Catalina Supporter Writes

From Patricia Zokal:

Catalina Lauf at the Grafton Township GOP Pig Roast.

I am writing in support of Catalina Lauf for U.S Congress, Illinois District 11.

I know Catalina and her family well, having worked with her mother for years.  

I have great respect for the hard-working Lauf family who have contributed much to their community. 

Catalina from a young age, has seen first-hand the contrast between life in the United States as compared to the country she visited often, that her mother immigrated from.  

Observing this contrast fueled Catalina’s interest in political systems as well as her desire to protect our country from going down paths that have led to corruption and ruin for people in other countries.

Congress is dysfunctional today.

It is obvious that a party whose members vote as one-block, with one-mind, are protecting their position of power and no longer listening to their constituents who they are supposed to represent.

Catalina Lauf supports term limits which I agree is an important step in the right direction to get congress back into the business of representing the people who put them in office, instead of towing the line of the “group-think interests” of their fellow career politicians.

Catalina is wise beyond her years; she is well-traveled and has studied the effects of different political systems.  

Catalina Lauf worked for the federal government in Washington D.C. for a time, which only motivated her more to run for congress to make a positive impact on her community while supporting the values upon which our government was formed.

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