office and Termination of Employment by the Village” was given to the five Trustees in the room

Stephan stated,”I have no choice.”

A motion was immediately made to adjourn and passed unanimously.

In public comment, which came after Smoren read his firm’s report on Richardson, Trustee Ryan Berman took about ten minutes to establish bases for his call for Trustee Amy Odom and Bryan Younge to resign.

A woman whose first name I think was “April” laid down, via Zoom, a counterpoint to the charges against Richardson.

She charged there was “a double standard,” which, if the standard being applied to Richardson were applied to Stephan, Smoren and Berman, all should turn in their resignations.

She said they had “violated the Employee Handbook,” specifically pointing to Stephan’s “yelling at employees and taxpayers” on May 4th.

She noted that Stephan was “paying half the taxes as your neighbors” and asked for discipline and that he “undergo the same treatment as Richardson,” referring to the part of the report that laid out remediation Richardson should undergo, if not terminated.

“I’m just disgusted,” she concluded.

Trustee Doug Olrich confronted by a citizen.

As I left the clubhouse, I had to contend with dueling cell phones, one held by a resident, the other by a Trustee.

Seventeen people, including eight officials were in the RedTail meeting room. There was one empty seat.

About ninety attended via Zoom.

= = = = =

Bryan Young writes, “Neither Amy nor I were at the meeting because we do not acknowledge it as being legal.” [See comments for notice stature being relied upon.]


Lakewood Village Board Approves Firing of Police Chief — 50 Comments

  1. What a poor example of a Trustee we have in Bryan Younge.

    You were elected and regardless of how you feel, you need to show up to meetings.

    Could have had this open and in the public earlier this week but you screwed that up.

    Saw your wife frantically writing notes claiming that they were holding up Zoom on purpose.

    Called that excuse from you earlier this week.

    Class act with the flipping off and cussing on the video feed.

    Resign before you get signs in the neighborhood.

    I will fund and print them just like you did.

  2. I personally attended the meeting and I find it very interesting that trustees Younge and Odem were not in attendance, personally or virtually.

    I wonder if they may have been on virtually since they were commenting about the happenings during the meeting on social media, but did not announce their presence.

    Since they did not announce their attendance, they were considered absent and apparently prohibited from voting on any agenda items.

    That is even more interesting.

    Why did they choose not to participate?

    Were they concerned about being in a position to have their vote on Richardson’s termination being officially recorded?

    If so, why?

    To the author of the above post:

    1. I think your above account of the meeting may be a bit inaccurate and misleading. I don’t recall a vote on Richardson’s termination. You write “Stephan states “I have no choice”, a motion was made, and without discussion, passed unanimously”.

    Instead I recall our president stating that the result of Richardson’s actions left him no choice but to terminate his employment.

    Any reasonable, respectable person who listened to the findings of the investigation would agree.

    Quite different than what you have reported.

    2. You report the one public comment in support of Richardson, which by the way, in my opinion, was an adolescent attempt to divert the attention away from Richardson’s actions.

    However, you failed to report that there were multiple public comments that expressed support for the termination of Richardson, based on the findings of the investigation.

    3. You also failed to mention the multiple public comments calling for the resignation of Trustees Younge and Odem.

    4. Again, you failed to report on the public sharing of the relatively nasty, and certainly unprofessional emails from Trustees Younge and Odem, in which, residents and village employees were disparaged.

    5. Regarding your report of leaving the clubhouse and having “to contend with dueling cell phones, one held by a resident, the other by a Trustee.”

    I believe the gentleman in the grey and white shirt is the trustee to which you are referring.

    I don’t recall the other gentleman (wearing red shirt in your picture) being in the meeting………is he really a resident, as you have indicated?

    I think you may know the answer, if not, you should since you are reporting that he is a resident. If I am wrong about this, please correct me.

    6. Finally, I appreciate your attempt to educate those that were unable to attend.

    However, I would appreciate it even more if you could please try harder to be more inclusive of the facts in a less bias manner…….it would greatly benefit our community.

  3. Looks like Richardson will be filing a law suit and winning against Lakewood and the Trustees.

    Hopefully he doesn’t hire someone with Pat Kenneally’s legal skills as he couldn’t find his ass in the dark with a flashlight.

