Sun-Times Starting “Hear My Story” Events with Drag Queens

From the Chicago Sun-Times:

You’re invited to the Sun-Times’ inaugural “Hear My Story” event on Tuesday, June 27!

Hear drag performers from Chicago tell their stories of perseverance, truth, love and acceptance, answering the question: “Why do I do drag?” 

Last July, a family-friendly drag show at UpRising Bakery and Cafe was canceled after an anti-LGBTQIA+ hate crime and dispute with Lake in the Hills officials. In response, the Sun-Times Editorial Board published an editorial, citing that “hate is not effective.” 

Join us in standing up to discrimination against LGBTQIA+ performers in Chicago and the surrounding communities by attending an evening of lively performances and storytelling! 

Our host, Sun-Times columnist Ismael Perez, will be joined by performers:

  • Jakki Love
  • Starr Stallion
  • Allegra Dee Love

When: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 from 6 – 8 p.m. CT
Where: The Hideout (1354 W. Wabansia Ave.)
Admission: Free


Sun-Times Starting “Hear My Story” Events with Drag Queens — 54 Comments

  1. “We’re Here, We’re Queer, and We’re Coming for Your Children”.

    What more do you need to hear?

  2. The push to indoctrinate children into thinking pedophilia is normal continues its journey with the help of the complicit media. Full blown Marxism on display.

  3. Do you realize you morons. Transgender. Homosexuality and pedophilia are all different things. Stay ignorant my friend.
    Full blown Facism on display.

  4. Look Sun-Times, I just saw John Wick IV.

    You should be focusing your social warrior feel-good efforts, on all those High Table Assassin families world-wide, that have been left orphaned and homeless.

  5. A “family friendly event” WOULD have been a sane and safe experience for parents and children a long time ago. Today, wackos are insidiously using that term to attract reckless and stupid parent(s) to bring their children to an adults only show.

  6. I’m guessing your elevator pitch for ‘It’s a Stephen, Stephen World’ to Bravo Execs, got a sneer.

    Try Andy Cohen for a ‘The Stephen Project’ Rachael Zoe-like reboot, that is if you can make it past Andy’s, rigorous casting demands.

  7. Actually, God was polite and kind by gently sending a message of “rain on a parade”.

  8. Is this one of the topics of conversation at your bridge club or afternoon teas. Seems you are tuned into the ladies channels. What’s on tap for Lifetime this evening.

  9. I have never been subjected to a more slanderous and vicious attack, since winning the Roller Rink Penny Skate Around, back in 1962 at the tender age of 8.

  10. No that’s more like God’s warning that the rainbow is His!

  11. What next after trying to abscond with the rainbow?

    A blasphemous attack of Chris on the Cross?

  12. Why is it Porkboy always shos up in defense of the homo, grooming transvestites and has no clue how bad pedophilia is and proves it each time. I can’t wait for the July 4 movie drop to expose how big the human trafficking industry is.

  13. Correcting for every thing you post I can go find something that says otherwise.

    All you bitches better turn off your computers. Com Ed had a huge presence in the pride parade. Start boycotting now.
    I know you’re a complete idiot JT, but there is a difference between Homosexuality and human trafficing. 2 different issues.

    Jeff Christie, you better get on your knees and pray. The armegeddon is coming.

  14. I’d be willing to bet that in four days when we turn the calendar they’ll all be crowing about how they “put an end to pride month”.

    I think you’d probably be better off just burying your head in the sand on this one.

  15. I’m an idiot? Got it.

    Being uninformed on the goings on in the world oozes from your pores Porkboy.

    When a young boy is trafficked and forced to have sex with adult men, isn’t that trafficked young boy being molested by a homosexual also known as pedophilia intertwined?.

    It’s a 150 billion a year industry for both young boys and girls.

    You’ll learn starting July 4.

    Oh that’s right you don’t click links and prefer to stay in your uninformed safe space.

    Correcting here the trailer for the movie and a short discussion with the source and creators.

  16. Stephen and Poopcorn reminding me, I only have a few days left to finish crafting my Consumer Product Safety Butt Plug regulation warning labels.

    No thanks to them, I can’t seem to get it under 7 paragraphs.

  17. Again you moron. Homosexuality, pedophilia, transgenderism and human trafficking are all separate issues. But you keep punching short shanks. I think the priesthood is your calling.

