With Polluted Tent Site Out, Pritzker Asks for Catholic Schools, Totally Ignoring Vacant and Hardly Used Public School Buildings

If you are interested in the tent city that Democrats started erecting in Chicago, you have heard that it was halted because the Illinois Environment Protection Agency found the site polluted.

The Governor’s press release says,

“IEPA would not approve the proposed Brighton Park site for residential use, based on our regulatory standards for remediation of contaminated properties,” said Illinois EPA Director John J. Kim. “The well-being of residents and workers at the site is our highest priority, and current and planned site conditions do not adequately reduce risks of human exposure to known and potential environmental conditions.”

IEPA conducted a thorough review of the Environmental Investigation and Corrective Action Summary prepared for the City of Chicago and identified several concerns with the sampling and remediation work performed at the Brighton Park site. IEPA found:

  • The limited nature and insufficient number of soil borings conducted at the site does not provide a comprehensive assessment of environmental conditions across the site.
  • Additional soil sampling is needed to further determine if there is additional contamination at the site and to fully investigate potential sources of contamination that were identified from historical site use.

The remediations implemented thus far do not satisfy IEPA standards and are insufficient. At a minimum, an expanded engineered barrier between contaminated soil and human exposure would need to be installed to address exposure concerns. Further investigation might also identify additional contamination that would require additional remediation.

Using IEPA’s Site Remediation Program guidelines, the insufficient sampling and remediation at the Brighton Park site does not meet State cleanup standards for residential use.

= = = = =

In the press release is this sentence:

“The State is also working with the Archdiocese of Chicago to explore additional options for brick-and-mortar shelter sites.”

Missing is the possible use of vacated Chicago public schools, plus grossly underutilized schools, about which Wirepoints has published this data:

Here is a related story:

CPS Faces Dwindling Enrollment, Empty Buildings, Soaring Deficits Decade After Mass Closure of Schools


With Polluted Tent Site Out, Pritzker Asks for Catholic Schools, Totally Ignoring Vacant and Hardly Used Public School Buildings — 13 Comments

  1. Why should the church help you break our laws FB?

    you help and continue to make the mess!

    separation of Church and State our for a reason FB… read the law!

    Try to use the word DEPORT… instead of GREED… tell your Boss man FJB the same, since your putting the state in more chaos like you have been doing for years… don’t forget to thank your libtard voters too.. they deserve some credit for this mess they voted in of you swampers..

    Also,Why should the church put themselves out there for the FEDS to come interogate them again?…

  2. Oh, I don’t know, howsabouts a united citizen front or perhaps our elected Republican base file suit against Pritz mitfiger for using tax dollars to support Illegals?

    Illegally coming into the country and then illegally using tax payers monies to fund an illegal act.

    How is this even possible?

    Reick, McLaughlin, Cox?


  3. You so called “Catholics” better WTFU and put an end to the scheming and conniving Fat Boy
    and the plans he has to backstab the lot of you.

  4. WTF is a “so called Catholic”

    Now post your triggered, feeb

  5. Money is spent educating children who are here all over the state.

  6. Have no idea why Abbott hasn’t sent a caravan to 800 N.Michigan to the Park Hyatt, when Abbott enjoys a Fat-Guy-Craps-His-Pants joke, as much as I do

  7. Dist 155 and feeder districts all have lots of extra room available.

  8. Well, after all…JB can’t put them up at his property.

    The toilets don’t work.

  9. If they are Venezuelan asylum seekers, then it would be appropriate to begin placing pressure on the Venezuelan consulates and embassy, to address the issues.

    Also, put some pressure on Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, for their roles in sending Chesa Boudin on his mission thru Latin America and Venezuela, and then getting him elected as the “Kim Foxx” of San Francisco, with his subsequent disastrous results there as prosecutor.

    All the hard left radicals in Chicago who assisted Venezuela down the Chavez-Maduro rabbit hole, who helped cause the socio-economic disaster, should be brought into the public eye and challenged for how they intend to fix the mess they’ve created.

    The Catholic Church, too, should be held accountable for its extreme Roman Catholic canon law on matters of hyper-procreation.

    It is time to start billing the Vatican and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, instead of paying them, for each head and pregnant belly that enters into the U.S. from culturally Catholic countries throughout Latin America, and Africa, over our southern border.

    Socialism is not so much a predictable outcome of capitalism, I think, so much as it is a natural progression and fallout of the demographic war between traditional Roman Catholicism and traditional Islam, the ideologies of which are trying to demographically outbreed and out-conquer each other, as mythical Abrahamic rivals between the offspring of Sarah and Haggai.

    Natural fertility & fecundity is fine, but producing more mouths to feed, clothe, house and educate than resources permit, eventually has its predictable effects.

    We ought not be paying the Roman Catholic Church, nor any religious organization, nor their subsidiaries, to facilitate our own bankruptcy and our own American demographic demise.

    I do not own any land, myself; therefore, I have no land to give to others.

    As an offspring of American Founding Families, all the nation’s of the world seem to think I have infinitely deep pockets.

    Someone needs to tell the Pope and the Cardinals, Bishops and Priests that I’m broke, and that they, themselves, need to pick up the tab for all the souls they have insisted on ushering into the world.

  10. I’ve performed many exorcisms on this blog, but I think I’ll have to put a call in to Rome, Van Helsing and Ripley from Aliens, for a little help with this Science Lady.

  11. The old Joliet Prison is available.

    They could start out with tents and porta potties in the prison yard, and the illegals could be put to work rehabbing the place if they want a more permanent facility with working mechanicals.

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