  4. This sounds like the “modus operandi” of Aaron Shepley and Crystal Lake City Council assorted flunkies, lackey’s and turds assembled under his “leadership”.

    Is it contagious?

    Is Slapdick Shipley still alive?

    Perhaps Wing nut Kenneally can remove his thumbs from his Big Keaster for a minute and look into it or actually refer it to someone who wants to actually uphold the laws of society.

  5. Trustee Younge –

    you have been weighed…

    you have been measured…

    and you have been found wanting.


  6. This is an absurd circus.

    The so called “report” showed a clear bias towards the removal of Richardson and failed to stick to any factual findings.

    It should have been written in crayon.

    And it’s ironic how such a high standard is held for this Chief by a clerk that was practically fired from her last job, and a Village president that not only picked a fight with said Chief, but once even got the cops called on him because he was chasing down a school bus driver.

    And now he enjoys a property tax bill that is half of what it should be.

    It’s also great to see some of the Trustees just play along with all this.

    Good to see they have no spine.

  7. Grafting taxpayer – how is it a biased report?

    He either did or did not do those things.

    It was proven that he did.

    If he told a resident that they may not respond to an emergency call from him then he deserves to be fired.

    If your argument is that other people have issues so he shouldn’t be fired for this, that’s ridiculous.

    The small contingent of annoying people who continue to disrupt Village business has been squarely beaten. Anyone reading the report would agree that he needs to be fired.

    The ridiculous things the 15 or so people continue to spout are all just opinions backed by emotions.

    These findings are fact.


    Move on.

  8. This expensive HOA shouldn’t even exist.

    There are two opposing narratives, if not more.

    It’s main stream media-ites vs truth.

    Dissolve into CLK already.

  9. How is my analysis poor?

    If the police chief would not respond to an emergency call due to a political stance, that is clear cause for termination.

  10. John, do your thoughts on the chief equally apply to the president, CAO and rest of board and staff?

    If it applies to all who serve us, then Smith, Stephan, Ulrich and Berman should be gone too and not based on opinion but on facts of video, audio, staff, emails and texts, complaints from staff and residents.

    It’s not too hard to see there is more evidence against that list than the chief.

    The entire board, CAO, and attorney should go and if they can’t be replaced with competent trustworthy people, annexation in Crystal Lake should happen.

  11. Ryan & Phil & Others-

    I would assume there would be More Legal action.

    I think it probably will have teeth.

    I also worry that someone will get hurt in the village as Traffic laws are not being followed…. and passions are high– there was almost a confrontation last night outside that Cal captured.

    Also, There are like 20 pages of concerns that have not been answered which were delivered to the Board this past summer.

    Personalities aside.

    The 3 social media groups with more than 150 people seem to be much more than a small group… …I looked at the straw poll survey that Steve ran its it has like 100 people– that have been verified via residency.

    Then, there is te stand alone website– — dedicated to the entire Village leadership– which includes documentation and questions about allegations of severe wrongdoing.

    I don’t like it.

    Last night after the meeting there was a heated exchange (above referenced) and it had nothing to do with village business– but rather the Village president’s tax Bill which according the gentleman with the flag shirt is 7k.

    I looked it up on Zillow and what is listed supports that.

    This is all bad.

    And the fact that other trustees have business in the Real Estate and Banking areas– they must be concerned — this all seems very mucked up.

    But I don’t think it is close to being over.

    I think its just the start.

    Now I care greatly about First Responders and ALL of THOSE that work for the Village.

    I make no bones about it.

    After 9 11 in NYC I learned just how much these people care for their fellow neighbor.

    Every employee should be treated with respect.

    and a 40-44% turnover is extremely high in my opinion.

    In my opinion–There has been no respect in the village over the past couple of months– from the leadership down and that makes for a bad community.

    When kids fishing on a turnburry get hassled by a cop in uniform– its bad.

    When people are screaming at each other- its bad.

    When initimidation happens in the village its bad.

    I think this is just the start of an even worse chapter for this village and I don’t think it will be handled well by anyone.

    But what about the kids?

    How long before someone gets hurt.

    I asked Phil at a recent meeting about saftey– and a Speed Sign was suggested.

