Another “I Told You So” Story

Back in the 1990’s my social conscience efforts were targeted toward stopping the spread of HIV in the Illinois Department of Corrections and stopping prison rape once I made the connection between the spread of AIDS with rape.

The bill that I drafted and got to the House floor for consideration, which never came because the session ended, required that the State Police investigate prison rapes.


Because no insitution or profession can police itself.

Now comes a story from WBEZ about a report recommending an independent invesgative body for IDOC.

Jenny Vollen-Katz, the Executive Director of the John Howard Association, observes. according to an indirect quote, “as long as the department is investigating itself there will be problems.”

In a direct quotes, she said, “We’re asking the agency to investigate itself. And that can be problematic, frankly, for any agency. But I think when you’re dealing with one that’s incredibly opaque, it sort of rises to a different level of concern.”

The piece continues, “The John Howard Association has spent years arguing that there should be an independent state agency tasked with investigating prison abuse and misconduct.”

When I was advancing my bill, the John Howard Association did not support it.

To say that I was resentful that a group that touts itself as a prison reform organization would be correct.


Another “I Told You So” Story — 46 Comments

  1. It’s like those bodies that lazily bob in the Lake and Chicago River during every springtime thaw, Illinois has its own slow pace of getting anything of substance done.

    Unless of course, it’s another tax increase, to fund this political Glacier.

  2. IMHO, sending Asian or White convicts to pridon terms constitutes unconstitutional ‘cruel and unusual punishment.’


    Simply because they wind up as sexual toys by the Blacks, constantly getting raped, brutalized and sodomized.

    Put them in work camps with their own kind as done in such “enlightened” places as Cuba, Dominican Rep., Colombia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Portugal and Switzerland.

  3. Le4e, ever here of the 13th amendment. Indentured servitude is unconstitutional. But you keep trying

  4. I blame myself and other aging Boomers for disproportionate prison populations.

    All we get these days are fines and these damn ankle monitors.

  5. AIDS was created by Gates and Fauci.

    Look it up. Dig deep.

    Don’t believe it is possible?

    Do your research on the Tuskegee Study and Nuremburg Code, Fluoride in the water, baby powder and pharma drugs FINALLY taken off the market…or

    Just a few of examples on how government, big pharma, FDA, CDC know the truth of harmful side effects and continue to promote and sell for profit.

    Do you really think they didn’t know cov id was created by man and made in a lab?

    Did you really think they thought the cov id shot was safe and effective?

    Did you really believe they thought masks would stop the transmission or spread of cov id? If so, you are being played for a fool.

  6. FINALLY someone brought up fluoride! The Bubba Brigade Bingo winner!

  7. The USA is not a democracy, not a republic, not a democratic republic (even loosely defined). Elections Inc. are simply the world’s most expensive PR stunts. Democracy Inc. generates billions for advertising, consulting firms, PR firms, DNC/RNC etc. every election cycle. There is no meaningful choice at all: two piles of sh** to choose from, but they both stink. The “Rule of Law” has become a sarcastic joke. The law, prisons and taxes are for “the little people”. The oligarchy is clearly not accountable to “the law” (Too Big To Fail etc.)

    The USA is an empire (as I call it —Zionist Empire) headed by an oligarchy. We could argue that the US was once a republic, or even a democratic republic long ago, but that is debatable as well. No matter, the USA is not “free” not a democracy and not a republic, that’s what they tell the little kids…

  8. KM….
    Next time you want to brush your teeth or put your fallacies in with Efferdent…..

    Remember…, it’s chemicals

    OH NO…. We all are screwed !!!!

    CVid happened…know one knows how and when..

    And know one , no country will fess up to it…might be 100 years from now when it’s figured out…

    We’ll all be dead and gone….

    I just have an issue with leaving my kids/grandkids and so on with the mess .!!!

  9. ZOG has Miami, CSI has Clearwater.

    Flouridia, the Final Countdown.

  10. You might think you’re avoiding fluoride, but that’s what the chemtrails are.

  11. As a kid….
    we brushed our teeth with water & baking soda…family couldn’t afford store bought toothpaste.

    Now what does that baking soda do now…
    many things…

    Think about it !!!!!!

    OR are you out of the BOX ??

    ABTW…..I still have all my teeth !!!

