McHenry County GOP Convention Nominates Randi Freese for State’s Attorney in Unanimous Vote

Randi Freese

In a do-over of the action taken by the McHenry County Republican Central Committee’s Executive Committee, Precinct Committeepersons meeting in convention, nominated First Assisrant State’s Attorney Randi Freese to replace her boss Patrick Kenneally on the fall ballot.

There was no opposition.

While the party’s recently revised by-laws state that the Executive Committee acts in place of the Precinct Committeepersons, it seems that is not the case when candidate replacements are to be selected.


McHenry County GOP Convention Nominates Randi Freese for State’s Attorney in Unanimous Vote — 16 Comments

  1. Did you expect anything different?

    It was just a reason to make it official giving it the appearance of integrity.

    IMO this was in the process for sometime prior to Kenneally’s official statement.

    What are the odds that he will be leaving shortly before the election?

  2. When an incumbent politician can handpick their replacement, then having no opposition in a general election just doesn’t seem American IMO.

  3. As an elected member, supporter, and advocate of the Republican Party, I find myself deeply troubled and frankly ashamed by the recent actions taken during our voting process Wednesday evening.

    When a member, known more for their distributions and heckling rather than their contributions, insisted on a redundant roll call voice vote after a clear decision had been reached to nominate a new states attorney, It not only wasted valuable time that could have been better spent as a party discussing outreach strategies to support the election of our new State’s Attorney nomination, but also disrespected the republic principles we uphold as a party uphold.

    This incident not only undermines the efficiency of our operations but also reflects poorly on our party’s image and unity, to not only our new States Attorney nomination but to our County as a whole.

    Such disruptions distract from our core missions and values.

    As Republicans, we must ensure that our focus remains on constructive political engagement and leadership rather than counterproductive theatrics that unfolded.

    It is imperative that we embrace change, prioritizing integrity and efficiency to restore and uphold the esteem of our party.

  4. How did Americans come to believe that invading Iraq and Afghanistan would be a good idea? Because they read so in the newspaper? Because the president lied about WMDs? Because the media sold this lie?

    How did white Christians come to have such positive feelings towards the supremacist ethnostate of Israel and towards Zionism (i.e., Jewish nationalism)?

    How did white Christians (ironically) simultaneously and conversely come to have such negative views towards “white nationalism” and “Christian nationalism”?

    How were white Christians convinced to so cuck themselves as to view securing their own borders against brown, black and Muslim invaders as “evil Nazism” while simultaneously being convinced that they should send billions of dollars of weapons to Israel to drop bombs on brown people so that their “ally” could conquer yet more of its neighbors’ land and expand its own borders?

    It’s impossible to understand this seeming conundrum unless you understand Jewish media ownership and the influence it has on American and Western attitudes. Then everything makes sense. Then, and only then, do you understand why white Christian voters behave in such a crazy and self-destructive way. It’s like trying to understand the orbit of Uranus without realizing that Neptune is there perturbing it (you can’t) – which is indeed how Neptune was discovered.

    It’s impossible to understand American politics unless you understand Jewish media ownership – and Jewish parasitism. Consequently it should be a centerpiece of any complete and honest political science 101 course.

    There I wrote it before the new law that creates a first amendment preemption for criticising Israel or jews takes effect.

    Maybe zionist turds like Tadelman will try to prosecute me anyway despite it being an ex post facto law.

    Tadelman YOU are the extremist, a zionist psycho.

  5. As to the cuckoldry, your answer is that you are crap in bed and your wives have more fun with real men.

  6. Halon 💩 taddleman 💩buy the way who spells rob with to bbs lol robbbbb

  7. David Ettling – tha t is what happens when the wrong people are elected chairman of the GOP.

    Live with it now.

  8. Cal, think the name you’re looking for is Tony Esposito, but you may want to check it out

  9. “ 💩buy the way who spells rob with to bbs lol robbbbb”

    His mother and father. What do your parents call you?

  10. David,

    KUDOS for posting with your real name for it is to be commended. Roll call votes are always appreciated. Honestly, if I were chair, I would have just called a roll call.

    It’s always good to see who stands where. Was there name calling or personal attacks?

    I’d be interested to see who voted how.

    God bless you for this report.

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