    The sheriff’s office recently issued a warning that a white car almost killed a woman walking her dog in McHenry County and that all should be villigant about their safety.

    We need to take care of business in a better way.

  12. I try to be fair. All I ask for is specific proof and I would stand on the side of what I feel is right.

    There are no formal employee complaints.

    Claim all you want, but there are none.

    The employees who Younge noted in his findings were contacted and chose not to respond.

    One even refuted the claims.

    Now that is closed.

    I have a business.

    You investigate, follow up, and then respond accordingly.

    You don’t keep bringing it up after it’s over and clinging to it like that is honorable in the hope someone will recant and then claim something.

    This is like hoping the Village will get sued.

    The complaints from the 15 yelling maniacal residents are all opinion because they hate the responses they’ve gotten.

    I’ve seen their hostility first hand.

    I’ve seen it firsthand at the meetings – foul language, aggressive posturing, constant interruptions, and the like.

    All by these same residents.

    You are by no means the majority.

    I am on that Facebook page.

    They are so proud of this last supposed vote of confidence on the board.

    It’s just them.

    There are almost 4000 residents.

    There are almost 700 members of that group.

    Only 100 responses.

    That’s because the rest think they are lunatics.

    Even the vast majority of the people in the group refuse to participate.

    That’s because they don’t want to be involved in such behavior.

    They are there laughing at this silly behavior.

    Younge needs to resign and stop this nonsense.

  13. Bryane, Phil, Ryan and Amy were all asked to resign last night…

    The Trustees didn’t really “prove it” With the whole State AG nonsense against Younge.

    The State AG sent his response back.

    The trustees voted and made claims — but where is the police action?

    I mean– don’t you think that was handled poorly??

    It comes across as nothing more that cheap tactic to weaken Younge’s claims.

    Two Board members have raised serious concerns in the press only to have Ryan argue in the same press that it was just one and that the claims were bogus.

    But then– other citizens filed more FOIA doc’s and became more engaged…

    All of this stemmed from Phil screaming at the former chief in the parking lot.

    Last night they cited that as an infraction.

    Not to mention The 9 page Doc. That Cal has been focusing on — has not been answered.

    Why are two trustees so adamant that there are real problems when the current trustees seem to be really dropping the ball with the basics?

    If anything Younge and Odem seem like they are credible.

    And now– the whole Tax Question about Phil Raises eyebrows.

    All the village residents want is some transparency and some answers to serious questions.

  14. I say make Aor the police Chief.

    He can prance around and wear four stars, just like a big general as many police chiefs and sheriffs.

    Some are modest and only wear 3 stars.

    Do any wear 1 or 2 stars ?

  15. John and some others seem to think this all started and will end with Brian Younge. What nonsense!

    This will remain the same or get worse whether Brian is on the board or not.

    It’s not just a few residents, it’s many.

    It’s plenty to show the village government is a mess.

    Is Phil a good president?

    Is Janine a good leader of staff? Are the board members good representation of the community?

    Are the staff happy and doing a good job because they feel supported?

    I know the answers to these and they have little to do with Brian Younge.

    Get rid of them all and start over.

    If not possible or people don’t want to step up and serve properly, merge with Crystal Lake.

  16. Horace – have no idea what you’re even trying to say.

    Makes no sense.

    All I ask is that Younge resigns.

    Enough is enough.


  17. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Wake me up when something good happens!

    And morons want to cancel townships when villages rip off the taxpayers like this?

  18. John Aor, you are exactly right.

    The Younge and Odem team needs to move on!

    All of them, whether 15 or 100.

    Get over yourselves!

    Let our elected and appointed leadership do the work of the village!

  19. Without taking away from all that appears wrong with the actions this board has taken,
    If Odom and Younge were in fact not physically present at this meeting to speak up for, and on behalf of the chief and the Lakewood residents who are rightfully concerned, they are shameful!

    If they can’t show up for a meeting of this importance, they absolutely should resign and make room for people who give a s*** enough to show up.

  20. Alg Voter – CAO Smith and President Stephan did not properly notice the meeting to the corporate authorities.

    65 ILCS 5/3.1-35-10 states: “Except where otherwise provided by statute, the mayor or president may remove any officer appointed by the mayor or president under this Code, on any written charge, whenever the mayor or president is of the opinion that the interests of the municipality demand removal. The mayor or president shall report the reasons for the removal to the corporate authorities at a meeting to be held not less than 5 nor more than 10 days after the removal.”