  12. Ms. TR
    As my Family oversees would say “Keep him out”
    What does that tell you?

  13. KM is right except for the fact that neither covid nor aids are real. They are symptoms of the poisoning that the DOD has introduced. You can’t “catch” either one because virology has been a Rockefeller lie since day one. They have been making stuff up and lying about ALL things.

  14. Hey Cindy…
    Let me ask you how do you know what you know…
    How do you find your info?
    Only the Blog..

  15. Hunter Biden wrote in his 2021 book “Beautiful Things” that he fought Ms. Roberts paternity suit because, being a crackhead, he had no recollection of the incident that led to the pregnancy.

    The Court ordered DNA test proved Hunter’s paternity.

  16. Alfonz? \

    It’s called having wisdom.

    It’s a gift from Creator and using it is Holy Spirit led.

    God gave me the ability to read and discern.

  17. KM and Cindy should sign waivers that say they refuse all medical care if they get sick or are in an accident. Yeah, that won’t happen.

    They are the type that BEGS the medical staff to treat them first, before children, the elderly, or the disabled.

    I cannot fix stupid, but I can demand that the public not have to pay or carry the burden of the ignorant. The average cost to the taxpayer of Covid patients who were unvaccinated is over $400,000 per person.

    I say put a tax fee on all unvaccinated and make them pay the costs.

  18. Cindy, I like the Rockefeller dig. Most don’t know the oil magnate moved his drilling over to Saudi Arabia and then began to take over every medical school to teach doctors to push his petroleum based products and eliminate holistic and natural remedies. No money in the latter.

    That’s what brought us Big Pharma today.

    There is a known cure for several cancers that they tried to cover up as well. Read or watch the videos on Dr Burzyski and his discovery of antineoplastons. Big Medicine tried to quash him through bogus NE Journal of Medicine articles. They failed.

  19. TruthMattes is a moron. Brainwashed completely to believe in a criminal medical allopathic system that will kill all of you! Plus they are a liar. Repeating someone else’s lies just makes you the dumber for not making up your own.

  20. I agree Cindy about TM. He’s the same kind of person that said those that ride motorcycles without a helmet and someone like him in his cage on 4 wheels causes a crash it’s not his fault. It’s the guy with no helmet.

    I still can’t believe there are people out there that think Covid was real. The Mockingbird media sure has done a number on their brains

  21. CINDY, I agree and know. I try not to say too much or people get all goofy and will quickly label you as a whack job or conspiracy theorist.

    I am one that will get every cold, yet only a few weeks into the fake co vid pandemic

    I realized what was going on and stopped wearing a mask or using hand sanitizer.

    So according to the corrupt evils spreading lies and fear I should be dead.

    We stopped getting the flu shot several years ago after discovering the truth about that, thank God.

    My theory, “co vid” was started in the flu shot.

    Slap a mask on everyone to suppress their immune system.

    add in fear and isolation.

    Tell everyone to not go to the hospital until they are severely sick.

    Then kill them/finish them off with Remdesivir and ventilators.

    All intentional and funded by government, Fauci and big pharma.

  22. TruthMattes you should take on your title. Truth DOES matter. So learn it. 🙂 You have no clue what you are speaking about. I would love to meet to discuss your ignorance, but I can tell by your comments that you are one that loves to talk trash behind closed doors. In other words, you don’t have the guts or the brain to stand up to truth face to face. Really pathetic when you think about it. I am sorry for all that has happened to you in life that made you such an angry, miserable person that in order to feel good about yourself you have to lash out at others with non sense.

    PS, good luck with those vaccines. The vaccinated are the ones causing tax dollars, filling up the hospitals and harming others. One day you will learn the truth and perhaps look back with regret in how you treated those that were trying to educate and save lives.

  23. LOL…KM you do realize the thought police have changed the definition of conspiracy theory to mean anything that doesn’t agree with their narrative. Consider it a badge of honor.

    Funny the biggest stories of 2022 were not covered by the propaganda arm of the uniparty. COVID was a lie and the swamp is using 3rd parties to suppress our 1st amendment rights. Why no stories on the Twitter dumps by Elon.

    Also why no reporting on the bombshell drop that the CIA was the culprit in the JFK shooting in Dallas.

    The corrupt swamp which has expanded outside of DC is being exposed. TBIYTC.

  24. Alfonz I stopped using chemicals years ago.

    I mostly only use organic and natural or nothing at all in everything in life.

    Am I perfect?

    No way.

