Chance to Avoid Interest on Court Fines, Class Telling How to Expunge Records Set

From the Circuit Court Clerk Kathy Keefe:

Circuit Clerk Announces Amnesty Week, Expungement Clinic to Help People Pay Fines, Clear Criminal Records

WOODSTOCK, Ill. – Upcoming events in September will offer people the opportunity to pay past-due McHenry County case fines and unpaid traffic tickets without penalty, and help people ask to clear their criminal records.

The McHenry County Circuit Clerk’s Office will once again host Amnesty Week, during which people can
settle their court debts by paying the original amount due before their cases were turned over to collections.

And for the first time, the office will offer an Expungement Clinic to help people prepare and file requests to clear their criminal record at no cost, Circuit Clerk Kathy Keefe said.

“Last year’s Amnesty Week, our first ever, was a success that gave people the opportunity for a fresh start by allowing them to pay their past-due case fines without fees and interest.

“We’re excited this year to add the expungement clinic as well,” Keefe said.

“In the Circuit Clerk’s Office, we help people every day who have turned their lives around and are trying to clear their criminal records to help get a job or join the military.

“The expungement process can be challenging, and this clinic will be a great opportunity to give people access to the assistance of an attorney, free of charge.”

Amnesty Week will take place between Monday, Sept. 25, and Friday, Sept. 29 – anyone with a balance due on a criminal, traffic, DUI, ordinance, or conservation violation will be able to pay their total due, minus any late fees and collection interest that may have accumulated.

The amnesty does not apply to any fines and costs which have already been paid, or any tax refunds which have been applied against what is owed.

Last year’s inaugural Amnesty Week saved 33 individuals a total of more than $14,000 in late fees and interest, and more than $17,000 owed to the court was paid, Keefe said.

People may ask for a quote for the amount due in their cases, minus fees and interest, by emailing, or by calling 815-334-4190.

Payments can be made online at, in person at the Circuit Clerk’s Office between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., or mailed to the office at 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock, IL 60098. Payments can be made by cash, personal check, credit or debit card.


Chance to Avoid Interest on Court Fines, Class Telling How to Expunge Records Set — 18 Comments

  1. Look at that. The DISGUSTING, VILE, SKANK, LIBERAL clerk is trying to help people expunge their records. I’m sorry, but if you were ACCUSED of a crime but NOT convicted that stain should follow you, FOREVER.

    “The expungement process can be challenging…” That’s not a bug, that’s a feature. It’s there to make sure that the people that are intimidated by the justice system, ignorant of how it works or discriminated by it can’t get relief. BUT, if you happen to have advanced education or the money to obtain counsel you can obtain relief, but all you poor f*$&^*s [look Cal, I followed the rules like a good boy] will have your record follow you, forever.

  2. The system is set up to enrich lawyers.

    Why not have mild crimes automatically expunged IF the minor crime isn’t committed again.

    Why have the requirement of foreknowledge of the expunge process AND the need for a lawyer if not to benefit the lawyers?

    For more significant crimes, I agree: why should there be expungement of the record.

    Our legal justice system is a shame, a disgrace, and clearly there are two tiers of justice.

    Hunter Biden and Hilary get a pass while Trump is facing 100 felony charges.

    What a joke.

    Lawyers and judges are hiding their disagreement of the fraudulent system out of fear of retribution.

    Roland Freisler would be very proud of Comey, Wray, Mueller, Brennan, and Garland.

  3. Actually, CLM, I don’t think Freisler would be on Brennan’s side, or any of the other traitors you named.

  4. Where’s expungement for the people that were duped into the J6 Pelosi false flag?


    Can’t believe we have video of DC cops admitting they pretended to be Antifa in the crowd on J6 & media still denies this was a setup.

    J6 was a hornet’s nest of undercover cops & federal agents to make sure Pelosi’s mission was accomplished that day:

    A Trump impeachment, MAGA indictments, and a media narrative of “insurrection”

    Cell phone video of DC officer on J6 saying “we go undercover as Antifa in the crowd”

    They’re ADMITTING it

    How many cops & federal agents were undercover that day? How many instigated violence & property destruction?

    Release the J6 tapes!

  5. My God! So it was a carefully crafted and engineered ploy to get MAGAMoron lemmings to gather en masse and jump off the cliff!

  6. The FBI hunted and killed a 75-year-old Trump supporter over a Facebook post, but didn’t arrest Ray Epps for telling people to go into the Capitol.

    Really makes you think.

  7. Dr. Hamburger Halper. If FOX isn’t even running her, she means even less than nothing.

    Who is Kari Loser?

  8. LOFL. Monk watches FOX. He now has KDS. What happened in Muskegon MI Monk. Your buddy Jack Smith opened a can of worms for RINOs like you. How’s Tim Scott and Chris Christie polling sport? Get out the bong. You definitely need it.

  9. What happened to Bobby Q?

    On your political judgement alone, I rest my case.

  10. The only FOX I watch is Bret Baier, and I look at their website from time to time to see what they think is important as news. I continue to monitor them as from time to time, they DO hit on something occasionally that IS correct and not otherwise being covered.

    If FOX doesn’t even cover it, then it’s really, REALLY out there.

  11. LOFL. Monk defending FOX and Brett Baeir. Is that the same Brett Baeir that called AZ for Biden with less than 1% of the vote in? Got it. Monk is a highly intelligent simp. Do another bong sport

  12. Gosh, JT – and who was correct? What did it matter, whether early or late? Votes were already in.

    Is that like pretending your daughter isn’t pregnant, but finally admitting as much in month 8?

    When FOX called Arizona were your feelings hurt? Poor baby!

  13. No Monk. Fox is only in control of low IQ cognitive dissonants like you sport. It’s fun to read your drivel proving it on a daily basis.

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