Dems Demonstrating for Impeachment in Crystal Lake Tonight

Instead of being held on Route 14 where a lot of people could see them, supporters of Donald Trump’s impeachment will gather west of Sam’s Club in front of Target.

Here’s the time and location:

5:30 p.m. across from “The Pointe” on the sidewalk near Target in Crystal Lake


Dems Demonstrating for Impeachment in Crystal Lake Tonight — 17 Comments

  1. November 2020 these freaks will lose their minds completely when they realize their stupidity helped deliver a second massive win for the man and people they hate so much. TDS is real.

  2. It is so sad how these Democraps are so full of hate, and are unhappy with their lives that they can only live on hate.

  3. I went over to see what the fuss was about.

    I’d estimate 90 people standing around freezing, shivering, they walked from Target to Hwy 14 sidewalk in front of the old Borders, begging motorists to honk for their “impeach” signs—few honked, many yelled back “he’ll be reelected”.

    Trump supporters showed up with Trump Flags waving from back of pick ups, as well as Republican party Flags.

    Lee Greenwood song blared over loudspeaker, folks yelled Trump support from a megaphone.

    3 cops were parked nearby taking it all in, things were peaceful.

    Nothing was accomplished except for some freezing sign holders standing around in the dark.

    Heck I didnt even see hot chocolate or coffee provided for their “services”.

  4. You didn’t get me a photo?

    Cal: the few photos I did take pretty much match what has already been published in the NW Herald which are clearer.

  5. At the CL Rally last night There were 3 Ignorant Brainwashed Foxnews, OANN viewing MAGA’t Morons vs over 200 Educated Informed Citizens protesting the most Corrupt, Incompetent Illegitimate so call “President”, Installed by Putin to Destroy America from Within.

    These MAGA’t who still support this lifelong Pathological Liar (Over 15,000 Lies to date), Conman, Fraud and Lawless Treasonous (Putin’s Puppet) Felon (AKA Individual 1) who since day one has abdicated his Constitutional Oath of Office to defend America from Enemies Foreign and Domestic being OWNED by Fascist American Oligarchs and murderous Authoritarian Despots like Putin, Mohammed Bin Salmon, Kim Jung Un, Duterte, Erdogan and Netanyahu against our own Democracy, Intelligence Agencies, Rule of Law and Constitution says more about their own Ethical, Moral, Fiscal, Legal, Constitutional, Christian and Patriotic Depravity than it does for Trump’s own amoral despotism.


    Impeachment is the fastest cure for this Cancer on America that is the trump crime Family and Trump Crime Syndicate aided and abetted by the Venal Sycophancy of an equally Treasonous Republican Congress.

    In 2020 We the People of the Majority will vote these Cowards and Traitors to their Constitutional Oaths of Office OUT At Every Level.

  6. Losers… Can’t accept Loss, these days the tude is everyone needs an award… no character building at all, more of this kind of behavior coming to this country so Sad…

    Hey Dems here is a question just exactly Why are We even giving American Tax Dollars to UK anyway? I never ok’d it as a tax payer… ??????? We should not be paying other countries but using our $$ for JOBS here !!! doh! think people think ! stop taking headline grabbers and not knowing content… geezus get some brains…

  7. Don’t forget Billy Clinton actually committed crimes … like perjury.

    That’s how he lost his Ark. law lisence.

    This is a Impeachment in search of a single crime!

  8. This is just fact. Democrats have time to do useless protesting on a weekday because they are usually jobless Socialist, fools with no desire to take care of their family at dinnertime.

    They are also full of hate.

    Republicans work hard, have their priorities in order and rush home to be with their families.

    Kitchen table issues will win the re-election for President Trump.

    Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and well, as is other mental illnesses.

  9. Bob must have been the angry Trump Protester whose picture was in the NW Herald today—the one with the “Dump Trump” button on his hat, SCREAMING inches from a calm looking Trump supporter.

    These are angry, violent folks when others dont agree with them.

    Very sad, as dialogue, discussion is always what brings people together.

    This ilk (women who need makeovers, bad dressers, soy boy kinds of men, rarely donate their own money types) will eat you alive if you dare express a different view about something.

    Dont ever fall for the False projections of Love and Acceptance from them.

    They Hate those who differ from them.

    btw, the Lee Greenwood song (God Bless the USA) over the loudspeakers from the Trump pick up trucks more than drowned out these shivering fools,begging non caring motorists to honk.

    These are not nice people unless you agree with them on EVERYTHING.

    They all look alike too (not a minority was spotted), so– so much for Inclusion or valuing Differences.

    Sorry Bob, I didnt count 200 folks there, I was being generous calling it a count of 90.

    You wanna beat me up now dude cuz we disagree?

  10. Miss Prestia. Are you off your meds again?

    Remember what happened last time?

    Looking for goats on your garage roof?

    Fixing your shoes with a dangerous glue gun, but no glue?

    Archery demo with

    sharpened pencil and pomegranites tied to pumpkins?

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