Trump Campaign Seeking Phone Banking Help Leading Into Iowa Caucus

With just four days until the Iowa Caucus’ the Trump Campaign is looking for volunteers to make phone calls into the Hawkeye State. Gone are the call centers from campaigns past. Volunteers may now use the Trump Talk website to make calls from a laptop or desktop pc in the comfort of their own home.

Main stream media news is spinning heavily against Trump. One story is claiming that “Coldest Weather Ever During Iowa Caucus Threatens Trump’s Lead“. The Washington Post is pontificating that “Nikki Haley is leading Ron DeSantis in Iowa Poll“. The Trump Campaign is “looking to land a knock out blow in Iowa“.

Lets not forget that in 2013 Russ Cardelli, Melissa Sanchez, and Larry Emery were the beneficiaries of an election day blizzard which suppressed election turnout severely. The Trump Campaign is putting on a full court press to encourage patriots to attend the caucus even with the inclement weather. There are thousands of loyal “Trumpsters” around Illinois who can register at Trump Talk and phone bank for 15 or 20 minutes once or twice before the caucus.


Trump Campaign Seeking Phone Banking Help Leading Into Iowa Caucus — 42 Comments

  1. Anyone wanting a strong America following the Constitution. Economy including a manufacturing base and strong dollar would have no reason not to support President Trump.

  2. Ken. You should have put a TRIGGER WARNING in front of your post. Here come the TROLLS epic meltdowns. The words chode and cum bubbles and Avelar is all they’ve got.

    Again. Who is this Gasser guy. I think he enjoys triggering the lift boot supporting John Lopez. It looks like he’ll need to vote for the anchor baby Nicki Haley now.

  3. tRump expressed his desire to suspend the Constitution.


  4. Congrats JT, you triggered your favorite low I.Q. troll, good job!

  5. Chris Cristie drops out of race. Monk is going to vote for lift boots DeSantis or anchor baby Haley. What are the odds Monk has a clue Haley is funded by dems and known pedophile associate via a super pac? Wait for it. Reid Hoffman. LOFL. It was priceless to watch Haley run away from Laura Loomer, you know Avelars arch nemesis, when asked a tough question. Well with Avelars hard hitting reporting we’re sure to find out.

  6. And Monk you’re such an idiot. Trump said he will be a dictator, kind of like you tonight on Halsted, on day 1 to reopen Keystone and close the border. Are you foaming at the mouth as you struggle to hurl insults?

    I thought so. LOFL

  7. And Monk please clarify which “constitution” Trump wants to suspend. You seem like a very bright geopolitical savant. I trust you can explain how many the states use and which one the swamp rats follow in DC, EPIC

  8. “It was priceless to watch Haley run away from Laura Loomer, …”

    A perfectly normie reaction to a looming Looner.

  9. tRump doing so well, eking out a fat 1% lead in the General.

  10. Nob, neither are good. If either side ran a credible candidate other than the likely nominees, they’d likely win decisively.

  11. Yeah. The Constitution. A laugh riot. Careful – you don’t want to launch a tRump bubble.

  12. I lived in Iowa for several years.

    I loved it there.

    Iowans are good, decent people.

    Their kids did not grow up with their brains warped by listening incessantly to “The Loop” WLUP and WROK.

    They do not listen daily to the odious, rude, debbie-downer Chicago Catholic incel Dan Proft.

    The minds and hearts and spirits of Iowans are pure.

    They appreciate the value of education:
    they send their kids to college.

    I can assure you:

    The last thing that decent, God-fearing Iowans want to hear, is the voice of a Northern Illinoisan from the Greater Chicago metro region.

    Decent, pleasant, respectful “Iowa nice” Christian evangelical Iowans (who put great emphasis on nice manners and a good education) actually despise and loath our rude & crude, boorish, ill-mannered, foul-mouthed, textbook-aversive, college-graduate-hating, trash-talking, misogynistic, woman-bashing, “sex-drugs-‘n-rock-‘n-roll” Harley-riding hedonistic “f-u-b*tch” third-finger-saluting libertarian, beer-chugging and closet neo-Nazi McHenry Countian Illinoisans.

    Please do not embarrass me by phoning the Iowans. Even with a script.

  13. Nikki Haley is *not* an ‘anchor baby’ deposited on the northern bank of the Rio Grande by a dripping-wet Latina.

    Nikki Haley comes from a family of educated Sikh scientists and engineers from India.

    These people come here as invited legal immigrants with job offers from universities and businesses seeking STEM talent.

    The Punjabi Sikh Randhawa are a distinguished, educated, skilled, high-achieving people.

  14. AI Dawn is the Neil Tyson Degrassee of the blog.

    Monk supports pedos just like Lil Joey. It has to be a jew thing.

  15. Dawn….
    Am I allowed to call you by your name on the BLOG?
    Or do I call YOU a “Debbie Downer”
    You are RUDE….
    The “LOOP” along with WLS, XRT, FYR,…etc.
    If you’re from the Midwest you would know the stations and enjoy music.
    Music is what makes the world go around….!!!!!!
    By the way…..ROCK’n ROLL all day long!!!!
    And I will be thinking of you when the weather is permitting to get on my HD !!!!!
    Just do us all a favor….don’t be one of those car drivers that do not give a F**K about bikers.
    If I was a 10 speed bike would you hit me????
    I own one of those also and ride it…..surprised?
    Now….do you feel less of me because I own both?
    And BTW……I’m a nice mannered, Catholic individual and respect others.
    Now I know why I do not frequent Iowa much….
    I’ll give you one guess…..

