
Cary Started Planning for Migrants on the 20th — 23 Comments

  1. Naydenoff is a total loser.

    He should be figuring out how to safeguard the Cary Citizens instead of catering to criminal invaders!

  2. Jody, he’s figuring out how to send them on their way. I guess you’d leave them stranded in town? How would that safeguard anyone?

  3. That would have been the “Rot in Cary” strategy.

    ‘Tis the season.

  4. Cary Ale House could open their doors. Porkboy would lose his barstool for a week or so

  5. Texas needs to stop spending my tax dollars netting, vetting and processing.

    10,000 per day, right out of the Grande, to waiting buses to Illinois. I call it my Direct to you Misery Plan.

    C’mon Gov. Greg, NUKE EM!

  6. My Direct Misery idea was inspired by Crackerjack, who made a fortune with its ‘prize in every package’.

    Instead of stupidly blaming Abbott, Dems should just tell their idiot voters to just imagine the excitement, that each mystery bus could contain an Islamic Terrorist, Chinese Cell member, Cartel Courier or an untreatable $5 M hospital stay.

    C’mon Democrats, your the birthplace of “never let a crisis go to waste”!

  7. 👀Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson begs Biden for help with migrant crisis:

    “We have reached a critical point in this mission that absent real, significant intervention immediately, our local economies are not designed and built to respond to this type of crisis.”

    But “border towns” and “border states”…

    They were meant to deal with the crisis.

  8. On the post above about Boebert – she’s going to a safer district because she’d definitely lose this time around.

    Such safer district populated with idiots who probably believe she’ll get those litter boxes yanked out of the schools.

    Probably endorsed by Moms For Three-ways.

    Proving, I suppose, that reading all those bad library books can induce unclean thoughts and acts.

  9. “Moms for Liberty is an American conservative political organization that advocates against school curricula that mention LGBT rights, race and ethnicity, critical race theory, and discrimination. Multiple chapters have also campaigned to ban books that address gender and sexuality from school libraries. Wikipedia”

    What about three-ways and rape?

  10. Seems like an OK plan to me, because it involves moving them on to the Landing Zone in Chicago, after first showing some compassion for any in immediate need.

    Where’s Mayor Kownicks name anywhere?

    I said before let him and the Village Trustees open their homes (most are large and expansive) if they have any ideas of letting them hang around town.

    Will there be a vote for residents if we are a Sanctuary City, or like the bus drivers who drop the immigrants off say now, “every town in Illinois is Chicago”.

  11. What the hell is “no comment” Avelar rambling about now? Your not a journalist John Lopez. Why do I care about Bobert again? If you were any kind of reporter you would be reporting about Trump’s victory in MI and CO law banning Trump from the ballot. I knew you were a dbag but you continually prove you are a next level dbag. That would be a D posing as a R. Give Gracie your wife a kiss sport.

    How you are on the board of anything involving mental health in Dundee Township amazes me.

    Keep on trolling Marc Avelar. Noone cares about your drivel except your troll friends on the blog.

  12. Now this is more like it—a local town, McHenry taking preemptive steps on the Migrant drop off issue.

    Other towns need to get with it too, or become known Sanctuary drop off go to points.

    Cary Mayor Kownick and Trustees, will you be meeting this Friday to discuss?

    Crystal Lake, and any other town on a major hwy or train line, might want to consider something. Isnt this what Lopez asked for in his story the other day?

    Well City of McHenry is taking action.

    Will it work?

    Who knows, but its a start.

  13. It is well past the time for US taxpayers to demand the entry points on our southern border be closed. Period.

  14. That’s great to hear, NorthStar.

    For those interested in doing something like that elsewhere, visit the city/village’s website (Cary, Woodstock, Crystal Lake, Harvard, etc) and look for the contact info for the mayor/village president and trustees/council.

    You could even bring this up with a city administrator if you have one of those.

    I recommend keeping the dialogue with these people respectful.

  15. Migrants should NOT be bused to OUR TOWN.

    We are not a sanctuary city,

    Actually the order should be close and they should have to enter the LEGAL WAY AND BE VETTED!!!

  16. Nothing wrong with Naydenoff’s strategy.

    Thanks to the idiocy of our rulers, the woke, corrupt Democrats, he cannot even assist in enforcing Federal immigration laws.

    Helping them on their way quickly is the best practice.

    I wonder if Governor Abbott might consider another strategy that might provide more bang for his buck?

    How about shipping the bus loads of ILLEGAL ALIENS (Let us please call a spade a spade) where they are truly wanted?

    Abbott’s got the right idea, but he didn’t think it all the way through.

    Yes, Chicago and the other Democratic controlled cities proclaim themselves to be sanctuary cities. We see now that they don’t really want them on THEIR doorstep, they just want to look woke and welcoming and, of course, harvest the votes.

    Let’s do right by the politicians . . .

    Let’s have Abbott ship them to the doorstep of the politicians who are enabling this invasion.

    Here Senator Durbin, entertain these “guests.”

    Same for you Spammy Suckworth!

    Casten, you cretin, here’s your allotment.

    Oh, wait!

    Pudge Prickster, hook those toilets back up and take two bus loads (just as you take five plates at the buffet line!)!

  17. I’ve made suggestions to Gov Abbott’s office, which I’m guessing gets his staff laughing and passed around, but no results yet.

    United Center to take in a Bulls home game.

    Chicago Teachers Union Headquarters

    Field Museum for the Mayan Exposition

    JB’s GoldCoast digs

    Highland Park

  18. ….and another thing there, Scott is it?

    Stick your preferred “landing zone” crap up your ass.

    Texas has a 1254 mile zone, you Democrats have targeted for years now.

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