    This meeting was announced with 48 hours notice.

    They simply can not follow any rules.

    You don’t think it was planned?

  21. **The Younge and Odem team needs to move on! … Let our elected and appointed leadership do the work of the village!**

    LOL – let our elected leadership do the work.

    Uh, wait, not that elected leaership.

  22. Don’t be ridiculous.

    Younge lives in the neighborhood and was clearly seen next to his wife as she was flipping off and cussing out the camera.

    You are ridiculous for even suggesting he couldn’t attend.

    He needs to resign.

    He didn’t even bother to come to the meeting.


    Time to resign.

  23. And to clarify – it was Younge and Odom who declared “point of order!”

    And stopped the first meeting.

    They need to resign.

  24. Wow, some of this commentary has gotten funny.

    John Aor, you seem OK with how there were no formal complaints.

    Never mind that the people in charge of complaints…WERE THE PEOPLE EVERYONE HAD PROBLEMS WITH.

    And this so called “investigation” of the Chief was again, run by the same people and their hand picked lawyer.

    rely any proper due process, and the Chief gets railroaded out.

    You’re OK with that?

    If a neutral, 3rd party had investigated and concluded this about the Chief, that would be one thing.

    That is not what happened here.

    And who cares if there is a small or large contingent.


    Have you seen some of the paperwork posted on this blog?

    You are OK with that?

    You don’t smell a rat?

    Everyone should just fall behind the President and the Clerk like a couple of spineless guppies?

    Or even the Village President seeing his assessment drop by nearly half, thus cutting his tax bill to under $7k.

    Just to be clear, he got one of the biggest drops IN ALL OF the 20,000 PROPERTY GRAFTON TOWNSHIP.

    You don’t think something like that should be questioned?

    Man this is so comedic…

  25. This is too easy Grafton taxpayer.

    Younge gave names of supposed employees with complaints.

    They were contacted and chose not to respond AND one refuted said claims.

    That is a fact.

    That is not made up info.

    So no complaints.

    You cannot possibly argue that fact.

  26. Why would anyone think of filing a claim with your kangaroo court unless they are part of your club?

    The rules are different every single time.

    Did you follow proper notice procedures to remove the Chief?

    No, you did not.

    I heard Phil Stephan threaten the police chief on tape, yet not even as much as a slap on the wrist.

    Again, why would anyone think the Village would do what’s right?

  27. O, John Aor is actually Ryan Berman.

    Now his comments make sense.

  28. One of the employees refuted You he’s complaint.

    Said it didn’t happen.

    How can you possibly argue that.

    Again – said nothing happened.

    Younges account of an incident was wrong.

    That’s what an employee said.

    Cmon man.

  29. You are ignoring video evidence and took NO action.

    How is that possible?

    Also, there is a letter from an ex-employee regarding Phil Stephen’s sexually harassing comments.

    Again ignored!

    “Cmon man”!

  30. What is that employees name and where is that letter?

    Is that a secret letter that we just “know” exists?

    One item at a time please.

    Three employees noted in Younges report.

    All three employees declined to be a part of this.

    One says the story was fabricated.

    That means the employee claims are false.

    That’s it.

    It’s done.

    And for the record….it is done now.

    Once they deny the claims it is over.

    Video evidence of Phil over reacting.


    Saw it and don’t necessarily disagree.

    Just with the police chief.

    Wouldn’t remove anyone over something like that.

    I agree that it was a little heated.

  31. Directly from the NW Herald: “Multiple Lakewood and RedTail Golf Club employees have come forward to both the Northwest Herald and the Village Board to say that Stephan and Smith have made the village a hostile work environment through name-calling, intimidation and inappropriate comments. Stephan previously has denied these allegations.

    Runge said Smith and Stephan have violated the same policies they are accusing the police chief of breaking, for which he was terminated.”

    “I am just so completely miffed by the double standards that exist in our government,” she said.

  32. Wait. I thought that BLUE LIVES MATTER?

    What a joke you all are in this village.

