
Message of the Day – Car Stickers — 24 Comments

  1. According to tRumpty, if you were captured, you’re a loser.

    If you were gravely injured, you’re an embarrassment.

  2. After the 427th viewing of their TV commercial, I was finally able to channel surf and come back at the precise time it was over.

    I’ll submit my ‘Monkey with a Remote’ project findings and data, to the appropriate think tank.

  3. Stephen reminds me I need to stay focused on my ‘Million Monkeys with Keyboards’ project and not be so easily distracted.

  4. John Kelly was fired by Trump and I was trying to sell his book. The same thing Omarosa did.

    You 2 trolls really don’t have a clue. Trump asking What was in it for them is exactly right. Politicians create wars a send people over to their death.

    John Kelly is just bitter about being fired by a DC outsider who he was trying to control.

    The troll TDS is thick today.

  5. Once we stop wars for Israel, maybe these tragedies will be reduced.

    The USA has a government whose most important cabinet positions are virtually dominated by Jewish Supremacists.
    They’ve hijacked the USA. Just as most Western homelands, the USA is no longer a sovereign nation.

    That’s why there needs to be another revolutionary War of Independence… to remove the Zionist yoke.

    Freedom or death!

  6. Sure Chodey, that doesn’t mean Trump didn’t say those things. Anything to blame the Jews.

  7. why is it Trumps fist administration staff is all out to get him? I’ve never seen this much shit from anyone else.

  8. Chodey suffers from JDS. To what end does Israel want to destroy us, their staunchest ally.

  9. Porkboy, you prove what a good little liberal sheep you are every time you post. You’re a lost cause.

  10. “To what end does Israel want to destroy us, their staunchest ally.” And yet you avoid the question. You constantly prove you can’t think, Your just a parrot, Chodeybird.

  11. Chodey, where did you go. Cognitive Dissonance setting in? Or just your JDS?

  12. Angry bitter little man Porkboy can’t figure out why Israel wants to destroy us. Absolutely priceless.

    And there he goes projecting about his short comings onto others. LOFL

  13. I asked you and you can’t answer the question, LOL stupid little man. C’mon chodey you don’t try, can’t do it. And dis me for asking the question. You are priceless. JDS is strong in this one.
    Not angry or bitter, Laughing at you chodey , Ignorance on parade.
    You are the one projecting.

  14. Mock mock mock mock. Keep clucking sport. You won the blog idiot of the year award captain low IQ. I answer and you can’t handle truth. Your fetal alcohol syndrome is showing angry little man. LOL

    Keep laughing. That’s what non trolls do at your posts.

  15. “LOFL. Porkboy can’t quit me” LOL
    Looks like monk figured out Operation Mockingbid.

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