Senate Dems Move a Bit Away from Red Dawn Aspect of Gun Control Bill

The part of the Democrats gun control bill that caught my attention and led to my “Red Dawn” reference was the mandatory registration of serial numbers for what they call “assault weapons.”

House Democrats were all in, but Senate Democrats bulked.

The old General Assembly does not leave office until Wednesday, so there is still time for reconciliation between Democrats in the two chambers.

= = = = =

Or maybe not.

Here’s the Monday Senate version.


Senate Dems Move a Bit Away from Red Dawn Aspect of Gun Control Bill — 10 Comments

  1. Disarming white people is the objective of this unconstitutional diktat.

  2. I need to spend my valuable time on getting some degree of accuracy, with this rocket-propelled grenade launcher I got for Xmas.

    Not worrying about all this registration gobbly gook.

    Oh and very sorry there, Martha’s Yoga Studio.

  3. Maybe this is an off ramp to not passing it with the old “oh gee the chambers just couldn’t agree” theatrics.

    Hopefully that is the case.

    The senate’s gun capacity is supposedly 12 and the house’s is 10 so that would be another difference.

    I still oppose it though.

    Neither of these versions are good.

    I wrote to Bob Morgan and had some harsh words.

    btw Bob Morgan looks like the type of guy who would do a mass shooting with his crazy senpaku eyes, lanky figure, and bald head.

    He looks like a nutjob.

  4. Hill jack gun fetishist vs drone. Who wins? Gotta keep the gubmint tyranny away from my tractor

  5. ^ The gun people would defeat the government.

    You don’t know shit.

  6. This Dem assclownery on Gun Control, reminds me of the time Obama let BATF, send a couple of thousand machine guns to Mexican Drug Lords, so they could trace how Drug Lords got their machine guns.

  7. But they want a sanctuary state and no crackdown on the black and Mexican gangs.

    Things don’t compute!

  8. Take away your gun rights a gun is a gun they all can kill if mis-used dah!

    Then they put in no bail law, and continue to break our fed laws… over and over.. sanctuary city…

    thank the libtard voters… for all the stupidity..

  9. Ask an aussie or brit about their crime rates and suicide rates. Don’t ask them about their food. Blech

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