Pritzker Invites Republicans to Call Him Out for His B.S.

Here is what Governor JB Pritzker said about Republicans today at the State Fair”

“Republicans think that if they lie about something often enough, if they deny the truth long enough, maybe we will start to believe their lies. The problem is this: Here in Illinois, we have a low tolerance for bullshit.”

Do readers have any examples of Pritzker B.S. they would like to share?


Pritzker Invites Republicans to Call Him Out for His B.S. — 15 Comments

  1. Gun bans, murdering the unborn, increasing the gas tax, tyrannical mask mandates, the future of this country is eating synthetic beef….

    Please feel free to add to the list

  2. JB, big mouthed boaster who is so full of himself but in reality, nothing but a fat entitled coward who would never
    utter such comments face to face one on one with anyone on the street for fear of getting his fat ass kicked into
    the next century.

  3. we should be able to reply here with photos, we can make it way more interesting..

  4. What a jerk. A disgusting big fat guy who inherited his fortune. His legacy will be toilets.

  5. hey F.B. lets talk about the back door gun law you tried to sneak thru the house… lets talk about the recorded FBI tape where clearly we hear you ask for a job and willing to pay 12K for it? F.B. lets talk about making a sanctuary city without any voters input… ALL unlawful same as the POT stores you have opened up.. All Illegal ..

    +1 JT and JC

  6. “Examples of Pritzker B.S.? Every time he opens his mouth.”

    Same can be said for tRumpty.

    “What a jerk. A disgusting big fat guy who inherited his fortune.”

    Hmmm… same as tRumpty!

  7. Links please Toilet, we need citations for your report.

    Also, does JB own all those dispensaries, did he actually sign leases and apply for business licenses?


  8. “JB, big mouthed boaster who is so full of himself but in reality, nothing but a fat entitled coward who would never
    utter such comments face to face one on one with anyone on the street for fear of getting his fat ass kicked into
    the next century.” Really Abram the same can be said about you. Coward who hides on a blog.

  9. Monk, It’s not the same. Pritzker is a Jew, not allowed. Only white christian blowhards allowed. LOL

  10. How about Pritzker stacking the Illinois State Supreme Court with two women justices who he stuffed their campaigns with 1 million dollars a piece, so he could buy their votes and the rest of the state court to eliminate the cash bail in the SafeTAct, or his bullshit with abortion expansion.

    Grrrrrrrrrhhhhh I despise Pritzker everytime he opens that big mouth of his.

    He’s a despicable human being, and a useless Governor.

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