Negative Sign in Nunda Township Road Commissioner’s Contest

Rarely does not see a sign attacking a candidate.

Don’t know who paid for the one you see below, but the person definitely does not want Iron Mike Lesperance re-elected Nunda Township Road Commissioner.

A sign opposing the re-election of Iron Mike Lesperance. He is opposed by Erik Dowd.

= = = = =
If you see new or interesting campaign signs, please send McHenry County Blog a photo.


Negative Sign in Nunda Township Road Commissioner’s Contest — 10 Comments

  1. Eric dowd says you do
    Any skills
    Job only a voter of Nunda he has to be the most clueless guy out there.

  2. Connect,

    Nonsense, a person can not run a township road department by just reading a nanual.

    It takes practical in the field knowledge to be able to fill out some of the forms properly, to know which streets need attention first.

    It’s not like working at a factory, and it takes more than one or two years to really get a handle on what is needed to be learned.

    Candidate Gasser for Alg Twh has the same weakness apparently.

    That is not a opinion, that is a fact.

  3. How much worse could Dowd be than our current Supervisor.

    So Far Eric hasn’t burnt down a four hundred thousand dollar tub grinder, Due to LACK of maintenance.

    And than tell the residents that the Township needed a new one….

    Someone needs to FOIA the insurance claims for the Township and tell us How much the townships Insurance rates went up to cover Scrap Metal Mike’s MISTAKE.

    Experience, Not so much for Lee Jennings (The Undertaker) either…

    Lee is very busy trying to cover HIS mistake of burying a RESIDENT in the wrong cemetery plot.

  4. The number one most important skill is understanding who you work for.


    Something Lil’ Lespy still doesn’t understand.

  5. No you cannot learn from a manual and it’s a lot more than putting a budget together as someone told Mike.

    It’s a deep learning curve for both of them and why does Nunda have nearly twice as many employees as Algonquin township?

    How do you justify paving “in house” when a contractor can do it for so much less?

  6. You’re right you can’t learn how to burn down a half-million-dollar tub grinder

  7. Mrs, the following is not in support of Iron Man:

    Most paving contractors are union except for the very small driveway crews/companies.

    How can a union shop cost less than a non union shop that has the same expertise?

  8. Lee Jennings was spotted this morning at 6:45 removing some of the “Remove the Iron” signs.

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