
Catalina Lauf Mailing Ties Opponent Bill Foster to Pelosi, AOC and Biden — 36 Comments

  1. All DEMOCRATS and RINO’s must wear puzzi hats to show “solidarity” with the Left.

  2. Does anyone honestly believe the stupid people that constantly vote D will be swayed by this?

    They love everything the left is about and will continue voting for it on the corrupt election machines.

    Why hasn’t Tirio exposed this is the real question.

  3. What Idiot drew the stupid foundry map for District 11 Talk about gerrymandering…what a joke

    does District 11 touch McHenry County?

    But I surly Hope Lauf wins we need to oust all Democrats

  4. If Lauf were elected, the average age of the entire D.C. Leviathan, would drop by 27 years.

  5. Good mailings.

    We need to see Lauf on tv about her political campaign.

  6. abe needs to sport a nice brown shirt to accentuate his commitment to his strong beliefs.

  7. Lucky for us we have Tom’s ‘thinkpiece’, arguing that Free Speech is an outmoded concept in this bizarro modern age of icky people saying bad things.

  8. They’re not idiots at all, bill.

    They drew it specifically to win.

    Yes, a lot of McHenry County is in district 11. Bull Valley, Woodstock, Lakemoor, Lakewood, Marengo, Union, Prairie Grove, parts of Crystal Lake, parts of Lake in the Hills, parts of Algonquin, most of McHenry, & most of Huntley are in district 11.

    It probably has within McHenry County more land and more people than the other three congressional districts (9, 10, and 16).

  9. The front side graphics look sophisticated, but it seems to be upside down.

    I guess people can turn it around.

    Having a beautiful face helps!

  10. I didn’t notice that before, Jeff, but that’s a good catch and there is something else Cal did not mention: this mailer was paid for by the Illinois Republican Party.

  11. I am a strong supporter of Catalina Lauf.

    We need people like her in Washington.

    The Republicans need her in Washington.

  12. So now we have a race between someone who makes unfounded litter box claims and a Pelosi Pawn?

    No thanks.

    We need a serious Republican in Washington. She’s an embarrassment to our party.

  13. They need someone in Washington to chair the Litter Box Committee.

    Unless she gets roped in to the Adrenochrome Caucus first.

  14. We need someone in Washington who can’t distinguish trendy internet memes from actual fact?

    And without checking it out first (if only for your own intelligence), retweet it on and destroy your credibility as a serious person.

    Maybe the Republicans can abolish litter boxes when they take the House. A proud moment in GQP history.

  15. Lauf is energetic, vibrant, aggressive, positive, and she’s a great asset to the Republican Party.

    Foster is a nursing home resident type, loser, failure in DC, a laughingstock, who looks like he should be planning his funeral, not a campaign.

    Foster is a old has-been CLOWN.

    I laugh every time I see his wrinkly old atrophic body – he should be a ghoulish Halloween costume.

  16. Hmmm, pretty and dumb, or…..

    She’s lost. All right, nothing to see here, move along now…..

  17. Monk, if you prefer Salvi to Duckworth, why not Lauf instead of Foster?

    I’m not crazy about her specifically but view Foster as an evil mad scientist.

    I don’t want any smart people working with a bunch of evil people.

    Smart and evil is a dangerous combo!

    Bill Foster has been pushing digital ID since BEFORE the pandemic.

    This guy is the link between the think tanks and NGOs and legislation.

    He’s the brain that figures out how to translate the technical blueprints of the cabal into law!

    Furthermore, he has extensive work on particle accelerators, which is just fancy talk for demon conjuring and demon worshiping.

    “Particle acceleration” is all about summoning demons but dressed up as “science.”

    The “science” labs that house these operations are full of esoteric symbols about the gates of Hell, pagan gods of destruction, etc.

    When new particle accelerator labs are opened, weird demonic rituals are “acted” out involving cryptids (like goat-men) and other weird scenes like putting people in cages and having mock human sacrifices.

    Then they say it’s just for fun.

    For fun?


    These science people act like they are “progressive” but they are backwards since they are all about blood sacrifice.

    It’s messed up!

    The demon archetypes have a weird code of conduct where they for the most part avoid hurting people personally but will TRICK people into hurting themselves e.g. getting other people to murder in war, taking rushed science juice shots over and over, urging you to jump off a cliff, eating the forbidden fruit, etc.

    It’s all about separating you from God, and their arguments are based on “reason” or some false “enlightened” crock.

    It’s always about “light” hence “enlightenment.”

    That’s where Lucifer aka “light bearer” comes from. (That’s the etymology.)

