Lake Geneva YMCA Offers Locker Room Explanation

From Ann Fulmer, whose email says she is Marketing & Development Director at the Lake Geneva YMCA:

As a Senior Director of the Geneva Lakes Family YMCA, this blog was brought to my attention about our locker room renovation.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of inaccurate information presented on what is happening at our facility.

At this time, we are renovating the Boys and Girls Locker Rooms to create four changing private areas in each area.

We are doing this to create more privacy in each area so when mom’s or dad’s walk through the designated locker room with young children they have a safe, private space to change their children.

This also provides additional privacy so individuals can change in a private area instead of one large open room.

There will be additional information forthcoming on the policies and expectations of how this area will be used and by whom.

The YMCA is and always will keep the safety of our children and all of our members as its top priority in any decision we make.

The original article can be found below:


Lake Geneva YMCA Offers Locker Room Explanation — 15 Comments

  1. That’s the problem when you head an organization.

    You have to explain perfectly rational situations to the irrational.

    Start your own YMQA.

    I wonder what those would be like?

  2. will your assistant “friend of the …. be sending you an approved apology to the Geneva YMCA that you of course will post. Like all of your so called reporting…more bullshit.

  3. “We are doing this to create more privacy in each area so when mom’s or dad’s walk through the designated locker room with young children they have a safe, private space to change their children.”

    “This also provides additional privacy so individuals can change in a private area instead of one large open room.”

    Seems this is allowing for GREATER modesty, not less.

    Having more than one “trusted adult” present creates a more secure environment.

  4. I think I’m gonna pitch “Boys and Girls Locker Room Rehab” to HGTV.

  5. Soooooo, across Merika taxpayers spend millions on renovations, additional bathrooms, accommodations, and changes to policy for a group that suffers dysphoria and, or for many, a fetish.

    It is, in fact, a fetish for most, who seek attention while gaining arousal.

    Similar to the Canadian teacher with fake breast implants the size of watermelons who forced them upon his classroom, that the students look upon them.

    “Shockingly,” the freak was caught out in public without the implants, under disguise.

    There is a documentary that attempts to capture the feeling of those citizens who lived during the fall of Rome.

    Irony, 1000 years later.

    I know, I know, this is all ‘silliness” and “blown out of proportion” , and ya know, all of FOX creating a hysteria over nothing.

    Says those at the behest.

  6. Taxpayers aren’t paying for this.

    Members are paying for it.

    You’re off the hook, steve.

  7. That “Canadian teacher” may have pulled off the greatest troll in troll history.

    Say you’re a teacher with a fairly bad record and close to being fired.

    You come up with the inspiration to come to class in the most outrageous drag outfit topped off with gigantic fake titties.

    School has only 2 options:

    paid mental health leave or,

    give this nitwit tenure and laud him in the press as a brave member of the faculty.

  8. But me thinks the biggest boobs in this ‘Canadian’ story are the ones not grasping what’s really going on here….

    That’s it, I’d like to now thank the sponsors of this blather talk, the ‘tangy zip’ of Grey Jack Mustard condiments. Remember, ‘if it’s not GJM it ain’t worth Jack’!

  9. Hopefully ‘The Village People’ aren’t going to be involved as that could get ugly.

  10. “Sick. Sick. Sick”

    Yeah, it was much better back in the day when moms would get a helpful stranger to accompany her son into the bathroom.

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