Message of the Day – 365 Days

These two photos of Crystal Lake Central High School were taken 365 days apart.

The first was taken on a 70 degree day, March 13, 2007, but there appears to be snow where the sun doesn’t reach.

The second was taken March 12, 2007. Look at the piles of snow.

It’s still on the ground in the oak-hickory forest where our home is in Lakewood.

Remember, it’s leap year so had I waited until today to take this year’s photo, it would be 366 days later.

When I stopped to take the picture yesterday, I waived a motorist around me.

He or she thought I was looking into CLCHS with binoculars, thought that was suspicious and called the Crystal Lake Police.

I’m typing away about how the Crystal Lake City Council is about to raise my sales taxes 75% and I hear a strange ring.

It’s the cell phone my wife bought me and keeps hoping I’ll take with me when I go out and about.

Never can tell when I might be at the store and there’s something else to buy.

Or on the road with a flat tire and need to call a tow truck.

Anyway, it was a Crystal Lake policeman wanting to know if I had been driving a white Cadillac in front of the high school, that someone had thought it strange and made a report.

I verified that I had indeed taken a photo and that tomorrow I was going to use it on McHenry County Blog, along with one I took last year.

Then I asked how he got my cell phone number.

He told me it was listed as my home number, something I have never, ever done.

I don’t even know the phone number.

I told him if he wanted to be more sure that I would answer the phone while at home, he should call our listed number, which I gave him.

So, what do you think?

Has the phone company given the home address for your cell phone number to the police department of your neighboring municipality or the city with which your village shares a zip code?

If not, how did the Crystal Lake Police get mine?

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