UPDATED: As Trump Begins Selling Out Pro-Life Voters another Trump-supporter Loses Special Election Flipping Seat for Democrats

Donald Trump mug shot

“For a brief moment, it did feel like Republicans were tired of losing. As Christmas approached that [2022] year, people started talking about turning the page and doing things differently. There were suggestions of new leadership in the House and Senate along with a serious presidential primary in which the eventual candidate would be made to actually earn their position through rigorous debate

“By the beginning of the year, everything had snapped back into place. Mitch McConnell became the Senate Minority Leader again, Ronna McDaniel won re-election at the RNC again, and Donald Trump was the presumptive nominee again. Quite literally nothing had changed. Perhaps worse, there didn’t even seem to be a conversation about making changes.

“Given that, it should come as no surprise that the same warning signs we saw leading up to the 2022 election are flashing red again. On Tuesday evening, Republicans got absolutely blasted in a New Hampshire special election.” — “Republicans Just Got Blasted in a New Hampshire Special Election Because Zero Lessons Have Been Learned“, Red State, 9/20/23

UPDATE 9/20/23, 2:44PM CDT

“Bonchie”, the author of the above Red State article, added this post on đť•Ź which is relevant considering some of the Trump defenders are resorting to their tired talking points:

======= END OF UPDATE =======

Back in an August 23 article on McHenry County Blog entitled “The Awful Horror of November 2024 if Donald Trump Wins Nomination”, a list was shared of what would happen locally should, as multiple polls appear to indicate, ex-President Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination, which many both locally and nationally think is a foregone conclusion.

Here’s the list from the Aug 23 article:

  • Illinois’ 19 electoral votes go to the Democrats and called at 7PM CT Nov 5 (no surprise)
  • Democrats win 306 electoral votes over Trump’s 232, the same as 2020, with all four toss-up battleground states (AZ, GA, PA, WI) going to the Democrats
  • Democrats flip U.S. House seats, retake the House majority and Congressman Hakeem Jeffries (D, NY-08) is House Speaker-designate
  • While Democrats lose the West Virginia U.S. Senate seat, they retain Arizona’s seat with Congressman Ruben Gallego (D, AZ-03) defeating independent incumbent Kyrsten Sinema and Republican nominee Kari Lake. Plus
    • Dems retain Ohio and Montana
    • Republicans retain Indiana
    • Dems have a 50-50 + 1 majority, and with Joe Manchin and Sinema out, so goes the U.S. Senate filibuster
  • Illinois House Democrats flip suburban seats to have a supermajority of over 80 members
  • Illinois Democrats pass a pro-abortion constitutional amendment, plus with Trump on the ballot, Republicans never figure out how to counter the message of abortion and Trump, with taxes, crime and government corruption being drowned out
  • McHenry County Board, Democrats retain their 3 seats, and flip 3 more, making a 10-8 Republican majority, with Board Chairman Mike Buehler barely winning reelection, due to Trump and abortion at the top of the ticket

Come January of 2025, Democrats will pass the most leftist/progressive agenda foisted on the American people thanks to Donald Trump, and many Republicans, including Trump supporters, will gnash their teeth and say to themselves, “if we only knew back in the primary season what we know now.”

A portend of things to come may have taken place in the New Hampshire House District 1 special election held on September 19 (last night). The House seat, vacated by the Republican incumbent resigning due to health reasons, was flipped to Democrat-blue by the nearly 12 points margin, per below’s unofficial results:

The Republican nominee, James Guzofski, was a local elected official (selectman, an equivalent of a village/township board member) and also a member of the clergy.

But Guzofski campaigned like a real Trump-can-do-no-wrong Republican nominee, saying things along the lines since he won a head-to-head August 1 Republican primary:

“The GOP challenger was James Guzofski, a local pastor who once proclaimed from the pulpit that the prophets told him Trump won the 2020 election. He lost by 12 points in a district that current Republican Gov. Chris Sununu won by 22 points. In other words, this wasn’t some long-shot blue district. This was a district the GOP was supposed to easily compete in, if not be favored to win outright. 

“Is all this starting to feel familiar yet? Remember in 2022 when Republicans kept losing special election after special election but then yet another poll would come out showing the GOP doing well in the general and all was right with the world again? It seems like most are content to get right back on that ride. You can give my seat away, though.”

Red State [sic]


The New Hampshire House District 1, in the 2020 election was won by Trump by less than a percentage point. The result of last night’s Democratic victory flipped the seat, and left Republicans with a very slim 1-vote majority of 198-197 (with 2 independents) in the New Hampshire House of Representatives.

Another special election in a different competitive New Hampshire House district is scheduled for November 7, and if Democrats continue their winning streak in the Granite State, the New Hampshire House of Representatives could be evenly split between Republicans and Democrats by the end of the year.

The New Hampshire special elections, along with scheduled odd-year elections for governor in the following states on November 7 (unless otherwise noted) are below:

  • Louisiana (open jungle primary Oct 14, runoffs if necessary Nov 18)
  • Kentucky
  • Mississippi
  • Virginia state legislative elections
  • New Jersey state legislative elections

Now that Trump is condemning pro-life voters by condemning heartbeat bills signed into law by his opponent Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, plus Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds for the state hosting the January 15 Caucuses, little wonder, as The Federalist published yesterday, why pro-life voters being warned against trusting Trump on abortion.

More important expanded discussion on Trump’s changing position on abortion to be discussed in an expanded article, but for a New Hampshire perspective about what happened yesterday in the special election, this analysis in NHJournal gives additional insight.


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Friend of the Blog, 9/20/23, 12:40PM CDT

Mr. Lopez, thank you for your article. Christians need to prayerfully
consider whom to vote for.

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