“Where Have You Gone Woodward and Bernstein?” Asks John Kass

John Kass wonders in his column today where the successors of Woodward and Bernstein have gone.

Good reporting drove Richard Nixon from office.

Will Joe Biden have an “I am not a crook” moment?

Kass argues that today’s reporters, columnists and editorial writers are defending or deflecting the revelations of Biden family misdeeds.

He says today’s media has been “running a Biden family cover-up that they ran from the time the laptop was found.”

Kass references New York Post writer Miranda Devine’s latest column (about Biodenomics).

He compares journalism today to “a sugar cookie dunked in spoiled milk.”


“Where Have You Gone Woodward and Bernstein?” Asks John Kass — 33 Comments

  1. LOL, I love it. Miranda wrote the Laptop from Hell. You can read and see the filth on Hunter’s laptop at Marco Polo. Let’s make anti Trump twit John Lopez aka Marc Avelar’s head explode. Hey Marc, watch this ad, weren’t you the one claiming there weren’t 50k Trump supporters in SC? And only 5k in PA last night. Why is Avelar so afraid of dissenting opinions to his columns? He’s something that rhymes with wussy and begins with a p.


    Also why is Biden’s DOJ writing to the judge handling the Devin Archer case writing Saturday letters to him to lock him up before tomorrows closed door testimony in Congress? Banana Republic stuff going on in that craphole DC.

  2. Hey Lopez, what were you saying about small crowds. Put your beloved Desanctimonious in that arena and let’s see the crowd he cultivates and their enthusiasm. Southern McHenry County RINOs are pricelessly stupid.

  3. Cal it appears John Kass is fully awake on things unlike a guy named Avelar with a big ego.

    Lopez read the article.

    That’s real truth coming out of Kass unlike the drivel you post.

    I forgot to forward the link in my 4:07 post.

    Yep an unfilled rally.

    Looks like it to me.


  4. And I refuse to kow tow to Avelar/Lopez.

    Cal is losing it to appoint Lopez/Avelar his successor. Say good bye to this blog if he takes over.

    Why does Mark Avelar feel he must use an alias?

    He wont answer that question. If I’m mistaken, i call on him to explain it all RIGHT HERE.

  5. LOL Lee. Good luck with the overly sensitive Snowflake who can’t take a dissenting opinion or personal attacks. That’s you Avelar.

    Look at the trolls that attack me daily. I find them quite humorous.

    The blog will die if his totalitarian control takes over.

  6. The blog is dead thanks to people like you Mellow Chimp and the rest of your troll posee that adds zero value

  7. Yes, if it’s crazy conspiracies and stupid nonsense, then yes, sorry, fresh out.

  8. Screw the 70’s nostalgia, any random Golden Age Looney Tunes or MGM cartoon vs the Washington Post or New York Times, is like Michelangelo vs some dipshit art fair hippie tie dye.

  9. as the Jew-politician Rahm Emmanuel said,

    “never let a good crisis go to waste”, i.e.

    to increase the vicious tyranny of the globohomo Jew.gov.

    So, when there are no actual crises to utilize,

    the Jews and their shabbat goyim

    just false flag/invent them:

  10. Monk, if this blog is ‘dead’, why do you and your fellow bums hang out here? Are you necrophiliacs?

  11. The press are part of the problem, just too dumb to know they are being used by the FBI and DOJ.

  12. Since Trump was already convicted in one civil trial and with multiple indictments hanging over his head, Woodward and Bernstein aren’t needed.

    The evidence will speak for itself at the trials (note the plural).

    That’s the difference between trials and people like JT et al: trials require substantiated proof with people testifying under oath; not bogus, unsubstantiated Internet postings.

  13. JT is now a psychologist!

    Wonder what bogus Internet URL he used for that.

    Obviously not a good one because all my post did was state obvious facts…

  14. His audience is rather dull if they need to be told in 2023 that journalistic integrity and quality have declined, and Kass himself is comically naive for saying he does not support impeachment (He writes, “Should Biden be impeached? I certainly hope not.”) and for wondering *if* Biden did anything impeachable.

    I hope readers of this blog will hold themselves and the media they consume to higher standards.

    I’m honestly not a fan of Kass.

    His heart is in the right place but he is like an albatross pulling you to the bottom.

    The man is way too slow and we need to get rid of the dead weight.

    This is the Republican thought leader?

    No wonder Democrats win.

    It is like playing a mmorpg with a 56 k dial-up modem.

    Maybe we should let our pet snail lead us out of the house when it is on fire.

    His articles about how to make a nice yummy roasted lamb are pretty good though.

  15. “Where Have You Gone Woodward and Bernstein?” Asks John Kass” Alive and well posting to the sights JT reads.

    You know all that truth and all.

  16. AL. didn’t you know, Junior Thinker is our resident expert on everything. Just ask him.

  17. “The blog is dead thanks to people like you Mellow Chimp and the rest of your troll posee that adds zero value” And if wasn’t for you and the rest of the unwashed conservative haters we would need to point out your mental deficiencies.

  18. Congratulations Marty. Your comments made it past the Marc Avelar misinformation firewall on the Trump post. He left them open and I posted a video showing the PA crowd size was well over 5,000. What does he do? Deletes evidence refuting his assertion. Avelar is a little Snowflake hack that suppresses truth that he doesn’t agree with. BTW Marty your comments he posted weren’t germaine to the blog post. LOL.

    Marc Avelar is the leader of the Snowflake Brigade.

  19. Orange Man so bad, Zielinski thinks Trump was “convicted” not liable like the rest of us in a Civil Pleading.

    But I’m also guessing his Assessment’s for some of you were “conviction”s as well as judgement’s.

  20. Anyone running for President of the United States shouldn’t have to parse legal subtleties.

    The convictions will come soon enough.

    The saddest part is this flock of candidates is the “best” the U.S. can offer. What a joke!

  21. “Anyone running for President of the United States shouldn’t have to parse legal subtleties”

    Exactly. Just like trying to explain a joke……

  22. …..like when I try to explain why Biden is funny, he isn’t; when I try explain to explain why Biden isn’t funny he is?

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