
Compare and Contrast — 29 Comments

  1. That Settle it for Me.

    COLATORTI, not the Israel First Tadelman, Jack Franks’ PET.

  2. First Juneteenth and now Mexican Independence Day!

    Maybe Tadelman will bow down once again to the woke mob on October 7th for USSR Constitution Day.

    Between his leftist ideals and dirty politics, his true colors are showing.

  3. Don’t worry, Colatorti will have something up for Columbus Day next month.

  4. Do you unequivocally support the second amendment and do you believe the constitution is a ‘living document “?

    Just ask those two questions and forget the virtue signaling.

  5. Riddle me this, what law enforcement experience does each candidate have?

    Just curious so we have an idea of their qualifications.

    I have never heard of Tadelman and I have been in the county for 40+ years.

  6. Stormy: Voting for candidates, especially for high skill positions like Sheriff, because of their qualifications and job experience?


    Not this group.

  7. I am one who knew very little about both candidates.

    After seeing this and doing research last night, I am 100% voting for Tony Colatorti!! Also, anyone who supported Jack Franks (Rob Tadelman) who is known to sexually harass women doesn’t deserve the position of Sheriff!

    I saw online that Tadelman is being endorsed by that sicko as well!

    Everyone in the county should vote for Colatorti!!!

    Also, is Tadelman even a Republican?!

    His views seem to be very Democratic/Liberal in my opinion!!

    Jack Franks is a Democrat as well.

    Seems a little odd to me….

    Rob Tadelman must know he has to run Republican to even stand a chance at winning in McHenry County.

  8. Robb is a Republican – extensive education, qualifications and experience — 17 years in the McHenry County Sheriff Office.

    Now serving as chief of operations.

    Started as a patrol deputy (met him when he was on a night shift. Gave me a ticket I deserved) .

    Trained as an evidence technician , Field training officer and SWAT Team member.

    Earned SWAT and Sniper Certification through the FBI.

    Assigned to the Criminal Investigations Division as a detective.

    Spent 3 years investigating crimes from car burglaries throughout the county.

    Completed forensic interview training, served as a juvenile officer and was assigned to the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force.

    Served as a Patrol Sergeant for 3 years where he was responsible for the operations of the midnight shift. 2 years as sergeant of evidence.

    He was also the Supervisor for the Major Investigation Assistance Team (MIAT). Serve 2years as sergeant in the Criminal Investigation Division.

    In promoted to Lieutenant in 2017 after graduating from the Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command.

    Assigned to Interna Affairs Division.

    After 2 yers, he was promoted Deputy Chief of Operation .

    He works directly for the Sheriff Prim overseeing the patrol and training divisions as well as managing recruitment and operations for the office.

    He is also a pilot.


    – worked for 2 PART TIME police departments. That means short hours and then the calls are sent over to the SHERIFF SEPT.

    All while operating a restaurant and another business.


    Any more quesltions??

    Should not be hard to figure out.

    Go the Robb Tadelman facebook and or

    I am by nature a person that really checks and researches.


  9. Go here –

    Robb is a Constitutional Republican.

    Colatorti’s experience is SOOOO lacking.

    Working for part time departments with 10 total employees and having other departments take over after 5 in the afternoon cannot compare to 400 employees and millions in budget.

    People do not realize what is required of a good sheriff.

    Prim has had to meet in Washington with Durbin and Duckworth along with many more high ranking official to fight for the ICE unit and protect our rights.

    Do you think for one minute that Prim would endorse someone with the same values?

    Let’s be smart about this.

  10. Rob is a synagogue buddy of the Jacko..

    So it’s hardly a surprise they front for each other.

    Tadelman is a pure Nygren lickspittle.

    Thank God for Colatorti!

  11. Sara, quit the beastialty newsgroups please.

    Yeah, I know, you’re a celeb there,but c’mon, that hardly qualifies you to dispense political advice!

  12. Thank you to those that have provided this information.


  13. Besides the Cor bots on here directing us to Tattleman’s website, no real interaction with him or his campaign has shown that he’s a “Constitutional Republican“.

    Those supporting him are like the White Star Line proclaiming that the Titanic was unsinkable… and we all know what happened with that.

    Tattleman has zero integrity, is going down and is taking Prim’s failed endorsement with him as his final legacy.

    Tadelman, and all of his forced supporting lackeys who are trying to remain relevant, are going to go down- hard.

    Inside party members say that dozens of insiders are speaking out against Tadelman.

    What does that say for the ones being quiet??

  14. Tadelman is one of the deputies who unlawfully entered Pete Sonneville’s home in Crystal Lake.

    The deputies made a really ridiculous claim of exigent circumstances in the case, and ended up costing the County money in a civil suit.

    I’ve been meaning to FOI the case to see if Tadelman was the deputy who made the decision to enter the man’s house.

    If he made the call, he has absolutely no business being Sheriff.

  15. From what I have read Colatorti didn’t just serve as a part time police officer at 2 part time departments.

    He was a chief of police while also handling a canine as well.

    On top of running police departments and working the canine, he ran his business.

    He’s not full time at his business, he’s only there on the weekends.

    Which is what a chief/sheriff’s schedule is.

    Colatorti has also shown and supported his Republican views.

    Tadelman not so much.

    I truly believe he is a hidden Democrat knowing this is a Republican county.

  16. Chief of police at 2 PART TIME DEPARTMENTS – Does not a qualified sheriff make.

    Very few employees and a couple of squad cars.

    We do not need a part time sheriff.

    Ellie your research is lacking.

  17. Trying to figure out why there is so much bs here about Tadelman.

    Tadelman has been at many events for Republicans with Bill Prim.