    Signing off from the proud state of ILLINOIS

  16. Keep decent Iowans safe from debauched McHenry County Illinoians.

    The Ullrich death-of-a-teenage-boy case, continues to unfold.

    I am unsurprised.


    From the NW Herald:

    Father of Richmond-area teen who died last week now faces charges along with mother, has 1st court appearance

    Both parents now face drug and child endangerment allegations

  17. The last thing Sir Donald needs, is me on a phone, spraying everything down with a 100 million gallons of hobo piss.

  18. You can’t copy whole articles and put them in comments, Dawn.

    That violates copyright laws.

    I have removed most of the article you posted.

  19. Mr. Skinner:

    My apologies for the error. I thank you for the explanation.

    The details of the article, are what is important.

    Perhaps, then, so as to inform the public that the father, Eric Ullrich, is also charged as part of the investigation.

    Perhaps you could post his photo, too, with the court documents.

    This would give the public a better picture of what is happening in and to the culture of McHenry County.

    I suffered a rape in 1986 in an apartment across the street from the old Marengo Community High School, where a college acquaintance of mine, with whom I had also attended high school, had asked me to drive her one night so that she could see an old girlfriend of hers who used to live in her neighborhood out by Riley School.

    When we got there, in the apartment there turned out to be more than just this former neighborhood girlfriend of hers.

    There were some older men, too, and a local woman named Stella Velasquez, who was one of several local Mexicans known to be very fond of getting drunk and smoking marijuana.

    They were all quite intoxicated. My own friend had not informed me that the reason why she had me drive her from NIU to Marengo, was not just she could visit with her old neighborhood girlfriend from Riley, but so that she could also drink some alcohol and smoke some weed, and otherwise partake in whatever else may have been there.

    I did not like this, and was most unhappy that I had not been informed of the entire purpose of the road trip.

    Unbeknownst to me, my old high school friend had become an alcoholic and party girl in another college she had attended, before she was obliged to drop out of due to her plummeting grades.

    So I sought to separate myself from the group by visiting the restroom, so that I could get away from the smoke, have some quiet for a few minutes, and consider how to handle the situation, and figure out how to leave, because it was definitely not a situation to my liking, being a very serious college physics student.

    Unfortunately, when I opened the door to exit the restroom, one of the intoxicated men was standing there in the hallway.

    When I tried to walk past him, he grabbed my upper arm and pulled me into a side bedroom, and I could not get away because he was a big guy weighing probably 160 pounds more than I did (at 100 lbs).

    The worst happened.

    The moral of the story is that Mexicans were distributing drugs in Marengo back in the 1980’s, and so probably even before that, back into the 1970’s, because those same Mexican families had been present in Marengo for awhile back, from what I ascertained.

    So this corruption of McHenry County culture by illicit drug trade coming up from Texas/Mexico, has been going on for a very long time.

    I have been warning people for four decades now that Mexican drug cartels would destroy McHenry County culture and whole families, if the drug trade were not stopped and the border tightly secured and policed, and that of it wasn’t accomplished quickly and thoroughly that the Midwest would eventually be overrun by Latin America, and America would fall.

    Few seemed to care about it, all that much, though.

    That is…not until the elderly grandmother in Marengo, Verna Corcoran, was brutally strangled in her home up by Tauck’s Woods, by an illegal alien from Mexico, in 2005.

    It shocked folks for awhile, but it seems like traumas and tragedies happen so frequently now that many have become numb, and feel little sense of urgency.

    I’m still not sure anybody really cares enough to get truly serious about it.

    It will eventually get so bad that the entire county will be engulfed in horrible traumas and tragedies like this most recent one, not just the more vulnerable, economicalky-challenged low-income communities.

    That is why the whole culture needs to be re-engineered: you will never be able to simply prosecute and jail your way out of this.

    Our leadership in Washington D.C. doesn’t seem to care.

  20. AI Dawn. Write a book. Make sure you use appropriate citation like the elitist ivy leaguers.

  21. I’m not going to stand for this Science Lady slandering my 80’s, dating and courtship rituals.

  22. Mellow Punk writes

    “tRump expressed his desire to suspend the Constitution.


    Isn’t that what Lincoln did with habeus corpus?

    What Wilson did arresting anti-WWI reporters and protestors?

    What FDR did in putting Japs and Siamese US citizens in concentration camps?

    What Bush Dubya did in invading Iraq, Afghanistan?

  23. Dearest Delta Dawn…..
    If you do not like McHenry County or ILLINOIS….leave.
    No one beside yourself is stopping you…all up to you. Do not blame anyone else.
    Crime and tragedies are EVERYWHERE…!!!!!

    Sorry that I didn’t finish reading your “book” that you posted on the BLOG 1/13/24 @ 1:25 pm. actually had more enjoyment reading the date and time instead of reading the whole context of what you posted.

    Now….there is something I have in mind.
    Not only directed to you, but whoever reads this…

    Before you go to bed,
    Give your troubles to……GOD
    He will be up all night anyway 🙏

  24. Thank you Mr. Skinner
    I do not believe DM Mueller or others understand.
    No post W/O proper B/U…
    Maybe I need to spell it out….they may not understand my abbreviations.
    It doesn’t take a rocket scientist….. or does it ?????

  25. Why is it that crime victims are supposed to leave the county, but not those who injure, abuse, neglect and ignore requests for assistance?

    It may very well be that one or more commenters on this blog who attempt to undermine an account of the rape of a woman by an intoxicated man in McHenry County, make light of it and her situation and tell the injured crime victim to leave the county and state,…

    …is himself, among those who injure, abuse, neglect and/or ignore requests for assistance, and whose attitudes are perpetuating the dysfunctional culture of McHenry County and Illinois?

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