Crystal Lake Park District Refuses to Share Information Concerning Possible Purchase of HealthBridge

In response to a Freedom of Information Request, Crystal Lake Park District rJason Herbster replied,

Crystal Lake HealthBridge entrance.

“I am responding to your FOIA request dated January 19, 2023, where you requested, “documents concerning the possible purchase and financing of Northwestern’s Health Bridge fitness center.”

“To the extent that public records exist which are responsive to your request, they are exempt from disclosure pursuant to 5 ILCS 140/7(1)(r) as records, documents, and information relating to real estate purchase negotiations; 5 ILCS 140/7(1)(f) as preliminary drafts, notes, recommendations, memoranda and other records in which opinions are expressed, or policies or actions are formulated; and 5 ILCS 140/7(1)(g) as commercial or financial information obtained from a business where the commercial or financial information was furnished under a claim that it is proprietary, privileged and confidential and that the disclosure of which would cause competitive harm to the business.”

So much for transparency, I guess.

= = = = =

I was directed to the minutes from the November 17, 2022, meeting:

The following comments were made regarding the sale of the Northwestern Health and Fitness
facility in Crystal Lake.

Nan G. expressed the need to keep this facility because of the amenities. There is a need for the
therapy pool, classes. She asked the Board to consider taking on this facility for the community.
Kelly J. stated she is a new member at the facility and noted she has been treated well, the great
atmosphere and the need for the therapy pool.

Sue P. noted the facility is centrally located, beneficial to seniors and the whole community. Local
residents and local area community residents use the facility. She stated she needs to continue
attending this facility to stay healthy and active.

Dorothy H. Cary resident stated she attends the facility as many long-time members. Many
members have raised their children at this facility as well as many people with special needs. She
presented a petition with over 200 signatures asking the Board to consider the purchase of this

Carol C. stated she began her membership at the facility when it was under Centegra Health
Bridge. She uses the therapy pool, which has prevented her from a major surgery. She added that
she has a second family at the club, and requested the Board to pursue the facility.

Darlene S. stated she has been a member for 15 years with her children and grandchildren. The
facility is ADA accessible, has great services and programs for all ages.

Rob N. stated he spent most of his time growing up in this facility. It’s a great facility and special
place. He asked the Board to pursue the facility.

Shabbir K. stated he has been a member of the facility since 1994. He asked the Board to pursue the
facility to keep it in the community.

Tina H. stated she is a member and noted the Park District has fabulous quality programs and stated
the facility would benefit the Park District. The District could provide more for the community,
programming opportunities, additional office, and senior space.

Jack J. stated the community needs a pool. The facility is fabulous and there is much potential. He
stated the importance of keeping the water therapy pool and the need for swim lessons. The
members get along great and felt this would be a great opportunity for the District.

John Z. stated the Crystal Lake Park District is the best District he has seen. The facility has tremendous
services. He said that he would stand behind the Park District to keep it in the community.

John W. stated he worked at the Park District as a lifeguard. He asked the Park District to explore the
opportunity and encouraged the Board to visit and tour the facility.

Gene S. asked people to write to the Northwest Herald regarding the need to keep the facility in the
community. He noted the membership was at 6200 members prior COVID19 and are currently at
4200 members.

Chris H. stated he doesn’t want to see this facility sit empty and encourage the Board to pursue the
facility to produce more revenue.

Board Discussion:

Commissioner Anderson stated that he was not in favor of the District competing with private sectors.
Warm water therapy, walking trail, community center, is not being provided elsewhere. He
expressed a concern that if the facility cannot be supported by current revenue, the District would
need to rely on tax dollars. Another option to pursue the facility would be if Northwestern Health and
Fitness Facility wanted to continue their mission, they may want to consider a donation or a leasing
option to the Park District.

Commissioner Heisler thanked the public for sharing their concerns. He stated he understands the
need and would like to see this facility remain in the community. This discussion is preliminary as the
Board is waiting to hear from Northwestern Health and Fitness Facility regarding their plans for this

Commissioner Gallagher stated she was interested in more information on the property. She talked
about the results of the last community survey that the District conducted. Results showed the need
for a swimming pool, community center and trails. She suggested a Citizen Committee be formed
to gain support for a community center and a referendum.

Commissioner Johnson noted she is waiting to hear back from the Northwestern Health and Fitness
facility regarding their plans to lease or sell the property. She thanked the public for their comments.

Commissioner Cagle expressed the need for a therapy pool. She stated she was grateful for the
public input and asked for their email addresses. The District has reached out to Northwestern Health
and Fitness Facility for more information. She agreed with Commissioner Gallagher regarding the
formation of a Citizen Committee.


Crystal Lake Park District Refuses to Share Information Concerning Possible Purchase of HealthBridge — 7 Comments

  1. Golf Courses, Fitness Facilities, Bike Trails, what is it with this Illi-nitwit culture, that jams all their hobbies and wish lists, into the pockets of Taxpayer’s?

    How bout just trying cigarettes? I mean it works for supermodels.

  2. Really?

    why would they tell us tax payers anything you know transparency is just a word to these people.

  3. LOL…as if the CLPD can afford this.


    They’re always asking for tax increases to pay their existing expenses.

    Northwestern shut Health Bridge down because it was LOSING money and too difficult to staff.

    That’s despite it being quite popular.

    How does the CLPD expect to improve the financials?

    This will just be yet another financial drain on Crystal Lake.

    But, when you’re spending someone elses money, who cares?

    That’s their attitude.

  4. The PD is the worst at spending OPM.

    Thye take on more BS then want to hire more Officers with pensions to provide security too.

    Can you imagine how many officers would be needed after this purchase?

    Don’t pretend you are Lakewood, if it isn’t making money in the private center, it certainly won’t make money under a PD ownership.


  5. I’m running for Crystal Lake Park District Commissioner.

    Northwest Herald reporter Aaron Doman has contacted me twice for interviews.

    He wrote one story about Heath Bridge, where I was quoted. We spoke the Wednesday and he had a series of additional questions.

    Here was my response on Health Bridge.

    “As far as the, now shuttered, Health Bridge facility issue goes, let me share a few thoughts. Perhaps they were negatively affected by COVID, as were many businesses. They closed down. Why? Perhaps they were not able to pay their expenses. If so, it was a good business decision for them to close down. Now, should we, the taxpayers, try to take on something that a much larger entity was unable to keep open? By the way, I was a dues-paying member of Heath Bridge for over 13 years and it was my home away from home. Where I kept healthy and made friends.”

  6. This would be another ridiculous waste of taxpayer money by the Park District.

    There is NO reason they should even entertain the idea.

    Let a private business in the fitness arena buy it if they are interested. We do not need anymore Park District employees with pensions to run a fitness center & pool.

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