  18. Sounds like DJ has a lot of experience with butt plugs to write a 7 paragraph review. Do you wear one when you post here.

  19. LOL DJ. Do you notice how enraged Porkboy becomes on this topic. I don’t think he understands what intertwined means.

  20. Lucky for me, Stephen still has a closet full of unworn but still fashionable dresses he can wear, or he’d burn down this entire blob in a Queen temper tantrum.

  21. Poo Korny comes here to defend pedophiles and now apparently monopolized utility companies that bribe state legislators.

    His arguments are always the most obvious logical fallacies, like whataboutism. “WHAT ABOUT PRIESTS!?”

    I’ll say this very clearly for you Poo: we don’t like priests who hurt children either!

  22. Poop you’ve been operant conditioned that the catholic church are the only pedophiles.

    In Marxism they must tear down all religion which is exactly what they are doing.

    It’s easy when you have the MSM as your partner to push the narrative while covering for the satanic cult.

    Remember Comet Pizza was a “conspiracy”.

    The elites and Hollyweird are all being protected.

    Why do you think we haven’t seen the Epstein list?

    So unaware you are.

  23. I think we can all agree that we don’t like people that hurt children.

    I think the other point we can all agree on is that clearly ALL priests are pedophiles and they shouldn’t be allowed around any children whatsoever and attending a mass led by a priest is an adult activity that children shouldn’t be allowed to attend lest we risk indoctrinating them.

  24. “Poop you’ve been operant conditioned that the catholic church are the only pedophiles.”

    And you’re conditioned that all gay people are the only pedophiles.

    “In Marxism they must tear down all religion which is exactly what they are doing.”

    Umm, no, the Catholic Church and its priests have been its undoing.

    “Remember Comet Pizza was a “conspiracy”.

    And still a conspiracy today.

    “The elites and Hollyweird are all being protected.”


  25. Correcting, I can hate priests like you hate homosexuals and transgender.

    Cal posts about drag queens and the deplorables comment , I will too.

    What about drag queens?

  26. The funny thing about this is transgenderism exists, like it or not. God doesn’t. Find the empirical proof of it, without using” it all comes down to faith.”

  27. Yes Porkboy. Deviance exists. We all agree. We just don’t shove our non deviant activities down your throats. Funny your group has the media to push your deviance and professional victim hood to help indoctrinate innocent children. We give the warriors that fought 1 day called Memorial Day for your right to be a pole smoker. Why should we give deviance a whole month? Explain that one. Had you kept it in the closet and left the kids alone you wouldn’t be needing to defend deviance

  28. Supposedly, this story telling to young impressionable, vulnerable children got started in San Francisco about a decade ago. How and why has it advanced to where a governor of a State apparently supports it?

  29. “We just don’t shove our non deviant activities down your throats”
    Sums it up well. I know gay, transgender, drag is all different and I’ve not made the claim that every person in all three of those groups, or every person in any one of those groups, wants to hurt children.

    These “story with drag queen” things are pervert stuff though. Why do they need to read to children? Why aren’t they reading to old people in nursing homes? Why do we not have “story time with black people”? Or, why not “story hour” and if the person happens to be in drag, that’s not the emphasis. Why is the emphasis the person’s sexuality???? Why does that need to be expressed to children??? Wanna take a crack at that one?

    The “trans rights” movement is anti-truth, insisting everybody go along with the delusion. They want to mutilate children. Biology is real. Transgender stuff is macabre as hell. Puberty blockers for children? Removal of testicles? That is DISGUSTING.

    And wrapped up in this lgbtqiaa+ is Marxist ideas of kinship and sexual liberation ie they want to rape your children. Pedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia ARE on the table for people because they believe in sexual liberation. Libertine people are pushing BS narratives like children have autonomy regarding sex and abortion. The end result of this is they want to rape children. Academics even came up with this “minor attracted person” euphemism.

    Gay stuff I really don’t care about all that much other than I don’t like the in your face stuff. Why are naked people dancing in front of children? And you’re telling me this has nothing to do with the sexualization of children? There are some reserved gay people who distance themselves from all the pervert stuff and good for them. You should be proud for solving a 4000 piece puzzle, not for being a sodomite. Proud is about celebrating your accomplishments. How is having a prolapsed anus an accomplishment???

