
Mike Shorten Mails for GOP County Board District 4 Slot — 18 Comments

  1. Did anyone else get that robo-call against Gottemoller?

    Mother’s Against Porn?

  2. Perennial loser.

    Help me decide between the woman who is scared of 5G cell phone radiation and the restaurant guy.

  3. Batman proves his idiocy via his soyboy comments.

    Batman, being a libtard is never having to say you’re sorry.

    Pride Month is your thing.

  4. @Batman- Maybe you are right.

    Why vote for a candidate with a record and experience…

    Makes more sense to vote for Cook County transplants that have never voted in a Republican Primary in McHenry County.

    Watch me go down in flames!

    BTW… I’m Batman.

  5. The totally unprepared Shorten lead the failed 2015 township consolidation bs.

  6. Careful “Shorty,” I see your competition is spot on when offering your quote when asked about taxes in the Herald.

    “Given the current economic conditions, I don’t believe that decreasing the county portion of residents property taxes is a feasible possibility. I am committed to keeping taxes flat by continual review and maintenance of vital services and supporting process improvements to drive out costs.”

    This is from a candidate who subscribes that the current taxes in McHenry County are fine.

    Some 40th in the nation of thousands of counties.


    A man in his 50’s doing podcasts out of a bedroom disappointed he never got a radio gig.

    Can you say, Rhino?

  7. Can anybody answer this?

    Why is everything to blame for black behavior… except blacks?

  8. Why is there a photo of ‘Colonel Wilhelm Klink’?

  9. When the nob trashes somebody, like Shorten, the trashee must be good.

    Thanks nob!

  10. There was a 1995 movie named, “Get Shorty”, with John Travolta and Renee Russo.

  11. If you like a person who’s not prepared, vote for the dude.

    They did cancel your show too Eddie, speaks volumes.

  12. Hmm, after receiving several phone calls, I have been informed, Shorten is once again spreading lies.

    Can you say liable?

    I typically don’t respond here, however, on the trail and here in print, Shorten has suggested that Paul Barthel is from Cook County, and a “transplant from Cook County.”

    To be clear, I have been a resident of McHenry County for seven years, while prior, lived in Dupage County for seven years.

    Before that, in Will County for 12 years.

    How desperate is Shorten for a $20k year job that he is willing to risk liable defamation?

    Perhaps, Mr. Shorten, the perpetual candidate, can remind us where he was in 2021 and 2022, during the lockdowns, mandates, school board meetings, and outside the schools with the rest of the parents, demonstrators, and parent groups?

    D26, D47, D300, and even his hometown, D155.

    Was he on Route 14 during the summer of 2021 in the 90-degree heat standing up with the parents?

    How about the Pro-Life demonstration last month on Route 14?

    Hell, what about the school board meetings in 2021 with the parents?

    How do I know?

    I was there.

    All of them.

    Long before I decided on my candidacy.

    Let’s be clear, I am running out of frustration representing all those parents, residents, and their children that they have a voice.

    While I do pen about the fair and ethical treatment of animals, I also have experience operating a not-for-profit organization, business, and experience working with the Housing & Urban Development, DOT’s across several States, Healthy Homes, Bureau of Land Management, and risk assessment with RCRA and non-RCRA hazardous waste and heavy metals.

    I am on the board with LEHA, and also have aided in CBDG Funding for compromised homes built pre ’78.

    In addition, taxes are of major concern as mentioned on my platform.

    However, as quoted in the NorthWest Herald when asked about taxes in McHenry County, Mr. Shorten has reason to believe that our taxes are in line.

    This, despite on his political placard he claims to be a “fiscal conservative and tax fighter.”

    Quote, Mr. Shorten: “Given the current economic conditions, I don’t believe that decreasing the county portion of residents property taxes is a feasible possibility. I am committed to keeping taxes flat by continual review and maintenance of vital services and supporting process improvements to drive out costs.”

    “Continual Review.”?

    So, while, Mr. Shorten suggests that McHenry County taxes are in line during these unprecedented times, with the highest gas prices we have ever seen, food shortages, our 401k’s and pensions ripped by 30-40%, and families living paycheck to paycheck, I question when, if ever, Mr. Shorten will find our taxes oppressive?

    Perhaps, Mr. Shorten fails to understand the “fiscal conservative” stance he speaks of since McHenry County is always between 3-4 of all 102 counties in Illinois as the highest in taxation.

    Desperate is Mr. Shorten, that he has also resorted to slandering 60-something-year-old, challenger, Suzanne Delaney who I have met and have the utmost respect for her and her husband.

    In closing, I would suggest that Mr. Shorten proceed cautiously.

    Unlike Gubernatorial candidate, Dareen Bailey who allows the fake Republican, Irvine to repeatedly trash him with lies, Mr. Shorten could be held liable if he continues down this path in addition to other revelations made public.

    Vote wisely, as opposed to those ever-perpetual candidates who show up only months before June, time and again, spouting their non-sensical utopian proforma platforms that say nothing, other than key cliché phrases.

    This, all for a $20k year job.

    Oy Vey.

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