Remembering Where I Was Sixty Years Ago

See this article in the Chicago Tribune about Martin Luther King’s Washington speech sixty years ago brought to mind that was the time I had my wisdom teeth extracted.

A junion at Oberlin College, I asked my oral surgeon, Dick Verbic, if I could go to Washington for the speech.

He told me I couldn’t, that I needed to recover from the surgery.

Verbic turned out to be political.

He was elected Elgin’s Mayor three times and ran unsuccessfully for Congress against Robert C. McClory.


Remembering Where I Was Sixty Years Ago — 45 Comments

  1. yo. krpy. You’re a dick.

    Dr. King is still revered by most educated folks.

    You have accomplished only bigotry in your miserable life.

    Please leave our country.

  2. What’s bigoted about calling out a louse who stold somebody else’s academic work and claimed it as his own?

    Ok, so the idiots at BU admitted an incompetent or dishonest affirmative action doctoral student who couldn’t write a cogent paragraph, but I didn’t wtite that above.

    I’m sick of degenerate negroes being lionized with statues and acclaim when they are nothing but societal lowlifes like sexual harasser Till or felon Floyd.

    Are they the best blacks the libtards can find?

    How about this one: “Rev” MLK an adulterer and bisexual?

  3. His “ I have a dream” speech will always be held as one of the greatest speeches of our time.

    Plagiarism aside, the words resounded with truth.

    I was not too young to comprehend the significance at the time.

    The 60’s was ripe with racism. I lived in the south and saw the Whites Only bathrooms.

    Segregated restaurants.

    Had he have lived, I’m sure much of the racial discord would have been avoided.

  4. Ned, sadly no. People have been people for thousands of years now. People don’t change. You can only rely on your own conduct towards others.

  5. I was astonished at the hatred expressed in Marquette Park when I saw it on TV.

  6. Cal, sorry to rain on your pity parade.

    Go for a little walk in the Austin ‘neighborhood’ in ChiCongo or return to your beloved chimpout town, Baltimore, and then tell me the people of Marquette Park were crazy.

  7. I just hope that jackass that yelled at 8 year old DJ, at the Greyhound Memphis Terminal in 62, for drinking off the ‘Colored’ fountain, is in hell, drowning in a bucket of piss.

    Remember him also barking some shit at my mom and that asshole really scared the crap out of mini-me.

  8. Check that, make it a tub, to make room for ‘Kryp’ and ‘Term’…..

  9. Interesting, every major post in Chitown and Crook county held by a black——- mayor, police chief, chief judge, fire chief, blah, blah blah.

    But city in freefall. Hmmmmmmmm.

  10. Reading the comments here, it’s no wonder racism is alive and well. The vitriol is not only sickening, it’s disheartening.

    Cal. Have you allowed this page to become a hate site? I affirm….yes.

  11. Believe it or not there are blacks waking up in this world that they have been being used by the uniparty. Here’s another example. I’m sure Avelar has many black RINO friends like this in his church.

    BTW. MLK is in a long list of CIA murdered leaders in this country.

  12. Dirty Ned, must you cheerlead the woke destroyers?

    If you cannot understand the problem, you contribute to it.

    Why is BLM and zionist racism accepted and extolled?

  13. Is it racist to point out MLK’s PhD thesis plagiarism? Negro crime? Zionist depredations?Lgbtq degeneracy?

  14. My daughter was accosted and sexually harassed by a thug at ISU , a protected thug on the footbal team.

    He’s in jail now on another crime.

  15. This is quite the safe space for anonymous coward racists and their weakness, lies, and things they’d never dare say in public.

  16. “s it racist to point out MLK’s PhD thesis plagiarism? Negro crime? Zionist depredations?Lgbtq degeneracy?”

    No, What’s racist is the only reason you point it out is because he is black.

    I don’t see you pointing out the fact that Trunp is a con man , a liar and a sexual abuser.

  17. “If you cannot understand the problem, you contribute to it.”

    I see the problem and it’s the likes of you, coward.

  18. “Believe it or not there are blacks waking up in this world that they have been being used by the uniparty. ”

    And there are White people waking up this morning that are being used by Trump.

  19. “Dirty Ned, must you cheerlead the woke destroyers?” (Koziol)

    So NOT labeling all minorities as a problem is woke?

    Acknowledging a speech for its truths is woke?

    Having an opinion different from the haters indicates a low IQ?

    Do I believe BLM and the subsequent riots were brushed aside by the media and especially the democrats.

    Resounding yes.

    Does that mitigate the atrocities on January 6th..NO.

    You can post links to all the ultra right wing hyperbole you wish. Hyperbole does not change facts.

  20. And you Still Can’t Understand Normal Thinking. Spread the hate bitch.

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