    Why is this not part of Crystal Lake at this point?

  33. The NE Herald article was written because Younge and his few screaming fans called the paper and gave those statements.

    Again – I don’t have to prove the facts

    They’ve already been proven.

    How about just one question – how do you explain the employee that says Younges account was factually inaccurate and refuted his claim?

    She said it’s not true.

    How do you explain that?

  34. Dissolve Lakewood. Let Cl, Lake in Hills and Huntley figure out how to annex pieces of Lakewood and do away with all of the nonsense of the present Lakewood structure. We need polls from residents of Lakewood asking if they would be better off under the COMPETENT administrations of CL, Lake in Hills or Huntley.

  35. Another positive of Lakewood dissolving and being annexed into CL, Lake in Hills and Huntley is that the McHenry County Blog would be slimmed down with no ridiculous articles from Lakewood.

    What would it take for citizens of Lakewood to agree to become citizens of the fine communities of CL, Lake in Hills, Huntley?

    Is any polling being done on this matter?

  36. @Columbo

    Thanks for clarifying.

    I wasn’t sure if AOR was his real name or just an abbreviation for “A**hole On Rampage”

    I guess either works if it’s Berman

  37. John Aor, as expected you didn’t really respond to the premise that the two key individuals controlled the complaint process and railroaded the chief out of town.

    Or how there appears to be severe issues with how Lakewood is run.

    You cherry pick certain items to try and back your argument.

    Then again, that’s what sheeple do.

  38. This last post is not mine. Can’t win an argument t without facts so you create a fake account and then claim I am a board member? What a joke. This is what’s wrong with some people. I did not right that comment above.

  39. Lakewood board in the remake movie of the Wizard of Oz


    Mayor of Munchkin Land – Phil

    The cowardly lion – Doug

    The tin man – Crying Ryan

    The scarecrow – Michael

    The wicked with – Jeannie

    The wizard – John

  40. John Aor, you talk in circles. Using certain verbage and avoiding answering certain questions to change the narrative. Very Bermanesque of you.

    Complaints are complaints.

    You continue to ignore that there were still complaints regarding very poor and harassing behavior by the people in charge.

    Some of this behavior caught on video which has never been addressed publicly.

    Could care less if “written” or not.

    I assume Younge gave a written report of the names and what the complaints were from all employees. Employees apparently chose NOT to respond to the trustee that no one trusts, due to the fear of losing their jobs and or retaliation.

    Case in point, the police chief.

    So case closed right? Nothing to see here? Why didnt the attorneys reach out and conduct the investigation?

    Why did a fellow trustee with possible biased intentions conduct the investigati

    Aren’t “written” negative resignation letters also more complaints?

    And why did all those employees resign?

    How many was it again?

    This whole thing was handled poorly from the start.

    Your truth is different than my and many others truth.

    We can agree to disagree.

    You are not going to change everyones opinions here.

    So why does a few peoples opinions matter so much to you?

  41. The few maniacal people are causing the village to stop doing any meaningful work.

    Instead of focusing on real issues and solutions, the meetings are now occupied by a few aggressive crazies.

    We should focus on real problems and not some Trustee drama.

    At this point it’s already over except that Younge and Odom are still on the Board.

    I don’t think they are bad people at all.

    I just think they are over the top in trying to promote their agenda.

    Doesn’t seem like they are happy with anything.

    They should resign and try to be happy neighbors.

    Can’t even imagine how unhappy they must be right now living here after all this.

    In a few months they will all be gone and maybe we can start over.

    That’s fine by me.

    In the meantime, let’s try to get something done at the Village.

  42. Normal business…. these issues are consuming because of all that Stephan, Smith, Berman and Ulrich have done.

    How much time and money have we paid for phil and Janine to talk to the attorney almost daily?

    This is fact!

    It’s not because of Younge and Odom, it’s cover their ass.

    Are leaders ultimately responsible? What does Younge have to do with the Chief?

    What does Younge have to do with the 100 residents that were at Turnberry and so many more that stay low because of retribution?

    Phil, Ryan, Janine and Doug should resign just on how they intimidate residents.

    Every time someone says something to the board, Ryan has to read a novel to the community disparaging that person while claiming victim.

    Am I the only one who sees this?

