Democrats Again Outshine Republicans at Algonquin’s Founders’ Days Parade

I went to the Algonquin parade Saturday and headline expresses its partisan political aspect.

But you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see the partisan entries.

Only incumbents are allowed at the front in Founders’ Days Parades.

The first vehicle coming across the bridge about ten minutes after the start of the parade was one from the Algonquin Police Department.

I don’t know the players. Maybe this is the new Chief.

When the Color Guard marched by, not many people removed their hats.

The Color Guard.

The motorcyclist nearest me was playing the Star Spangled Banner. Again no appropriate reaction from those on the sidelilnes, but maybe they could not hear the National Anthem.

The name of the club was on the back of their vests, but I failed to take a photo.

Two teens were carrying the Algonquin Lions Club banner in front of a contingent of young sailors.

Maybe the Lions were responsible for the sailors parade appearance.
The leader on the righthand side of the picture was leading her crew in a chant.

Other sailors were handing out candy, the reason kids (up to high school age, I discovered) love parades.

Other duties as assigned.

The Lions’ ginormous American Flag came next.

I rotated the photo so Tyvek Towers would appear straight.

A blown up elephant in the back of a truck made me think it might be on a Republican truck.

I concluded the truck had some military connection.

Next came two carrying a banner for Algonquin Founders’ Days.

Behind came cars with digftaries.

First was Grand Marshall Ziya Senturk.

Ziya Senturk in front of his restaurant Port Edward.

Founders Honoree Tony Belleno came next.

Tony Belleno.

State Senator Dan McConchie was the next dignitary I got a shot of.

Dan McConchie waved.

Village President Debbie Sosine walked next to her car handing out candy.

Debbie Sosine distributed goodies.

Trustee Maggie Auger followed Sosine.

Maggie Auger, who served as a Republican member of the Kane County Board.

Trustee Laura Brehmer followed.

Laura Brehmer.

Trustee Brian Dianis was also distributing candy.

Brian Dianis.

Trustee Jerry Glogowski was really into the parade’s circus theme.

Jerry Glogowski.

Here’s a clost-up.

Jerry Glogowski.

Trustee Bob Smith, the senior member of the Algonquin Village Board, came next.

Bob Smith.

Bringing up the rear of the Village Trustees was Trustee John Spella.

Hands holding their Dan McConchie candy bags, two Jacobs High School student wait for Trustee John Spella to approach.

Village Clerk Fred Martin was the last Algonquin Village official.

Fred Martin prepares to give away more candy.

McHenry County Board members came next.

District 1 Democrat Theresa Meshes was in front.

Theresa Meshes.

I saw District 2 Democrat Gloris Van Hof next.

Gloria Van Hof..

District 3 Democrat Carolyn Campbell rounded out the County Board Democrats.

Carolyn Campbell.

Republican State Representative Marty McLaughlin followed.

Marty McLaughlin gave me a thumbs up.

Then came McHenry County Board District 1 Republican newcomer Matt Kunkle, who ran ahead of Meshes in the 2022 election.

Matt Kunkle.

The only Algonquin Township official in the parade was Highway Commissioner Danijela Sandberg.

Danijela Sandberg walked nest to the Algonquin Township bus.

Fire engines were next in line.

One privately owned on had a dalmatian on top..

Dalmatian dog on top of a fire truck.

The Jacobs High School Band was in the parade. (I wonder why none of the Crystal Lake high school bands are in Independence Day Parades.)

Flags waving.
Drums beating.

There were several entries that featured dozens of children.

I didn’t catch the name of this one.
Cub Scout Pack 150.

The Algonquin Area Public Library had its usual entry.

Book distributors are on the right.
Every child received a free book from the Algonquin Library. (I wish Crystal Lake would follow suit.)

There was a line of Corvettes.

“Save the wave. I’m a Corvette fan,” the sign says.

The next photo is what parades are all about for children.

When parents look at the bag, they will see State Senator Dan McConchie’s name.

= = = = =

More tomorrow.


Democrats Again Outshine Republicans at Algonquin’s Founders’ Days Parade — 19 Comments

  1. McConchie is a piker!

    How do I know? I talked to him once for 3 mins.

    “Von Hoff” is a Marxist kook who wants reparations paid by me and you!

  2. How about a list of all of the reckless, idiotic people, morons, who were throwing out candy pieces.

  3. As a retired USAF officer, it makes me sick to see the US flag carried horizontally.

    According to the U.S. Flag Code, the American flag should never be carried flat or horizontally. Doing so is considered poor etiquette and, therefore, should be avoided.

    The lions should be ashamed!

    As for the pick up truck with the blow up elephant which baffled Cal, you’ll notice the Vatican flag. Probably Knights of Columbus.

    Hey what did that reeking black lesbian midget, Lightfoot, do with the two Columbus statues she illegally tore down?

  4. I don’t see Kenneally prancing around in this Algonquin Township Parade.

  5. “Every child received a free book from the Algonquin Library. (I wish Crystal Lake would follow suit.)”

    The petulant children at the library stopped trying to do nice things after their $30 million mansion plans got shut down. They weren’t doing it before either, but they’re definitely not doing it now.

  6. The Columbus Statue’s are at the Concerned Citizens Rewrite History warehouse.

    Next to the equally offensive Fort Dearborn Massacre Statue, depicting a white woman settler, unjustly protesting having her skull caved in, by a Potawatomi Tomahawk.

  7. Trustees, board members, village officials, committemen, etc. My God where our money goes for the layers of pork. The Danilanai Sdnenburg, Hindengurg, whatever, her smiling on that bloated body with faded tats makes me sick. She is a vengeful, hating person.

  8. Photo shows a child picking up candy from a dirty, filthy street surface.

    Paraders who throw candy at children, in their direction, should be arrested.

    What kind of a moron or imbecile throws candy toward children at a parade?

  9. You sound like a pussy, bred winner. You’re afraid of candy.

  10. Was Correcting one of those in the parade throwing candy at kids?

    Dressed in a clown outfit?

  11. One of my favorite things on this blog is bred winner complaining about candy at parades.

  12. I bet you Carl’s a lot of fun at party’s and family gatherings.

  13. Per Webster, The meaning of NEFARIOUS is flagrantly wicked or impious : evil.

    This guy or gal Nefarious “favorite thing” he/she states is about another commenter pointing out, NOT COMPLAINING, how dumb and reckless are paraders throwing candy at children. Should Nefarious get a life???

  14. I agree with Van Hoff.

    Ya’ll need to pay them reparations.

    Open up your wallets.

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