Relative Heat: Who’s Right?

From NPR:

It’s hot this summer. Not merely balmy, sweltering, or summery — hot! Millions of Americans are trapped in the heat. It has smashed many high-temperature records in the U.S. since June, with temperatures that sound like pro basketball scores: 112, 110, 116. 
The intense heat is global. Xinjiang, China, hit 126 degrees Fahrenheit. Rome hit 111 degrees Fahrenheit, leading Romans to reportedly douse themselves in the fountains of the Piazza del Popolo. 

The European Space Agency said the temperatures are the highest ever recorded and named the current heatwave Charon, after the figure from Greek mythology who delivers souls to Hades. Hades isn’t just hot. It’s hellish. 

“Make no mistake,” Dr. Matthew Levy of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine told us. “This heat is deadly.”

There’s a question I’ve begun to ask myself as we report on the costs of this heat on lives, livelihoods, hunger, and people forced to flee their homes: Is it enough to use the phrase global warming to describe the cause?

Warming can sound like what you do for a baby’s bottle.
As former President Donald Trump tweeted on October 19, 2015, “It’s really cold outside, they are calling it a major freeze, weeks ahead of normal. Man, we could use a big fat dose of global warming!” 
As we report the climb of genuinely lethal heat, would saying global scorching, scalding, or broiling more accurately convey what’s happening to our planet every day?

Here is Steve Moore’s take found at Unleash Prosperity Hotline – Weekend Edition Issue #819:

Summer 2023 Temperatures Are Fairly Normal in U.S.

As we mentioned the other day, the Washington Post,The New York Times, and CNN have been howling with banner headlines that this is the hottest summer in not 100, or 1,000 years, but even in 100,000 years. 

Yes, the last few weeks have been scorchers with temperatures reaching as high as 112 degrees in Phoenix and Las Vegas. 

But overall, so far this summer hasn’t been especially hot, though the media won’t report that:

Source: Ryan Maue


Relative Heat: Who’s Right? — 22 Comments

  1. NPR. Funded by taxpayers to push Marxist propaganda.

    I can predict in Jan/Feb next year it will be cold.

    If you live in the desert and are surprised it gets hot in the summer you might be an idiot.

  2. NEWSFLASH…… Its hot in the Desert!!

    No education required just common sense.

  3. It’s only 101 right now in Central Texas and I just finished cutting my 1 acre lawn with a push mower

    If I’d known earlier, this life saving health care angel’s concern, I’d have flown this Dr. Pantywaist from Baltimore down here, just to watch him croak, cutting this mutant lawn.

  4. It’s hot, It’s hot!

    You humans did this!

    As a result we need to assemble task forces and world committees to combat what you have done.

    We have found the best way is to limit and regulate those items contributing and your personal actions.

    The stove you cook on, the car you drive, how many miles you drive, and how much water you use.

    Stay strong, people.

    With your strong temperament, willingness to save the planet, and OUR CHILDREN, we can do this together.

    All we need is control and capital investment to thwart our misgivings.

    Ignore those suggesting that it’s more taxes, power, and redistribution of wealth.

    After all, we only have one planet.

    No mention how the average global temperature has not risen in 15 years nor how over millions of years, global temperature fluctuation is common. Shhhhhhh, you racist!!!!

  5. Gee I wonder if we ever had hot summers before?

    And droughts too?

  6. Ignorance is bliss.

    Of course if one averages the entire U.S.any changes in the south will be muted.

    That’s why medians are more accurate than averages unless the data are normally distributed.

  7. Autism Al, thinking he’s giving us profound insight with fourth-grade math.

    A true sophisticate would have went with the very neglected mode.

  8. Hey bud this is about temperatures not income.

    There’s a huge difference quantifying those things because temperatures don’t vary as widely like income does.

    Right, it’s not going to be 1 million degrees outside.

    So, yeah, averages are used in weather all the time!

    In fact, I’ve never heard “median” used in the context of weather.

    They just don’t report it that way.

    How about turning on the Weather Channel or looking at the weather section of a newspaper so you don’t sound like an idiot?

    If you’re comparing this year’s average to last year’s average and your measuring points are the same, there is NOTHING wrong with this.

    Better argument would have been to just point out the lower 48 is not the world, but you tried to sound like a smartypants and failed.

  9. Yeah it’s not rocket science fellas.

    In fact those climate change, grant obtaining, hockey stick graphs, aren’t science at all.

  10. It is the world population that is causing the increase in temperature.

    In 1960 the world population was about 3 billion.

    Now it is over 8 billion.

    Human bodies give off heat.

  11. Let’s see if Cal posts the above the fold front page article in the Tribune about how there was a huge CO2 pipeline leak that the government is not regulating running underground?

    How do 30 wildfires start in Canada in under 1 minute. LOL.

    Yea it’s the world population is the cause of global warming.

    I’ll stick with cow farts and bloviating liberals for 1000 Alex.

  12. Hey that’s what that nice monkey watch’in lady Goodall, said at the World Econ Forum.

    Maybe get some of that Marshall Applewhite energy going, to get everyone to drink their hemlock, it’s time.

  13. And the “Climate Change” hysteria scam rolls on and on …

  14. “Bitchin with Abe.” todays title is “I think I pooped my self.”

  15. CO2 would put a fire out genius. It’s not flammable, but you keep thinking sport. LOL

  16. But wait Stephen, JT is never wrong. He knows everything. An expert on all. What a pompous chode he is! LOL.

  17. TRIGGERED so early in the day. LOL.

    You 2 Einsteins obviously read the article. It was written by a fellow liberal of yours.

  18. No, I was up late reading “CO2 and the Art of Combustibility`

  19. Does that matter Cal?

    It’s about the climate cultists blaming CO2 for all earth’s problems yet you need diesel excavators and child labor to mine the minerals to create the batteries the EVs run on and not to mention it requires fossil fuels to charge those garbage vehicles.

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