    All of this is based on suggestion and tricking you with your own mental faculties.

    There were plenty of scholarly things going on in the so-called “dark ages” but your EVIL education system has retconned the period to brainwash people into associating religion and tradition with stupidity and ignorance and disease and war and famine, and to make them associate “enlightenment” aka secularization with knowledge and abundance and good!

    It’s part of the big lie.

    I’m a little off topic and this sounds kinda wacky but it’s all true believe me.

    If you don’t, just look it up on the internet.

    Anyway, the point is Bill Foster is bad.

    He uses his “science” credentials to impress people, but he’s working towards your enslavement.

    Digital ID is what Bill Foster talks about and digital ID is just one part of the plan for even more surveillance plus control of you via MONEY and the new digital money system they want to implement.

    Good luck with your “free speech” and expressing your grievances when they can just flip a switch and take thousands of dollars out of your bank account or deactiviate it.

    Did any of you see what Pay Pay suggested doing the other day???

    Are the pieces of the puzzle starting to fit together for you guys yet?

  18. Cripes Correcting!

    I can practically hear Cindy’s Prayer Closet door squeakily opening, like one of those old Dracula movies, with him coming out of his coffin.

  19. Correcting, you forgot to go on and on about Denver International, DUMB’s, Bohemian Grove, etc.

  20. Correcting, this go-round I’m withholding votes from candidates who truck in nonsense.

    I never said I’d vote for Democrats.

    But the mental illness in the Republican Party has to stop.

    Remember when Republicans used to be the party of sanity?

    Remember when they used to be the adults in the room?

  21. Congressional legislation is done by committee, not individuals.

    Evan if Lauf were to win, (which she won’t) she would be assigned to some useless sub-committee so as to keep her out of the way and quiet.

    We are shown the same old story: talking points, empty rhetoric, lies, hypocrisy, conspiracy theories, urban legends. Nothing specific, no ideas, not one tangible thought that might lead to a solution.

    Still in agreement w/ Mr. Lopez that Foster will carry at least 50-55%.

    More likely 60% plus.

    As for Lauf, perhaps she’ll take the advice of Mr. Lopez and find honest employment.

    Refer to his earlier remarks and also his post concerning her latest fiasco.

    One can be certain there will be more hi-jinx planned before it’s all over.

  22. One of them is going to be elected though.

    To me it’s a question of who does more damage.

    Even if we take the harshest interpretation of Lauf, what will she be?

    A kooky congresswoman who would be totally ineffective (see Boebert or MTG).

    I’d rather have a carnival barker who people roll their eyes at than a competent person who can pass bad laws.

  23. Actually, it’s due Nancy Pelosi that Margorie Trailer Queen is currently totally ineffective.

    On the other hand, Kevin McCarthy appears all too comfortable with the Queen, so as Murrow states, “there will be more hijinks.”

  24. Because she’s a nut job who schtups everything that moves except her husband.

  25. Maybe that’s why Kev’s so comfortable with her these days?

  26. monk,

    It’s lip service and pandering.

    I think your fears will prove unfounded if McCarthy becomes speaker; he will be more “establishment” like Paul Ryan.

    There’s a presidential election coming up in two years.

    I doubt he’d want to risk losing the House and Presidency in 2024 by focusing on things which are outside of the mainstream.

    He’s going to want the party to seem like a *credible* alternative to what the Democrats are offering.

    I think he’s well aware that Greene comes from a plus 30 something Republican district in Georgia and what flies in that district isn’t necessarily popular (or at least not all of the time).

    And if someone is skeptical of Lauf from her right, like Batman’s point, again it’s a referendum of general directions.

    If you’re pro-life, who do you honestly think would be closer to your position?

    Lauf or Foster?

    Are you going to let Foster win because you don’t think Lauf is as pro-life as you’d want her to be?

    John Lopez bashes her a lot, but I don’t understand why a Republican would be indifferent to whether Foster wins or loses.

    I do not agree with Lopez and apparently neither does Cal Skinner.

  27. Sorry Catalina, you are too immature and inexperienced to be in Congress.

    In Illinois, Women are PRO-CHOICE.

    We plan to vote against anybody who is not like you Catalina.

  28. Sorry Catalina, you are too immature and inexperienced to be in Congress.

    In Illinois, Women are PRO-CHOICE.

    We plan to vote against anybody who is not, like you Catalina.

  29. See. You can pick any name you want, but one’s first post is not allowed by the program I use to be posted until I approve it.

    That’s probaly an anti-spam feature.

    And McHenry County Blog gets a lot of spam comments.

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