McHenry Township GOP’s Richardson Farm Sunday Event Photos

From Algonquin Township Republican Precinct Committeeperson John Pletz:

Kelly Eagan, Jacqueline Garretson and Deena Krieger at McHenry County Conservatives United booth.
Grafton Township Republican Committee Chairman Orville Brettman and Bob Reining join the crew.
Bob Lessor and State’s Attorney Patrick Kenneally.
Convention of States is an Article 5 organization based on the constitution to do three things number
1- implement term limits on 200,000+ federal officials,
2- implement physical restraint, maybe in the form of a balanced budget amendment, and
3-control, the scope and jurisdiction of the federal government.
David Winters, Illinois State Director, cell phone, 630-404-8075
There was a gun raffle.
Former McHenry Township GOP Chairman Erik Sivertsen was selling gun raffle tickets to Bob Lessor. Lessor says, ” I am a strong political conservative. I believe the US Constitution is still the ruling legal document that guarantees our rights that were given by God. The first and second amendments are critical to the continuation of our Republic. The US is NOT a democracy but a Republic governed by our Constitution.”
State Rep. Tom Weber was gretting people.
Fred Bock chatted with Sheriff Robb Tadelman.
Fomer Congressional candidate Jaime Milton was the keynote speaker.
Marty Mohr, President of the Marengo Park District speaks with David Etling of Turning Point USA at the We the People McHenry County table.
Algonquin Township Republican Precinct Committeeman and Tim Beck, Republican Party Treasurer.

Ozinga was a sponsor.
Local Republkcan legislators were sponsors.
Republican County Board members were sponsors.
Local businesses contributed.
Orher organization that participated.
Republcan Pillars.


McHenry Township GOP’s Richardson Farm Sunday Event Photos — 28 Comments

  1. Low attendance.

    But some really good people.

    RINO whores present.

    Bad leadership.

    Good people are leaving Illinois.

    I agree w/ Creosote, without ballot security these efforts are just so futile.

  2. It’s actually a Heironymus Bosch ‘Hell panel’ painting, only in bib overalls.

  3. What’s sorely needed here a healthy diet and a vigorous exercise regime.

    These people make the Telly Tubbies look slim.

  4. King and Koziol get it.

    Disband IL Board of Elections
    Get rid of ERIC, Dominion and ES&S electronics
    Implement mandatory Voter ID
    Eliminate mandatory mailing out of ballots.

    We have a county clerk that think his equipment and processed are sound. If you provide him TRUTH with evidence he refuses to look at it and dismisses as fanciful tales and misinformation.

  5. If there were EVIDENCE, we wouldn’t still be beating it to death.

  6. Funny how audits and recounts of the various elections produced the same results.

  7. Wow I caught my first trollfish of the day.

    Audits of Elections Monk claims. What’s the percentage of votes that need to be audited Monk? What agency gets to choose which race gets audited? How many races do they choose?

    I have given ample proof/evidence on this blog with support for my assertions.

    You on the other hand when I post go full on TRIGGERED TROLL mode. That’s OK. You’re just an uneducated uniformed simp that lives life in an alternate reality and cope by smoking dope.

    10 bucks that Monk can’t answer 3 questions.

  8. You claim you want what, a hand count? In every precinct? If so, besides many errors, you will have many Election Judges dead by their own hand, or by other Judges.

    You’re Mister All Caps Bold Triggered.

  9. I proved my point. This TROLLFISH can’t answer 3 basic questions. Thanks for proving my point sport. You’re now concerned about fonts. How many bongs did that take?

  10. One can’t prove a negative. You guys haven’t proved a damn thing yet. Tends to indicate everything you guys claim never happened.

  11. Mellow monk, I have some baseball bats that should be used on your head.

  12. I asked 3 questions regarding election audits to prove integrity. You made that assertion Monk. Back it up with facts. That’s all I’m asking. For a guy that fancies himself in the know you certainly can’t back up your statements on this blog.

    Cal posted a link to show people there’s a path out of addiction. You may want to look into that. Your dope smoking is not helping your cognitive abilities.

  13. There has been no evidence of McHenry County election fraud.

    Tirio can only speak to McHenry County elections and he prosecuted the guy from WI that they caught voting in IL and WI.

    Dems and Repubs say he’s the most honest elected officials around.

    If you truly have evidence bring it to the McHenry County States Attorney.

    Bet you can’t but you just keep whining.

    Bet you think Trump is still President.

