New Democratic Party Attack Ad on Richard Irwin Will Help Other Republican Hopefuls

The Demcorats’attack on billionaire-backed Aurora Mayor Richard Irwin begins in earnest with this television ad:


New Democratic Party Attack Ad on Richard Irwin Will Help Other Republican Hopefuls — 5 Comments

  1. Hubbard just lost my vote.

    Thanks for posting her virtue signaling crap.

    She no relation to me.

  2. Irwin = RINO BLM supporter. Nuff’ said.

    Some idiot billionaire just pissed away millions of $ on a loser.

  3. You’ve got to prepare yourself to barter. Do you have skills to trade? Motorcycle repair? Bicycle repair? First Aid with the knowledge to use it? Over-the-counter medicines? Those small airline liquor bottles? Canned food? Tuna? 25 year buckets of food? Firearms? Bullets? Ammo?

    Perhaps most importantly, you’ve got to prepare yourself psychologically and spiritually for what’s coming. When a worldview crumbles, many people lose their sanity. They lose their faith in life. They lose their FAITH. It happens whenever a war is unleashed on humanity. It continues to happen with the COVID war. People are cracking. There are vaccine-induced disabilities and death. No one is listening to them. No one is helping them. Tons of heart problems and myocarditis continue to affect young men. Young people are confused and stressed, wondering, “What happened to my life?” Anxiety, depression, weight gain, and suicide have skyrocketed.

  4. Abe, that was Ken Griffin giving money to his bought and paid for token negro who will continue to keep the blacks and the other fools on the plantation.

    Roger, there are more people than you think that are awake and know we are living through WWIII right now.

    Many have cognitive dissonance because it does not compute for them.

    They use terms like QAnon, conspiracy theory, mis and disinformation as well as fanciful tales. Everyone knows this guy is just another Pritzker in black face.

    The ones that are lost causes still wear masks, get jabs with 9 pages of possible side effects and anxiously await the next coming of Fauci and Emmanuel for the midterms to keep us out of the polling places.

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