    Sex stuff has gone too far, including in the heterosexual group! Again, it’s about destruction of the family. Cultural Marxism. Destroy religion. Destroy capitalism. Destroy the family. Destroy property. Destroy the nation. Destroy tradition, culture, and history.

    You don’t read left wing political theory. I do. You don’t know what’s going on in academia. I do. You don’t see how this moving forward in other countries and the path we are on here. I do. So, your opinion is worthless. Unless you understand the guiding principles of certain people, you’re commenting about them in an ignorant way, getting your cliche talking points like “love is love” from the mainstream media. Now we have people saying literally they are coming for the children, and it’s defended because it’s tongue in cheek. But why are they “joking” about harming children???

  30. Yeah and we have also seen places where transgenderism has gone up 4000 percent within 5 years so…

    If you think that is organic, you might have a crack cocaine addiction. Put the crack pipe down!

  31. Wow Correcting. You might leave Porkboy and his posse speechless with your last 2 posts.

  32. Correcting brings up some good points. Might add that better alternatives for reading to children, maybe even with a few very short life experiences, would be excellent if done by grandmothers. Or grandfathers. Who more genuinely loving of children than grandmothers, grandfathers. Many are retired and have extra time and would be very happy to help.

  33. You say you don’t have a problem with gay stuff but I’d say the opposite. It’s always about the ass and it’s always a negative connotation. What about the gay men that aren’t into women and they also aren’t into ass play, is that okay? There’s never any snide comments about lesbians, ever.

    Let’s not pretend for even a second that the problem with drag queen story hour would go away if it was just, “story hour with a man (but he happens to be wearing a dress)”. We’d be hearing a lot of backpedaling on the news that night. “If they just told us it was drag queen story hour I wouldn’t have had to attack that person in a violent, sexually-confused rage!”

    Why is there not the same backlash against a women reading a book (but maybe she also happens to be wearing pants)? Hell, I see women wearing pants all the time. They’ve pulled the wool over our eyes!! DRAG KINGS!! Everyday, in broad daylight. Throwing it in our FACES!! Well no one was brave enough to give it a name but I will, and I will cross the line and stand up next to you and fight. There are TWO sexes and there are TWO types of leg coverings and you will wear the leg coverings assigned to you at birth!!

  34. Again a worthless insult, even if it was true. Just a way for you to try to denigrate and designate me as “other”. It’s a stone that falls well short of your target. Keep punching sport.

  35. JT please stop DM’ing me. I don’t want to play “Epstein’s Island” in your basement, while wearing diapers, with you and abe. You guys are weirdos.

  36. We don’t want men or women doing sex in front of children. The fact that you struggle with this basic point indicates that you aren’t trying to have a good faith discussion and you do not hold a normal point of view on the topic. Your misdirection is not out of ignorance but is actually deliberate, and this sophistry is not fooling anybody, Joseph. You are running interference for bad behavior because you approve of it, but you are trying to distract people and not make known to them your sincere beliefs. You are failing badly.

    Diapers? Ass play? You are so disconnected from reality and mainstream America that you really thought typing that would convince anybody this lewd behavior in public is acceptable. (It is not.) Your comrades are losing patience with your shit tier arguments. You are embarrassing them. It’s better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. You are doing more harm for your cause than good. Keep talking, idiot. This is priceless. lol

    Anyway, to Pokorny’s earlier claim accusing me of cherry picking studies, I included one from a queer advocacy group. The fact that one would even need studies to recognize what is so obvious to everybody shows how out of touch some people on this blog are. They’ve buried their heads in the sand while A-B beer company lost billions in market value and big box stores started cutting back on LGBT iconography and merchandise due to backlash.

    It’s not just the religious right that doesn’t like you. You’ve managed to alienate yourselves from normal people. You have caused tremendous harm to members of the LGBT community who actually do just want to be left alone by being too perverted and too annoying. There are always some people who spoil the bunch. Folks who feel the need to defend child predation by never acknowledging it being a problem and who use strawmans and whataboutisms are going to start getting physically attacked, ironically, by homosexuals. It’s going to be epic.

    Running interference for child molesters is never a good look. People who do so are going to start feeling the consequences of their evil actions. Why you choose to die on this hill says a lot about you as a person. Polite society has had about enough of you, and very soon the politeness is going to run out.

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