  14. G-Man – In JTWorld, you must prove there isn’t fraud. A logical near-impossibility.

    That’s because he and the GQP are unable to prove that there is, an evidential possibility. If you had evidence. If only!

  15. G-Man. In MonkWorld, you must not prove how an election audit in IL works. He can’t answer 3 basic questions on why IL election audits are sound. Remember he’s a conservative. Well conservative in name only. Answer the 3 questions sport and prove your assertion election audits prove there is no fraud. Here I’ll give them to you again dope head:

    What’s the percentage of votes that need to be audited by Tirio?
    What agency gets to choose which race gets audited?
    How many races do they choose?

    If you can’t answer these 3 basic questions Monk which the answers most people know the only fraud is you sport.

    And yes G-Man, Trump did not lose the election. Do you understand COG? What was confiscated from Mar-A-Lago that shows it in force? If you are truly a G-Man you know the DoD manual sections 11.2, 11.3 and 11.4. Why was the military backing up Trump this week?

    Enjoy the show. I am. It’s a blessing and a curse to be awake amongst people that have absolutely zero clue.

  16. Tirio is a phony.

    Why are RINOs setting up booths at that event? They ought to be tarred and feathered.

  17. Why is Prim’s bag boy and caddy even there?

    He’s a part of the problem.

  18. “And yes G-Man, Trump did not lose the election. Do you understand COG? What was confiscated from Mar-A-Lago that shows it in force?”

    Wow. So, like, Trump had “something” that proves “something”, which he never used to prove “something”, and now that this “something” is no longer in his possession, what? Like someone stole his mojo amulet away?

    “If you are truly a G-Man you know the DoD….

    And you’re not, and it doesn’t.

    You know, they’re looking for script writers…..

  19. Tirio is a grifter who happened into his role. Orville is the self-appointed “oracle” of politics that spews reflection on days gone by with the Chruchhill in his mouth and rotting teeth.

    That’s a reflection of the Republican party.

    And yes, Tirios wife does work for Tirio.

  20. Once upon a time, in the whimsical world of political shenanigans, a grand gathering unfolded under the banner of the McHenry County Republican Party. However, to the bewilderment of all, it seemed as if nobody had mustered the enthusiasm to grace the event. What a comically futile endeavor it was, leaving the food-loving folks, including the sheriff and the States Attorney (SA), utterly perplexed.

    In an astounding turn of events, Thorsen, the esteemed Chairman of the McHenry County Republican Party, had seemingly thrown caution to the wind and sold his allegiances to the highest bidder, Brettman. As the rumors went, Thorsen now reveled in the peculiar pastime of lighting cigars and impeccably shining shoes, as if it were the pinnacle of his newfound existence.

    Oh, the spectacle! The grand party, once a symbol of political prowess, had taken a nosedive into the realms of absurdity. What had once been a vibrant gathering of diverse voices now stood as a collection of aging, self-important figures, primarily of Caucasian descent, who seemed to believe that leadership revolved solely around self-importance and an endless stream of bloviating rhetoric.

    Amidst the chaotic swirl of this political theater, a knock, knock could be heard echoing through the corridors. Curious, Thorsen turned to his buddy Brettman, and they exchanged puzzled glances.

    “Knock, knock,” the sound persisted.

    Thorsen, always one for a playful diversion, decided to play along. “Who’s there?” he called out.

    “Thorsen,” came the reply.

    “Thorsen who?” Thorsen quizzically responded.

    With impeccable comedic timing, a mischievous voice rang out, “Thorsen be careful when you light Brettman’s moist cigar!”

    Laughter erupted through the room, momentarily shattering the facade of seriousness and reminding everyone that even in the midst of political chaos, humor had a way of breaking through. Thorsen and Brettman shared a chuckle, realizing the absurdity of their situation.

    Oh, the irony of it all! The McHenry County Republican Party, with Thorsen at its helm, had transformed into a sad and sorry smoldering dumpster fire. Picture the scene: a group of old white folks, lost in their own delusions, attempting to lead while the rest of the world looked on, shaking their heads in a mix of disbelief and uproarious laughter.

    In this absurd tale of political buffoonery, one cannot help but wonder if the comedy gods themselves orchestrated this farce, delighting in the perplexing paradoxes that unfold within the halls of power. Let the laughter ripple through the chambers, reminding us all that in the grand theater of politics, even the most serious matters are not exempt from the touch of humor’s mischievous hand.

  21. Hand counting of votes in the 1960’s did not result in the deaths of any election judges.

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