Voting Tonight on GOP Leadership

Tonight at six at the old Woodstock VFW, the McHenry County Republican Party will elect officers for the next two years.

Monday, the leaders of the two slates faced off in Cary at We the People, McHenry County.

From left to right, current Chairman Jeff Thorsen, his challenger Matt Matusek, current Secretary Marty Mohr (running for Vice Chairman with Matusek) and Kirk Donald (running with Thorsen for Vice Chairman).


Voting Tonight on GOP Leadership — 8 Comments

  1. Out of eight people in the two photos of Republican leaders one is under 40. And you wonder why you are losing ground.

  2. You’re not going to bring in any younger voters as long as the MAGAts are in control.

  3. Prayers that the PC’s will do their due diligence, and not vote for more of the same muckety muck.

    The party needs more transparency and bringing in the moderates of the GOP and millennial will help too.

    Suffice it to say,Thorsen has had his opportunity to recruit PC’s, volunteers, and to raise $$$$$$ in order to market and GOTV to the voters of McHenry County, and under his leadership,our County Board has changed dramatically and we lost a great opportunity to flip a State Rep race in the 66th two years ago.

    Obviously, I’ve gotten the opportunity to know Thorsen’s challenger, and I can honestly tell you that he’s a hard worker, he genuinely cares not only about the people of McHenry County, but he as well as Mohr would bring fresher and new ideas to reunite the party, and working alongside to properly vet “younger PC’s, and bringing Moderate Republicans and Conservative Republicans together in the fall.

    Sooooo please do the Honorable thing, and elect MATUSEK FOR CHAIRMAN AND MOHR FOR VICE CHAIR.

  4. Kirk Donald needs depens coupons.

    Give them to him.

    Another Prevagen OD !? Oh dear.

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