Politics Is a Game of Addition, Not Subtraction

If this headline outlines Donald Trump’s strategy to get elected, it may not work:

Consider the Republicans not voting for Trump in McHenry County:


Politics Is a Game of Addition, Not Subtraction — 40 Comments

  1. So far, it would seem about 20% of “Republicans” are never tRumpers.

    I will not cast a vote for him, so the only question left is do I vote for someone else, compounding and amplifying my no-vote.

    My litmus test beyond that for any other candidates is where they’re at in terms of tRump worship and election denial.

  2. tRump is smart to write me off. But only as a Presidential voter.

    We’ll see if he allows the Party and other candidates to be anything other than tRumpbots.

    Good luck.

  3. Nobody cares what a disgusting degenerate, like you Mellow, does, thinks, votes, or whines about.

    Why did you add ‘Monk’ to your blog ID since you are Jewish?

    Just more dissembling, I guess.

    It must be genetic.

  4. Long Time Resident, news flash, no one cares about your thoughts either, blog turd.

  5. They’ve fired everybody at the RNC, and they must apply to be rehired. You don’t get rehired unless you profess to believe in the Grand Stolen Election Theory.

    Oh, and show your receipt for your tRumpty Testament.

  6. Some commenters are pretty easy to write-off thanks to their unbridled lunacy.

    Monk – I’ll give you the benefit of doubt, but could you help me with something I consider a litmus test? For whom did you vote (president) in the 2016 primary?

    For whom did you vote in the 2016 general?

    For whom did you vote in the 2020 general?

  7. 6640, voting is for suckers.

    Your vote dosent matter.

    So why waste time caring.

  8. I never voted for tRumpty in the Primary. I voted for him for President both times.

  9. Joseph – as Dana Carvey said in his portrayal of Ross Perot, “now that’s just sad.”

    Monk – to be fair, I’ll give you mine: 2016 primary – Ted Cruz; 2016 general – Trump (somewhat reluctantly); 2020 general – Trump very enthusiastically. And I forgot the most important one for purposes of said litmus test… for whom did you vote in the IL gubernatorial race between Rauner and Pritzker? I sat that one out personally, as I could not bring myself to vote for one of the biggest frauds of a republican I’ve ever seen.

  10. I voted for every Republican for Governor except for Ryan.

    I voted for Poshard instead.

  11. I was a Republican Precinct Captain and election volunteer for over 15 years, and a Republican Election Judge for over 20 years.

  12. 6640, not sad. Reality. But you keep believing in unicorns and fairies. Say fairy three times and JT gets his wings.

  13. Like Mellow Monk, I have been a Republican for the last 30 years and have volunteered heavily for the Republican Party. However, I did not vote for Bush Junior in the primary or as President. I have voted for Trump while holding my nose. I will vote for him this year, but I am unhappy that he is the Republican nominee. The Republican party in Illinois has steadily declined in professionalism and participation. I think the same is true of Congress. Some of our best Republicans are no longer running or have left politics over the last Decade. I am apprehensive about our country and our state’s future. Governor Ryan ruined Illinois with pensions. Rauner ruined Illinois with Sanctuary status. Congress ruined the country with e-commerce provisions giving China a free ride to send Fentanyl into our country while destroying the USPS, the only carrier with a Police force equal to the FBI, albeit smaller but with prosecution capabilities and power. Now, we have the Taliban stoning women to death again in Afghanistan. Both the Republican party and the Democrats stink. Our country is on a downhill slide, and it’s faster and faster every year.

  14. Joseph, fly to Gaza and kill some infants. Your days are numbered here.

  15. Can I remind you all that as a practical matter, voting is a waste of time?

  16. truthmatters. The RINOs and Ds are the uniparty. Trump brought conservative America First values back from the elite Mitt Romney elitist values

  17. For those of you never Trumpers.

    Ryan Binkley is your man!

    He is your symbol of great Republican Success!!!

  18. “Trump brought conservative America First values back from the elite Mitt Romney elitist values.”

    Yep, grabbing pussy, talking trash and pushing bibles. Murrica!

  19. My storage shed of Trumpy Bears is selling out fast after I nailed them to crosses.

    3 easy payments of $49.99 will get yours while supplies last.

  20. So, Monk, you think Biden (or a Democrat player to be named later) would be better for the country than Trump? And you are a Republican? I don’t buy it.

  21. Maybe I’m too sensible to be a Republican anymore.

    We’ll see what happens next.

  22. LOL Monk. You’re too sensible that you don’t want to vote for America First? I think sense has left your cranium and TDS has replaced it.

  23. You wouldn’t need tRumpty if the Party still had any coherence on anything.

    Anyone not on the train is considered a reprobate, because only tRumpty determines who qualifies.

    Nobody knows what they’re supposed to say or think without first consulting him.

    He’s surrounded himself with yes-men. Folks like you.

  24. I’ve seen a lot of Republicans (officeholders and acquaintances) I thought were grownups infantilize themselves.

  25. It’s ironic, isn’t it? He could shot someone in the middle of 5th Ave, and he would have been in the clear. 😄

  26. Mike Lindell. LOL is right. As a self proclaimed PC for 20 yrs you should know what an encryption code is relative to electronic voting one would think. I love it when an admitted dope smoking PC with 20 yrs experience thinks he’s smarter than a non dope user. Have you figured out how to do a 50 piece jigsaw puzzle yet. You sure aren’t that bright.

  27. I don’t think he paid that guy who proved in court that his AZ data and proof were sh*t. $5M challenge, can’t pay up.

  28. OK Monk.

    You’re thought process likely leads you to believe that the Francis Scott Key bridge takedown was an accident too.

    Don’t you find it funny that the last 2 minutes of the control settings didn’t get recorded because of a “power outage”?

    You’ll never get it just like you’ll never understand 9/11 was an inside job and Silverstein had the buildings imploded.

    What happened to the gold in B7?

    You’re a much smarter guy than me with 20 years of PC experience and no understanding of encryption keys in electronic voting systems.

  29. Truthmatters, why the F do you care what the Taliban do? We wasted a trillion dollars in a stupid 29 year Afghan war for NOTHING.

    Those occupation US forces needed to be defending OUR border.

    Are you a lunatic? A McCaine groupie?

  30. “Don’t you find it funny that the last 2 minutes of the control settings didn’t get recorded because of a “power outage”?”


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