    He was at one for Tirio where I met Robb.

    Saw him at many others.

    He is just not a camera hog.

    Colatori is just a SHOWMAN without substance.

    Reminds me of the musical “The Music Man”.

  18. I can’t stand another establishment pig.

    Tell Prim he can put Tadelman back In Nygren’s rear.

    Hispanic Heritage Day __ Mexican Independence Day.

    TADELMAN Get Lost.

  19. Bklr….. my point is you didn’t add that to your long post earlier.

    2 part time departments to me sounds like it would be just as much work as 1, possibly more?

    I am not in the position so I cannot answer that.

    And he would not be a part time sheriff.

    He would be full time, obviously.

    So your common sense is lacking, bklr.

    Managing businesses would help with managing a Sheriff’s office as well.

    To me it sounds like Colatorti knows how to work with people, budget, and build a relationship with the community.

    Those are a few important aspects of a sheriff.

    I believe Colatorti will no change himself to fit what people want & try not to please everyone…

    Tadelman sounds like a pushover who will cater to everyone.

    He strikes me as a boy with no backbone.

    Colatorti sounds like a man with a backbone.

    Especially with his stance on the constitution and the second amendment.

    But to each their own on their opinion.

    I personally don’t want to vote for a fake Republican who is clearly a democrat with no backbone…

    Someone who supports a disgusting womanizer like Jack Franks as well, just not my thing.

  20. I have sat back and watched as Tadelmans people have talked about his resume.

    Well, lets be honest.

    Most of all his positions have been created by Prim to build that resume .

    Prim has created many and I mean many Administrative positions.

    Road, jail and court.

    I’m willing to bet that its over a million dollars a year in positions he has created since he entered office.(FOIA)

    Remember when Prim ran on saving the county money?

    Not so much.

    Prim has created these positions to make his job easier.

    Last year he made a comment at a retirement that now he understands why Nygren was never in the office because everything runs itself.

    Prim is only in the office on a part time basis.

    Ask the people who work in his Office.

    So is Robs resume deserving????????????

    Prim has allowed the leadership in the department to deteriorate.

    Morale is at a all time low, especially in corrections.

    He has allowed two LTs (Acevedo and Wienke) to run the show and lead the new Chief in a bad direction.

    He allowed Sitkie to continue to keep his Chief position for over a year after he belittled a female Officer in front of people in a bar.

    More details to come on that story.

    How is it that the LTs in the jail work four ten hour days?

    Or how about working the same hours as your shift?

    Wienke, why don’t you have to wear the same uniform as the rest of the Admin?

    Acevedo, how’s your girlfriend get that position?

    How were you able to use a taser on a mentally challenged inmate when he was behind a locked cell door and only had his food slot open? (FOIA)

    Considering a LT has never been involved in these types of situations.

    Actually, you guys even discourage Sgts from physically engaging in situations?

    Oh thats right, you wanted to be the first to use the taser.

    If a Sgt or Officer would have done this, they would have been looking for a new job.

    Theres so many more stories like this that will be coming out about leadership in the Corrections division that people wont want Prims endorsement.

    The lack of accountability and bullshit that is allowed to go on in the upper management is appalling.

    Prim has allowed the jail to rot away.

    I don’t think he has been over there in 3 years and thats the biggest department in the Sheriffs Office.

    Everyone knows how ANTI Corrections Tadelman is.

    They need NEW leadership.

    Wait until these stories come out.

    Stay tuned.

    No one forgot the ICE transport scam you ran with Dave and then created him a position too.


    I don’t know Toni or Rob, but know how bad the leadership is and believe it needs to be changed.

    You would think people would wonder why there are so many retirements the last year or two?

    Maybe exit interviews would be beneficial.

    Maybe you would have found out how bad of leadership you have in Corrections with these exit interviews.

    I hope someone FOIAs all these positions he has created.

    All taxpayers should be concerned.

    Cleseri, Hold these people accountable and be actual leaders.

    Four Lt positions for three shifts?

    Just another Administrator sitting behind their desk watching everyone else run the jail from their TV screens.

  21. Gasser are you that dumb?

    Of course Tattleman will lie and say he’s “Mr Second Amendment.”

  22. Great Comparison.

    Tadelman can move to Mexico.

    What a leftist punk.

  23. Tadelman is SNIPER CERTIFIED – He has no problem with guns.

    Stop the BS Colatorti crap.

    You are not fooling anyone with a brain

  24. That is a completely irrelevant point that you made, bklr.

    There are great many cops who have the “guns for me, but not for thee” mindset.

    They tend to be sort of people who aren’t real big on respecting constitutional rights.

    You know, he kind of cop who would bust into a house without a warrant, point his gun at an innocent homeowner, and get his employer sued.

  25. Bklr- I’ve seen plenty of people certified in things who are complete idiots when it comes time to doing such certified things.

    Also, you forgot to add his website again to your comment which is full of over embellished claims of the positions he’s held.

    Tadelman was rubber stamped up the ranks despite him being lost in the sauce.

  26. What many people don’t understand is that running a Sheriff Dept is the same as running a business. Many Sheriffs elected in America have zero LEO experience.

    I personally would want a person who has LEO experience and can run a successful business over a present Sheriff supervisor who is hated by the majority of his employees.

    Sniper certs and all that other BS doesn’t mean you will make a good Sheriff.

    And simply put, I want to vote for a true Republican. Colatorti is presently active with the McHenry Co GOP, not so much Tadelmen, he doesn’t even show up at events. Tadelman is a RINO, Republican in name only.

    Tadelman is a farce. Groomed by Prim to carry on the legacy.

    The success of Cucina Bella and Colatorti’s experience is enough for my vote.

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