    And yes, I know they are slowly killing us in many ways and there is not a whole lot me can do about it and can’t avoid it all.

    But I will not give in or give up.

    I will do what I can. And for the ignorant comments that ASSUME and judge, my whole family has all their childhood vaccines.

    What I have learned in the past three years I am terribly regretful for ever being allowed to be bullied, lied to and manipulated into getting any of them.

    I have not been to a doctor for me since the fake co vid and will NEVER go to a western doctor or hospital again unless I have a arm cut off and need it put back on.

    The amount of times in recent years that I have caught doctors and hospitals causing more harm them good is staggering.

    I don’t even have a college degree and I knew more the the doctors and nurses did.

    I am well over 50 and on NO meds and in what is considered very good health.

    And no, it is not genetics.

    It is the choices I make in life, knowing what I know.


    The reason TRUTHMATTERS says what the say is because they know deep down they are wrong.

    How else can they act, knowing they have been lied to and poisoned.

    Admitting the truth would be coming to terms with being lied to, manipulated, made a fool of and poisoned.

    Not to mention their part in killing because by pushing the mainstream narrative.

  25. KM isn’t being red pilled and out of the matrix a life altering experience. Cindy tries, I try and you are now trying.

    The blog here is focused on the micro.


    I look at it from a macro lens.

    The electronic elections are 100% corrupt and people can’t do the research to understand it even if the breadcrumbs are spread on the path to figure it out.

    There are others here that get it.

    Once interest rates drop and my home price increases I’ll send Cal a picture of my moving van.

    That won’t be until 2026 with the corrupt uniparty running thus country.

  26. KM? Congratulations on coming out of the fog. Too bad you didn’t see it BEFORE you got enveloped. Look up Rockefeller medicine and you will never fall for their junk again.

  27. KM and Cindy and JT and Koziol:

    Thanks for trying to wake up the sleepwalkers.

    I guaranfuckingtee markets will crash in response to a Russian victory and the continued hollowing out of America by Sammy Bankman-Fried types as well as other bad effects that will cascade from the very idea of Cackling Kamala as Mr. President.

    The Cackler in Chief as Mr. President will be a first class test of the ludicrous idea of equality with a threefer in charge: black, Indian (dot, not feather) and stooopid.

    Even though the Deep State will be calling the shots with the loathsome Republicans going along for the ride there won’t be an ounce of confidence left in the GloboHomo Shopping Mall Empire.

    The Cackler in Chief will make Dementia Joe look like Prince Metternich by comparison.

  28. Russian victory!?!?


    Russia lost quite some time ago.

    Every time he mentions his nuclear weapons, he confirms to the world that he’s losing this war.

  29. Let’s see. Russia took land under Bush, Obummer and now oBiden. How much of Ukraine did Putin take under Trump? None.

    Therefore he is winning by showing thick skulls like you Monk that the entire establishment is corrupt. The swamp loves war. It’s easy to money launder.

    Now that the Ukraine to FTX to politicians jig is up Zelensky is now going to work with Larry Fink of Blackrock to be the next money laundering operation through a “rebuilding fund”. During time of war why is Zelensky going to the WEF?

    Get off the bongs sport.

  30. Did you see Putin trying to walk up stairs this past week?

    Biden could probably outrun him now.

  31. Monk. LOL. Change of topic as usual. I hear smoking dope affects your short-term memory and cognitive abilities. What no comment on the truth of the money laundering operation or land grabs sport? I’m rooting for Putin because I am based in reality.

    Did you hear about the Russian oligarchs that miraculously fell out of windows after speaking against Putin. I bet you think Putin was behind their deaths. Who killed JFK again and you have the real culprits behind those ops.

    Too funny.

  32. The people you’ve been rooting for have done so well.

    You’re deadlier than a Daily Herald endorsement.

  33. Are you double baking for the new year doper. You can’t seem to stay on topic

  34. No, the topic’s been Putin. That you are so enamored of him speaks to his inevitable failure.

  35. Monk it’s late on a Sunday night. Please respond when you are lucid in the morning.

    Putin will take more Ukraine land and you will call it a failure. Keep punching sport.

    Biden got 81m votes according to you. Remember those fried eggs in a pan commercials this is your brain on drugs. You apparently didn’t listen to those commercials.

  36. Keep punching doper. That’s your response? You obviously believe the scales of justice are equal. Keep living in your dope addled psy op. Have you dug up those Salvi receipts yet? Lol

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