Donald Trump Made a Call to Georgia on January 2, 2021…

Exclusive to McHenry County Blog by John Lopez

The indictments from Fulton County, Georgia, were issued Monday night August 14, and ex-President Trump has until Noon EDT on Friday, August 25, to turn himself in to Fulton County authorities to be booked and processed.

According to media reports, this booking will include a mug shot of Trump.

One of my associates from Team DeSantis’ grassroots networks with Trump Exhaustion Syndrome (note, big difference from “TDS” as we already know Trump cannot win a general election again) is a gentleman named Lancero Phillips, and his posting on X (formerly known as Twitter) a song parody using the late, great Charlie Daniels, “The Devil Went Down to Georgia” inspired me to expand upon Trump’s and his 18 co-defendants’ predicaments as they will be prosecuted under various counts under Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) laws.

I haven’t done one of these since Saddam Hussein’s arrest 20 years ago, which I set to Styx’s “Renegade”, and given how the Saddam was executed, a hangman coming down from the gallows was perfect.

Sadly, if the mainstream polls putting Trump in 1st place and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in 2nd (any poll having DeSantis in 3rd have too much false internet polling) hold up through March of 2024, this prediction in my parody will very well come true, too.

Set to the music which fits Trump and his partners-in-crime, I’ve expanded on my friend’s parody.


Donald Trump Went Down to Georgia

parody inspired by Lancero Phillips, by John Lopez, set to The Charlie Daniels Band “The Devil Went Down to Georgia”

The devil went down to Georgia, he was lookin’ for some votes to steal
He was in a bind ’cause he was way behind
And he was willin’ to make a deal

When he came across some lawyers sawin’ on voting machines and playin’ them hot
The devil jumped up on a hickory stump
And said, “Lawyers, let me tell you what!”

“I guess you didn’t know it but I won this race it’s true,
And if you’d care to take a dare, I’ll make a bet with you
Now my lawyers know the kraken, Rudy G and Lin Wood too,
But give the devil his due
I’ll bet 12 thousand votes against your souls
‘Cause Biden I’m better than you”

Brad Raffensperger

One man said, “my name’s Bradley Raffensperger and it might be a sin
But I’ll take your bet, you’re gonna regret
‘Cause I’m the best GA S.O.S. there’s ever been”

Bradley, count from your machines and play your machines hard
‘Cause Hell’s broke loose in Georgia, and the devil deals the cards
And if you win, you get this shiny MAGA hat made of gold
But if you lose, the devil gets your soul and 12,000 more votes

The devil opened up his vote counter and he said, “I’ll start this show”
And fire flew from his fingertips as he greased up his voter rolls
And he pulled the fingers across the ballots
And they made an evil hiss
Then a band of demons joined in
And it sounded something like this

When the devil finished, Bradley said, “well, you’re pretty good, ol’ son
But sit your ass in that chair right there
And let me show you how it’s done”

“There ain’t no more votes for Trump” run away boys, run
The devil’s in the House of the Rising Sun
Threats and arm twisting won’t win you more votes
RICO’s coming for you like as hungry dogs go? Yes, child, yes

The devil bowed his head because he knew that he’d been beat
And he laid that golden MAGA hat on the ground at Bradley’s feet
Bradley said, “Trump, you can keep your golden grift and if you ever run again
I done told you once you son of a b*tch, you’ll follow Herschel and get beat”

“There ain’t no more votes for Trump” run away boys, run
The devil’s in the House of the Rising Sun
Threats and arm twisting won’t win you more votes
RICO’s coming for you like as hungry dogs go? Yes, child, yes

Source: Original lyrics LyricFind


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From Friend of the Blog 8/16/23, 10:30PM CDT:

Dear Mr. Lopez, To be honest, though I only read the first stanza of your parody. I think you should stick to straight reporting rather than song parodies.

I believe it is too early to say that Trump cannot be re-elected. Too much can happen between now and the election, including a possible third party candidate, either a viable one or a spoiler.

Response from John Lopez: Thank you. The 1st stanza of the parody was all from my friend I mentioned. As for too early to say Trump cannot be elected if he’s the nominee, a new poll published in The Hill says 53% of voters will not support him in a general, and another 11% will likely not vote for him.

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