Dems Make 3rd Mailling for “Independent” Dee Beaubien

Two mailings the last week of August and now one the first week of September has been delivered in Cary.

The third Dee Beaubien mailing financed by the Democratic Party of Illinois, chaired by House Speaker Mike Madigan to make him a stronger House Speaker, is about cutting the salaries of legislators.

The first two cost $2,669 each.  Nothing has  been reported on the cost of the third one.

The address side of the Democrats’ first mailing on behalf of “Independent” Dee Beaubien.

And, it a gambit only a millionaire could pull off, Beaubien says she will donate her entire salary to charity.

Beaubien is facing off against the winner of the Republican Primary Election, Dave McSweeney.


Dems Make 3rd Mailling for “Independent” Dee Beaubien — 8 Comments

  1. Where is LC Truth or any other Dee sympathizer.

    They should be thrilled that the multimillionaire Dee Beaubien promised to donate her ENTIRE legislative salary.

    Good for her she can afford it.

    Why don’t we make the legislature a volunteer position.

    No pay and no benefits?

    Wait, now I know why LC Truth hasn’t chimed in.

    The only people that can make that political promise are those that have the means to pay their own way.

    LC Truth cannot support this idea because he/she knows what happens if only millionaires are elected to the General Assembly.

  2. Oh please.

    Leave it to Republicans to attack a person for doing the right thing.

    Good for her- she doesn’t need the salary- why take it?

    If Joe Walsh did it you’d be falling all over yourself to say how great and patriotic he was.

  3. Wow…the very first comment is about me…thanks for the shout out Stratton.

    Dee is the not first to donate.

    If you follow the news around northern Illinois, I believe there is a group of township officials (Mostly GOPers) who give back a portion of their salary back to charity.

    Dee appeals to mainstream traditional Republicans, Independents and traditional Democrats.

    She does not appeal to the extreme wings of either party and that is why she will win.

    I have been following this Blog for four years.

    I find it informative (skewed) but informative.

    I also note that most commenters are not mains stream McHenry County.

  4. I’m entirely uncertain Dee is supported by Republicans at all due to her obvious selling out to Madigan.

    Setting aside her social stances, which are radically leftist, this election is about fiscal responsibility.

    Running with the man who pillaged Illinois for his whole career may not endear her to Republicans or Independents.

    For those who think there is an unending supply of public money to tap for their interests Dee is perfect.

    However, for those with truly moderate leanings she is a nightmare continued for McHenry County and Illinois.

    She should be marginalized for the leftist she truly has always been…

    Even as she stood by the side of a true moderate Illinois politician. We miss you Mark….

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