  43. John Aor

    How do you know Chief Richardson won’t respond to an emergency?

    Did you hear him say that?

    Were you there????

    Did you read the transcript of the investigation???

    Not sure why you claim all your comments are facts??

    Please share all your proof / facts that you state.

    opinions are like A holes everyone has one.

    I hope your not going off of someone’s opinions!!!!

    I want to read the transcripts for myself before making any judgment calls on Chief Richardson.

    I would like to see all employees complaints?

    Someone is lying and I don’t think it’s the Employees or Chief..

  44. I think it is just you.

    I attended the meetings.

    I personally witnessed Younge using profanity, all but yelling, acting aggressively, and constantly interupting.

    I had not yet made up my mind and was gathering details for myself.

    This happened time and time again by Younge.

    The board did not ever use profanity, yell, or interrupt.

    They seemed very calm.

    I actually went in thinking I would align more with Younge.

    The more I learned, the more I determined that he was the problem.

    I would be more than annoyed receiving constant late night texts and emails, having a Trustee create a plan to have the entire board resign, having a Trustee attempt to fire the CAO of the Village, have a trustee work to make signs for the neighborhood etc.

    it just isn’t the way things should be done.

    I don’t suggest the President hasn’t made some mistakes.

    I too saw that crazy video.

    At the end of the day Younge is now not even attending meetings.

    That is not acceptable in any way from any elected official.

    I’m unsure how anyone could disagree with that.

    I am told that he regularly missed meetings prior to this as well.

    At the very least, he should have been present at the meeting for the Chief he claims to support.

    Instead, he had his wife post signs on Zoom while he sat next to her giving direction.

    I saw that myself.

    If you aren’t going to attend meetings, you have an obligation to resign so at least someone can vote as a Trustee to keep things in balance.

  45. John Aor

    Once again your picking what you want to answer!

    Go back and read my post.

    I want to know how you feel what your saying is facts.. show us !!!

    Anyone can make stuff up.

    What makes it true!!

    Facts.. one sided..

    I think we need to hear the other side before judging..

    Like I don’t know maybe the Employees and Chiefs side??????

    We all know they made their complaints..

    it’s sad that they don’t get to be heard and have any kind of validation to their complaints.

    Just sweep under the carpet like they don’t matter.

    Where is the investigation on Phil and Jeannie???

    I still don’t know how they where contacted by the board. Did the call them on a conference call or ask them to sit down with the board in person???

    Please let us know since you know it happen and they refused???

    I what time see the employees respond to this by the board members!!!!

    Show us the employees refused!!!

    I have been to the last few meeting since it open back up to the public.

    Come on now!!!

    Ulrich and Berman were both disrespecting the public.

    The residents had to remind Doug and Ryan that they work for Them (

    Them = the residents of Lakewood)

    So no Ryan and Doug don’t sit up there Quietly or calm.

    They have attitude towards the residents.

    This whole thing could have been avoided if the board did the right thing and investigated the issues on Jeannie and Phil.. handed it over to a third party that’s not part of the village or attorney’s.

    Very bias And so wrong on so many levels.

    Event the interrogation on the Chief was done wrong. Again 3 party that has no ties to the village.

    Then the truth would of been told not a opinion that was paid To the village attorney’s office.

    Brad works at The same law office as Micheals (Micheal is the village attorney) Hmmm.

    What do you think he would of said.. come on now..

    you don’t need to be Einstein to figure that out.

    Again where are the facts!!!!!!!!!!

  46. Let Stephan do what he wants.

    It’s on tape that he wants a police chief to do his bidding.

    He also deserves to only pay half of his taxes.

    Let us all pay more for him.

    It’s only fair.

    Let’s get a fund to pay his mortgage too.

    Can we look into getting him a company car?

    Perhaps a new Escalade with a driver and some extra security.

    Maybe even a jet? What’s the biggest most expensive house in lakewood?

    Let’s boot them out and make it Stephans house.

    The dash cam video just shows what a powerful stud he is.

    Completely acceptable for a village president.

    Mess with him and his thugs will get you.

    Makes complete sense.

    Just obey and shut up.

    This is Illinois politics and that is how it works.

    Bow to him.

    Pretty sure all the residents agree with this… NOT

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