Mental Health Sales Tax Passes by Five Percentage Points

With what looks like one precinct outstanding, the 708 Mental Health Board one quarter of one percnet sales tax imposition has passed by about 1,800 votes.

From this map, one can tell where people showed support and opposition:

Republicans deloyed 1,000 “Vote Yes” signs.

Libertarians posted 100 “Vote No” signs.

The sales tax–25 cents on a $100 purchase–will start July 1st.


Mental Health Sales Tax Passes by Five Percentage Points — 19 Comments

  1. I’m guessing you nuts still don’t realize, you start involuntarily salivating like a Pavlov’s dog, every time your exposed to some “Wish The World Could Sing” harmony moment.

  2. Wow look at all that green in the Richmond area.

    I guess the Chode didn’t get his point across.

  3. Wow.

    My district is full of as many idiots that live in Southern McHenry County.

    I suspect the liberals were playing games as usual.

  4. Of course they were.

    It’s the only way you accept defeat.

  5. This lowers your property tax of the Mental Health board portion of your Real Estate bill.

    The minute increase in sales tax does not include food and medication but it does include consumption on everything else by EVERYONE who does business in McHenry County.

    Even those that dont own homes, even those from out of town.

    (Think of all the festival goers, farmers markets, events put on in this county)

    If you’re not up for the tiny bit of taxation, you can control your spending or go to Kane, Cook, Lake counties to buy your stuff- oh wait their taxes are higher than ours even with the increase.

    This is a win for property owners.

    Thank you, County board.

    This was supported by both parties.

    The only way this doesn’t benefit a property owner is if they live in a tiny house or under assessed house and plan on buying a bunch of high ticket items every year like a car.

    The real dummies are the ones that looked at this and didn’t READ the whole thing and voted NO.

  6. Kudos Camp Lake!

    Plus, you don’t have to buy a car in McHenry County.

  7. “The only way this doesn’t benefit”

    Really people, how stupid are you in Illinois?

    I’m guessing Camp Lake is the king of BOGO and money saving coupons, with a shed in back of his trailer stuffed with Beanie Babies.

  8. Camp Lake, you have also created a taxing body that over time will loose the County Board oversite.

    These are also not elected positions but appointed.

  9. So camp lake thinks that saving ~35 in property taxes and paying 200+ in sales tax is a better thing.

    IL is full of idiots like him.

    But but but….you don’t pay for it on groceries which are already thru the roof thanks to the turnip in the WH.

  10. Camp Lake,

    Can you show me on your property tax bill where the Mental Health board portion is listed?

    There’s no separate fund listed on my property tax bill.

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