News of DCFS Caseworker Conviction Spreads to Cincinnati

The conviction of former DCFS caseworker Carlos Acosta seems to be newsworthy beyond the Chicago metropolitan area.

Cincinnati’s CBS 10 television station WKRC picked up the story.

The story is a good summary.


News of DCFS Caseworker Conviction Spreads to Cincinnati — 25 Comments

  1. Yet another black eye for the Land of Lincoln – foist upon us by the usual vile people known as DEMOCRATS.

  2. Porky, you find the death of an abused child amusing?

    What is wrong with you?

  3. No I don’t, Old Abram was blaming it on the Democrats.

    This was a Carlos Acosta issue, not a partisan issue.

    Carlos needs to be imprisoned.

    You ineffectual losers always need to blame the liberal. F..k you, you ignorant morons.

  4. If this is newsworthy, hold on to your pants. Apparently there was a 6-year old that was murdered and that made NATIONAL news. That too happened in Illinois.

  5. I’ve never heard of WKRC. Are you sure that the station wasn’t WKRP?

  6. Poop, they don’t care, it was an other than white child. not on their radar.

  7. an internet meme. There is the solid proof. LOL
    No, you’re not a troll, 2 minutes after I post you just can’t resist. Jumbo Troll, LOL.
    Do as I say, not as I do, right Chodey.

  8. Triggered little man Porkboy. Explain to us all what’s not true in that meme? You’re the fascist and projecting as usual.

    PS. I’m not posting 1 minute after you. You foam at the mouth daily by posting your drivel with no backup. I was posting and your drivel got in the way. I hear shoe barn has a sale on size 5 mens shoes. Hurry up and get a new pair

    I’m the chode? LOL little man. Stay bitter. You’re the blogs resident idiot.

  9. Me 12:57 You 12:59. Isn’t that what you accuse me of all the time. LOL. You either have short term memory loss, can’t read and or comprehend, or Alzhiemers. LOL I going with reading and comprehension.
    “You foam at the mouth daily by posting your drivel with no backup.” when do I post my beliefs with no back up. I ask you questions you can’t answer and always post something that doesn’t answer the question.

  10. LOFL. Porkboy can’t quit me. Give up while you’re behind Porkboy. I provide evidence and all you do is mock mock mock. The sign of fetal alcohol syndrome on full display. Go get a new pair of shoes angry little man.

    You keep thinking as a liberal you are a winner.

  11. Congratulations to Michael Vijuk, Suzanne Ness, Kelli Wegener, and Carlos Acosta!

    They delivered a 1, 2 (3 and 5) punch to oust incumbents in County Board Seats.

    Hours and miles of canvassing, lots of determination, and help from hundreds of volunteers made this historic Democratic win possible.

    Low and behold, Carlos is a DEMOCRAT.

    We were told this is not about politics.

    I am sure DCFS has loads of Republicans on the payroll.

  12. So Porky posts 5 more times…Tell us again how you aren’t using this thread for your “all-about-me” amusement.
    You’re as bad as Acosta.
    RIP AJ.

  13. …at the expense of a child’s tragic murder.

    You are sick.

    Seek help.

  14. Triggered. This isn’t about the childs death, this is about the trial.

    so again f..k you LTLoser.

    Get on your knees and pray. Anger is one of the 7 deadly sins.

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